Am I missing something? No paratrooper cool parachuting graphic??

First time I use them, they appeared to RUN to their destination... I expected a cool parachute drop! Dagnabbit! :cry:

I get the parachute animation every time I use them. Do you have some of the effects/animations turned off?
quickmoves I think will remove the animation.

When I first installed BTS and loaded a game I was suprised to see Great People perform animations when you use them. I had no idea the Great Engineer was so cool!
Ive never seen any kind of "dropping" animations either. I have all graphics running, rivers flowing, workshops smoking, workers raking, scratching their butts, etc.......

When I paradrop, they just appear there with a "running" animation. When I first started I did NOT have quick moves on, but after game 2 (Im on #3 now) I turned the quick moves on, and turned off show friendly moves. Maybe that makes a difference?

I honestly never paid any mind, but if you guys are getting chute animations then by golly its only fair that I get to enjoy them as well <wink>!

I'll try diddling with the general options and see about figuring this out.

Edit- even with quick moves on- I still see the great people stuff and planes flying recon, etc....
there's a really cute animation. i don't think my paratroopers will ever get a fortify bonus, i keep 'em jumping just to make myself giggle. hubby watched me once and said i was a bit overboard, that they might want a rest and consider it cruel oppression or something. so now every so often i drop them into the city with globe theatre. that way they're guaranteed to be happy about it! hubby thinks i need to call paratroopers and privateers anonymous, pshaw.

are you sure you're zoomed out enough to see it? it starts fairly high in the sky, so you'd miss it if you're looking really close at the city.

this shows how high up they start. they've actually started dropping by the time i hit print screen. don't open the box if you want it to see it for the first time on your own screen once you sort out whatever's going on.
Spoiler :

you can totally they're having fun! they love their job!

ps i just realized how weird that looks ... my city has 24 population but no library yet. they had other priorities, and a lot of sushi! :crazyeye:
I messed with it now since Ive posted and there is nothing. I'll zoom up like your illustration and try again here in a sec.

Man those things rock, I dropped nine of them in a stack and murdered hoards of workers took two cities and held them. I built them in the Red cross city, so every third one I gave medic2 (knowing they will spend much time behind the line- with little to no backup and no pick-up at all)

Now Im trying to hook a travel line through with a marine assault on a coastal city... they got problems though. My spy has shown me they have like 30 cavalry in that city, mixed with rifle and other out-dated types...

Looks like God hates the airborne, cause they have to dig in and wait for now.

Oh yea, I should mention that Im using the newest patch (303?) and am running Solvers patch on top of it. Maybe that is the problem? Im too lazy to uninstall and everything when there is a new patch coming shortly... also now that I have the Civ4BTS reference booklet from here, I dont need to use the civopede.
i use solver's patch but i stuck with patch 3.02, i heard that 3.03 caused some graphics bugs. i don't know whether paratroopers were one of those things or not. good luck!

ps you're not supposed to murder workers, you're supposed to capture them and make them slaves :crazyeye:
OK I re-tried and nothing so it must be a graphics glitch from the patch 303. Maybe Sunday afternoon I'll spend that tedious 30 minutes of un-installation and patch to 302..

Ahhhhh, don't feel bad about dropping them around the map during peace. When I was drawing jump pay from the army, I had to jump a minimum of once a month. My turns on epic speed are six months long, so they actually have it pretty good. lol
hahahahaha! i'm definitely showing your post to hubby, thanks for the backup ;)
there's a new patch (3.13) coming soon, latest word from alexman is that it will be released Monday or Tuesday. i don't see a fix for this animation specifically on that list, but it's a long list and all i did was search for "paratrooper" and "animation", it may be covered in one of the many other things listed.

in any case, i'd not go through the hassle of un-patching/re-patching with a new patch coming so soon (we hope).
How can I roll back to that version? Anywhere I can download that patch? grrr... this sucks.
I just uninstalled BTS and reinstalled it. You can get the 3.02 patch on just about any file hosting site, or you can google "Beyond the Sword 3.02 patch." (Without the quotes.)

Also, you'll be happy to hear that your 3.03 save games work fine in 3.02.
a new patch is coming out hm? Ok. Darn it all, and I just updated my mod to work with BtS, but now will have to go back over it all for the latest patch.

I seriously hope it fixed the graphics bugs- those types of things annoy me no end- even though I know it doesn't affect gameplay and is jsut a symptom of me being anal...
I use 3.03 and Solver's patch, and I do see the paratroopers drop every time.

Well thats fairly confusing....
You DO see them???

I got nothing here. All I can think of is that Im running Civscale and BlueMarble3. Maybe one of those is obliterating the graphic.

Hey OP are you running any of those two graphic packs?
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