[RD] American lawmakers/senators voting to take internet privacy away.

Isnt privacy a fundamental right in the US? Having to pay a plus to some foreign VPN provider to keep your fundamental rights as an american citizen is beyond Orwell's imagination.
Isnt privacy a fundamental right in the US? Having to pay a plus to some foreign VPN provider to keep your fundamental rights as an american citizen is beyond Orwell's imagination.
It is and should be, which is why this thing was snuck through with barely a whisper under the cover of Gorsuch's hearings, the AHCA, the collusion investigation and the uproar over Trump's bathorsehockey tweets about the Obama "tapp".
And if you press the republicans about it they will probably respond with Obama wiretap, democrats sank our healthcare bill, democrats blocking our judge, Obama this, democrat that and then start chanting USA! USA! USA!
I think what enrages me most about this is they're going to make huge amounts or money off this and consumer won't see any of it. We will still pay out the ass for fast internet and they doubly profit off us now.
each time I hear the GOP is rolling back an Obama regulation, its something Obama did on his way out... Why did Obama wait 8 years to protect our data? Why did he wait 8 years to tell big coal they shouldn't be dumping in streams?

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) argued today that the privacy rules "hurt job creators and stifle economic growth." Cornyn also said the FCC's privacy rulemaking involves the "government picking winners and losers," and was among the "harmful rules and regulations put forward by the Obama administration at the last moment."

Why not make it legal for business to send investigators into our homes to survey what we buy? I hate the 2 parties...
Give it time and they'll be arguing that companies should be able to use smart devices to moniter users at all times and broadcast commercials 24/7 and any attempts to interfere with it should be illegal. Privacy is for commies/terrorists.
Terrible, of course. Instead there should be legislation to take monitoring powers (or split the monopoly) from major sites (google, fb etc).
Google, in particular, has become dangerous. No one voted it into power, so it is pretty messed up that it can dictate terms to sites re content, and control search results.
Could you explain this a little more?

My guess would be by "abuse" he means people using the internet to conduct illegal activities. For example: if someone is using the internet to distribute child pornography, then their ISP should have stored enough information about that person and their internet activities to allow the authorities to track them down and stop them.
Google can't do that.

Sure they can by threatening to deny sites access to AdSense or AdWords, which many sites rely on as their main revenue stream. Hell, it even happened here on CFC. We had to stop doing the Babe/Hunk threads because of a fear that Google would no longer allow CFC to run Google ads if those threads continued.

Link to the relevant thread in case you think I'm making this up or misremembering the situation: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/babe-hunk-and-similar-threads.547200/

Sure sounds like Google dictating terms to sites in order to control their content to me.
No. I'm saying the same thing applies to any advertiser.

Sure, but there are few advertisers out there who wield the power that Google does.

And for the record, we aren't just talking about Google not displaying their own ads, we are talking about them denying access to the programs that allow sites to run ads from any advertiser that uses Google for their web-based advertising (which is pretty much all of them). So in essence, Google has the power to say "you put up content we don't like and we will kill your site's revenue stream."

I'm not making a value judgement on whether or not that's a good thing, I'm just pointing out the fact that the statement that Google is unable to control what content sites put out is false. Sure, sites can do whatever they want in theory, but with Google being as powerful as they are, any site that doesn't play by their rules has almost no chance of being successful because Google won't let them run ads and will bury their site in the search results.
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