America speaks out.


Aug 10, 2009
Polls: Majority in US against mosque
Jerusalem Post ^ | 8-19-10

Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2010 7:22:15 AM by SJackson

'Time': 24% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim

According to a new Time magazine poll published Thursday, 61 percent of Americans are opposed to the construction of an Islamic community center and mosque near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan. Only 26% of respondents came out in support of the building project, with more than 70% agreeing that proceeding with the plan would be an insult to the memories of 9/11 victims and their families.

Interestingly, 24% of those polled also believed that US President Barack Obama is a Muslim, while only 47% acknowledge that he is a Christian.

Obama came out in support of the developer's constitutional right to build a mosque on the site.

It appears that the local residents of the proposed mosque near Ground Zero aren't happy with the decision to build there as well.

A Sienna College poll cited by the Associated Press on Thursday found that 63% of registered New York voters were opposed to the Cordoba House project, with only 27% supporting it.

Sixty-four percent of New York registered voters agreed that the site developers have a constitutional right to build a mosque on the site, with half of those, nevertheless, still opposed to the building project.

Twenty-eight percent of those surveyed rejected altogether the notion that the developers have a constitutionally protected right to build an Islamic community center near on the proposed site.

The poll's results are consistent with a CNN/Opinion Research poll last week that found that 70% Americans were opposed to the planned project, while 29% support it.

My colleagues and I find this very interesting. Discuss
  • 28% of Americans are ignorant of the Constitution
  • 24% are so amazingly stupid that they think Obama is a Muslim
  • And 70% simply hate freedom.

Not that it matters. It cannot be stopped within the laws of the United States.
Simple, it the media. Specifically Fox Entertainment Channel (well they call themselves news...the liars).

Ever since the mid/late 90's the Repubs have been hijacked by the White Christian Wealthy and in my opinion are no longer the conservative party. As far as I am concerned there is no secular conservative party anymore in the US (Though the Dems are headed that way, which will leave us with no Liberal party...craptastic).

Essentially that 24% (And I would love to see where and how the poll was conducted cause it is easy to skew statistics) I am willing to bet are hardcore Repubs.

So did the remainder who didn't choose Islamic or Christian think he was athiest/agnostic? Cause he might be I don't know his personal beliefs.

  • And 70% simply hate freedom.

Not that it matters. It cannot be stopped within the laws of the United States.

Did those people think it would be an insult but they have the right to build anyway, or do they think they should be banned by force of law. That is a massive distinction between disliking the proposed mosque/community center and hate freedom
Any time someone does a survey of Americans I'm always suspicious that the only people they polled were the audience at a WWE match. 45% can't find Iraq on a map. Only 60% know the earth revolves around the sun (I'm making up these numbers cause I can't remember but it was pretty bad).
Since when does the opinion of a small majority matter with regards to the Constitution? The constitution says there is freedom of religion. There aren't any subheadings about offensivness. In addition, how would Park51 be stopped? By a government law? That violated the 1st Ammendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
So basicaly all the politicians who say they want to stop the 'mosque at Ground Zero' are just using it as a political tool which flies in the face of the constitution.

Remember the George Carlin quote:
Think about how dumb the average American is. Then realize, half of America is dumber than that.
I don't care about the majority's opinion on things that are unquestionably constitutional rights.
Twenty-eight percent of those surveyed rejected altogether the notion that the developers have a constitutionally protected right to build an Islamic community center near on the proposed site.
Twenty-eight percent of New Yorkers are either idiots or fascists.
In upstate New York, I would believe it.
Of course, right across the river they get Guidos and New Yorks garbage pile, so some of it might bleed over.
Inspired by madvikings post:
Lenin said:
A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
I had a short conversation with a woman who was against the mosque/community center at a bbq recently. She was confusing the terms Arab, Palestinian, and Muslim as exactly the same. I tried to explain the difference between the words but she just got really confused :confused:. I just gave up after that. There really are an awful lot of stupid people around here.
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