The folly of Man
Map of an alternate version of my home county, 180x156.
This is for a scenario I've had in the works for millenia, since the days of BICs and Pimp units. I am not a fast worker.
Things to note for this map:
This is for a scenario I've had in the works for millenia, since the days of BICs and Pimp units. I am not a fast worker.
Things to note for this map:
- It has no resources placed, so you will have to add them before playing. This is because the scenario I intend this for has unique resources outside the base Civ3 ones.
- The map assumes man has been gone for thousands of years, and is just now returning. The climate is warmer, wetter, more lush. Forests blanket the land, except barren strips which were once our highway system. While not toxic, these Old Highways can only grow a minimal amount of food, and even then only with copious amounts of water. Rivers may have wandered a bit compared to now as a result.
- Starting Locations and Barbarian Camps accurately reflect communities on the map.
- There are bordering bits of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, and San Diego counties as well.
- The map is also designed with the idea that all forests, wetlands, mountains are impassible to wheeled units, and all units except scouts and workers are wheeled at the start of the game, with unwheeled Hard Settlers making a mid-game arrival.
- I didn't bother fleshing out the Ocean\Sea\Coasts, as there is just a single coastline. If anyone would like me to flesh that out I can do that in less than an hour.
- Due to the preplaced barbarian camps, this is one of those games that actually speeds up as it progresses, until about mid-game anyway. I've yet to have a turn that took longer than 10 seconds on it.