f*rting in the general direction of the enemy [at relativistic velocities] is a sound tactic . Mr Lucas is a film director and producer ; also has managed to stay as the small town person/businessman . He knows he doesn't know everything there is to know . So , after surprised by the success of his B-movie , meant just to make some bucks so that he could eventually have his own studio so that some exec could never cut his movie in any way again , he feared he would be ridiculed by the likes of Sagan or Asimov . Once again , the Space 1999 experience , the kind of explosion that would propel THE Moon out of orbit most likely break it into fine dust and whole other issues , he had his fake physics , boldly printed on the cover with Star Wars fonts and whatnot . The Holdo Maneouvre is banned in the Star Wars universe like since 1980 or thereabouts . There has been no need to brandish that , considering Star Wars foolishness was not even Weed , when it came evil Reaganites were out to get rid of . Yes , some political thing about why Team Abrams was not told about it , but hey , they would try to ignore it , too .