Amusing/Interesting City Placements You've Done?


Apr 28, 2008
What's the most interesting/amusing place you've ever put a city?

I just set my personal record today, I think:


  • Civ4ScreenShot0001.JPG
    259.2 KB · Views: 556
You already have gold, fish, and clams, you have open borders with SB, no problems with trade access to Hannibal and SB, probably no special need to catch a case of Hinduism (assuming the placement would help)... OK, I give up. :)
This city was just too perfect and awesome to pass up. :lol:

Plus I needed them crabs...

A couple of screenshots from a recent game of mine. I was trying out a peaceful game for a change, so I had to get a little creative on city locations...

Ice Cities 1.JPG

Ice Cities 2.JPG

You can get some really silly situations on cold maps.
Dropping the second religion in there was a nice touch.

Well some crazy foreign taoist religion autospread there so I sent it the one true faith. I don't exactly have a shortage of hammers in that particular game. ;) Judaism is my Apostolic Palace/Spiral Minaret/Sistine Chapel religion so I'll want to plop a temple in there.
Well... peaceful by my standards anyway. ;) I was bored of games where I just rushed one AI after another, so I set myself the rules that I'd never declare war on an AI or take/burn an AI city by force. Barbs didn't count.

Didn't stop the AIs declaring war on me of course (very regularly for much of the game due to my low power rating), so I did need to defend what I had got through colonization and culture. The wars kind of stopped after I built a load of nukes, though I never used them. Wasn't like the ice cities had much better to build. Guess MAD can work in Civ. :nuke:
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