amateur Plays Civ 5: VP

Added new yields: Heresy, Corruption and Crime. These will play a bigger role in decision-making as they become better integrated into the mod.

I have decided to do one of these every 2 or 3 weeks since I don't have things to showcase every week (especially if I'm doing UI stuff :( ) and my version changes too much to play for longer than a single session. Got Loyalty implemented but not going to showcase it here. Still need some tweaking and optimizing though.

Just an update on the development of the mod. The mod isn't dead but progress is painfully slow due to UI and Lua stuff. The next patch won't be out for awhile.

After a lengthy break, I'm going to get back into modding.

Learning from my past mistakes, I'm going to approach my mod in a different way. Just going to do weekly videos as I share new updates of the mod and various components to it.

First gameplay video for the Yields Reduction Mod.

Second gameplay video for the Yields Reduction Mod.

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