American Religious Nutcases Responsible For Homosexuals Being Executed?

Being someone who deals with the concept of foreign aid, and international policy, from a theoretical standpoint regularly, I'm surprised you'd take this position. I think that for the most part we tend to recognize that the lion's share of foreign aid is not tossed around for purposes of feeling better about what we're doing with our money, and is instead rationed judiciously as is necessary for our own national interests.

EDIT: And of course, arguably more-so than we can ever know.

This statement I will agree with. Giving foreign aid so the photographers can take pictures of us doing so is probably one reason I would keep some programs in place.
Neither. Homosexuals deserve to drop dead on the spot and go to Hell just like every other person on the planet. We are ALL sinners, and our life continuing to exist is God's mercy.

That said, homosexuals should not be executed, and Dreadnaught never suggested such.
So everyone is just a dunghill covered in snow?
Governments must judge other governments, that is the basis for any foreign policy! It's their obligation to judge!

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm all for respecting the sovereignty of other states. That means not attacking them. It doesn't mean having to help them.

Plus, useless mentioned that there are, apparently, already groups within the US working to influence the ugandan government on this issue. If you are against any and all influencing of foreign nations, shouldn't the US government then have an obligation to crack down on those evangelical groups who are trying to influence Uganda, and forcefully prevent their meddling there?

There's two (maybe more, I don't know) reasons to engage in diplomatic relations: because the other nation can provide something that falls within your interests, or for ideological reasons. Now, for the first option, you merely need to judge their actions in their foreign policy relative to you. For the second, you need to judge their domestic actions.

As for the US citizens in Uganda, if the Ugandan government voices their dissatisfaction with the US individuals relative to their actions or influences on Ugandan society, then the US should act to relieve them of their ability to operate in Uganda, provided there is a real reason to do so.
Umm, heck yes there should be a Court. Normally I don't care for international courts, but I'd approve of punishing the Ugandan government for its persecution.


General comments:

I'm glad they think they're so hot I will automatically be attracted to them. :rolleyes:

I am glad that even if the USA isn't exactly pro-gay, it still stands on the side of homosexuals' right to live.


Oh, I see that this was bumped. I'll add my thoughts on this too:

I don't care if the preachers didn't explicitly endorse execution. They're making people fear homosexuals even more, in turn causing more to rally behind an extermination campaign. They are just as guilty as if they were endorsing the democide.
On one hand, I don't think the people of Uganda should starve because of their government. I don't think anyone should starve, so I wouldn't remove funding, on the other hand the Ugandan government is being evil and obviously they need to be stopped, but I don't really know the best course of action. I do know we shouldn't let their children starve, otherwise we're not better than the people who really do want to execute minorities.

I don't like free speech. I would jail those evangelicals or fine them or something for spreading hate.
On one hand, I don't think the people of Uganda should starve because of their government. I don't think anyone should starve, so I wouldn't remove funding, on the other hand the Ugandan government is being evil and obviously they need to be stopped, but I don't really know the best course of action. I do know we shouldn't let their children starve, otherwise we're not better than the people who really do want to execute minorities.

Oh, it's easy. We can give humanitarian aid, but all finances they have abroad are frozen. No goods will be bought from Uganda. No goods will be sent into Uganda that don't further the purposes of food, shelter, medicine, etc.

The gov't will want their precious foreign assets back and cooperate. The people will hopefully wise up to the fact this is all because of the government and its fearmongering and demand it back down.
Is a thumbs up smiley really appropriate, given that Uganda essentially wanted to execute and kill homosexuals?

I was thumbing up Celtic, not Uganda.

Yeah, executing people because they are gay, is the same as executing criminals or animals.

I can't believe people here will defend this.

For once in a blue moon I agree with you:)

The only thing that comes even close is banning contraceptives, as both of those things are both wrong and ultraconservative. That said, EXECUTING people who don't warrant execution are still worse.

And you're 15, correct? I'm starting to rethink my stance on religious indoctrination. That was a horrifying thing to read.

16. And what was your "Stance on religious indoctrination?"

That said, I don't believe because of my parents. I believe because I do.

So everyone is just a dunghill covered in snow?

People are sinful and deserve damnation. You and I both know that.

I don't like free speech. I would jail those evangelicals or fine them or something for spreading hate.

People who "Don't like free speech" should not live in countries which have free speech.
Uganda receives $470M in US foreign aid each year, or $20.43 per person. I really don't think that alleviates much starvation.
Uganda receives $470M in US foreign aid each year, or $20.43 per person. I really don't think that alleviates much starvation.

I think you are very wrong. An AMERICAN once lived with a food budget for a month of $31 simply because he was challenged to do so. And he was well fed off that 31 dollars. In Africa, where stuff is cheaper, I definitely believe 20.43 could make a difference.
You're assuming that all of that money even goes to the people who need it...
Only Christian Ugandans aren't starving for the most part. But the people who are being oppressed by them are, and I bet they don't see a dime of this money. Like most African countries in that region, it is divided by religion to a great extent. The Muslims live in the northern regions and the Christians live in the southern region:

UGANDA: Starvation risk to 1m in northeast

Karamoja, along Uganda's borders with Sudan and Kenya, is a chronically food-insecure region that has suffered three consecutive years of drought. With an estimated population of just over 1.1 million people, most Karamojong subsist on agro-pastoral or purely pastoral livelihoods.
So 5% of their population is being mistreated by their own government while the rest live in relative comfort.

Here is the capitol:

Oh, it's easy. We can give humanitarian aid, but all finances they have abroad are frozen. No goods will be bought from Uganda. No goods will be sent into Uganda that don't further the purposes of food, shelter, medicine, etc.

The gov't will want their precious foreign assets back and cooperate. The people will hopefully wise up to the fact this is all because of the government and its fearmongering and demand it back down.

Hopefully, but these are people who want to kill gay people. I'm sure they're not too smart, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were hard-headed enough to think their war on morality is more important than their economy. I think you're right in your suggested approach, but it is a shame that the Ugandan economy has to suffer. They're already poor enough.

People who "Don't like free speech" should not live in countries which have free speech.

Well, of course, we can't agree with everything our government does. Of course I wish America had hate speech laws, but I can't expect my country to conform exactly to my views, I can only do my part to try to shape my country according to my views.
Hopefully, but these are people who want to kill gay people. I'm sure they're not too smart, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were hard-headed enough to think their war on morality is more important than their economy. I think you're right in your suggested approach, but it is a shame that the Ugandan economy has to suffer. They're already poor enough.

The good news is poverty-stricken nations can't really get much worse, for the people on the bottom.

For the people at the top, who hoard money and often are kleptocrats, they have a LOT to lose in situations like this. They strike a delicate balance between enriching themselves and not angering the population so much they rise up.
I doubt they are responsible, but they certainly influenced it.
Around 85% of Ugandan's are Christian, according to a 2002 survey...

Most being Catholic.

I'm as free to use any definition of the term that I want as others in this thread are when they use terms like "free speech" or "hate speech".

Therefore, I declare that there are no Christians in Uganda. Possibly no humans.
I'm as free to use any definition of the term that I want as others in this thread are when they use terms like "free speech" or "hate speech".

Therefore, I declare that there are no Christians in Uganda. Possibly no humans.

Uh, right? Not sure why, but sure.
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