[BTS] American Pacific Northwest Native Unitpack


Arbiter of the Sword
Dec 21, 2003
New England, USA

First Row: Archer, Warrior, Axeman, Swordsman, Spearman
Second Row: Longbowman, Haida Armored Warrior, Maceman, Heavy Swordsman, Pikeman
Third Row: Horseman, Cavalier, Knight, Musketman, Slinger
Fourth Row: Galley, Trireme, Medieval War Galley, Galleas, Galleon
Fifth Row: War Galleon, Frigate, SOTL, Caravel

The RAR file containing the units is at the bottom of this post.

So long story short I've been holding onto these units for awile and I thought I'd share my work with a complete and organized pack. The Pacific Northwest culture goes from British Columbia in the North to California in the south. They are known for the line art, totem poles(Which were a Pacific Northwest thing. NOT a "Native American" thing). and raiding.

FYI Credit goes to Donalpanko and Spillnstains for the Haida Warrior and Musketman respectively.

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