Isnt privacy a fundamental right in the US? Having to pay a plus to some foreign VPN provider to keep your fundamental rights as an american citizen is beyond Orwell's imagination.
It is and should be, which is why this thing was snuck through with barely a whisper under the cover of Gorsuch's hearings, the AHCA, the collusion investigation and the uproar over Trump's bathorsehockey tweets about the Obama "tapp".Isnt privacy a fundamental right in the US? Having to pay a plus to some foreign VPN provider to keep your fundamental rights as an american citizen is beyond Orwell's imagination.
I think they keep at least 30 days for billing purposes and TOS violations. Some disallow torrenting and the like.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) argued today that the privacy rules "hurt job creators and stifle economic growth." Cornyn also said the FCC's privacy rulemaking involves the "government picking winners and losers," and was among the "harmful rules and regulations put forward by the Obama administration at the last moment."
it can dictate terms to sites re content
control search results.
Could you explain this a little more?
The US Senate today voted to eliminate broadband privacy rules that would have required ISPs to get consumers' explicit consent before selling or sharing Web browsing data and other private information with advertisers and other companies.
Correct, I am a diehard Seahawk fan.Sorry for this off-topic reply but I noticed the Russel Wilson avatar. Seahawk fan? I am a Tacoma native here.
Google can't do that.
Yes, advertisers are able to choose where they want to display their ads.
No. I'm saying the same thing applies to any advertiser.