I wanted to try to make a WWIII nes here at CFC. I already tried this once at apolyton and it did not work out so well. BUt I have some new ideas and I think since CFC is a lot better for NES, I think it will be much better this time arround.
here is the back round info:
What I am plaining on doing is setting the start of this instead of at the start of the war, a week after the terrorist blow up the refinery. That way I think it will be much better. I am also planing on using the same rules and format as the World War II : revived NES that Jason the King started just not too long ago.
The major powers would be the following:
United States
Soviet Union
and other nations can be put in to allow for more players.
I just wanted some more ideas on how to make sure that this is a fun NES.
here is the back round info:
Note: THis NES is based on the book Red Strom Rising by Tom Clancy
The year is 1987. Terrorist have blown up a major Oil Refinery and the well next to it that supplied almost half of the Soviet Union's gas, and jet fuel. THe leadership of the Soviet Union is now dire straits to get a new source of oil for the economy of the Soviet Union to avoid total ruin. THey look to the oil rich Middle East as an answer to their problems, but first they must cripple NATO.
After 4 months of training and plaining the Soviet Union attacks West Germany. THe plan involves catching NATO off Guard and closing off the Northern Altanic to keep reinfocements and supplies to come in by sea and making it look like the West Germans tried to kill the leadership of the Soviet Union in order to try to reunite all of Germany and thus making some NATO countries and rest of the world from getting involved.
Ameircan intelligence catches wind that the Soviets are planing a massive attack on West Germany and millitary is placed on high alert and reinforcements sent to West Germany.
THe war start off with both sides gain major victories over the other. First the United States Airforce with their protype stealth fighters, the F-19(have enough for one fighter wing) attacked Soviet airbrone radar planes give NATO alliance a major advantage over air in Europe. Following the destruction of Soviet airbrone radar almost all major bridges in East Germany being used to move Soviet Armor and supplies are taken out along with the replacement bridges that were near them. Thus slowing down the Soviet advance into West Germany.
THe Soviets on the other hand gain a major victory too. In a operation called Polar Glory the Soviets were able to land a brigade of paratroopers with their equipment onto Iceland and attack the airfields with bombers before the United States hand a chance to reinfoce the island with Marines. THis also took out the Greeland to Iceland to Enland sonar net, allowing Soviet Subs free passage into through and being able to attack resupply convoys to Europe.
What I am plaining on doing is setting the start of this instead of at the start of the war, a week after the terrorist blow up the refinery. That way I think it will be much better. I am also planing on using the same rules and format as the World War II : revived NES that Jason the King started just not too long ago.
The major powers would be the following:
United States
Soviet Union
and other nations can be put in to allow for more players.
I just wanted some more ideas on how to make sure that this is a fun NES.