This is the Iota-Gamma of the Altered Maps series of threads (13nth for commoners). 
Links to past threads:
Altered Maps (the original!)
Altered Maps 2: Uber-Yugoslavia FTW
Altered Maps 3: The rise of the Basque Empire!
Altered Maps 4: Partitioning Eastern Europe Like In The Good Old Days
Altered Maps V: The Molotov-Threadentropp Pact
Altered Maps VI: Xorda Gene Bombs.. going from Earth to Mobius
Altered Maps VII: Making the World a Better Place
Altered Maps VIII: World borders just got garbage-dayed
Altered Maps IX:: Playing Musical Chairs with the Landmasses
Altered Maps X:Ten Time's a Altered Map
Altered maps XI: Towards a New Decade!
Altered Maps XII: Not to Scale
And a new map, of course

Links to past threads:
Altered Maps (the original!)
Altered Maps 2: Uber-Yugoslavia FTW
Altered Maps 3: The rise of the Basque Empire!
Altered Maps 4: Partitioning Eastern Europe Like In The Good Old Days
Altered Maps V: The Molotov-Threadentropp Pact
Altered Maps VI: Xorda Gene Bombs.. going from Earth to Mobius
Altered Maps VII: Making the World a Better Place
Altered Maps VIII: World borders just got garbage-dayed
Altered Maps IX:: Playing Musical Chairs with the Landmasses
Altered Maps X:Ten Time's a Altered Map
Altered maps XI: Towards a New Decade!
Altered Maps XII: Not to Scale
And a new map, of course