Ancient Mediterranean (Huge)


Silvan elf´s watchin´ u!!
Apr 1, 2003
Bilbao (Spain)
Well here it comes a really huge map of the mediterranean and surroundin areas. It is planned to be played with Rhye´s graphic modpack The map is really huge and it would be nice if someone would make a modpack with this map (I´ll be very pleased to be inside).
A new terrain (sand desert) and many resources have been added.
The map has resources historically added, but it must be played to see if they are enough.
This is a map not a modpack so many things should be improved.


  • Map.JPG
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Judging from the disappointingly tiny preview, I'd say this map looks awesome!!! I'm particularly glad Persia is in there...
More Screenshots, hope it makes you happier :cool:


  • Central Mediterranean.JPG
    Central Mediterranean.JPG
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  • East Persia to Indo.JPG
    East Persia to Indo.JPG
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  • Iberian Peninsula.JPG
    Iberian Peninsula.JPG
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  • Mesopotamia & Persia.JPG
    Mesopotamia & Persia.JPG
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  • Near East.JPG
    Near East.JPG
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Probably the greatest map of the ancient med :)

Did you ask permission for using the part of it which has Greece, Turkey and Italy? (since that was an older map)
Are the straits of Gibraltar navigable by sea? It doesn't look like the Dardenelles or the Bosophorus are navigable either. :(
varwnos said:
Probably the greatest map of the ancient med :)

Did you ask permission for using the part of it which has Greece, Turkey and Italy? (since that was an older map)
In my readme file I wrote that a part of the map, as you say, was made as a CivII map but I don´t know the author´s name. If someone is the author I don´t have any problem in putting his/her name in the file.
Mithadan said:
Are the straits of Gibraltar navigable by sea? It doesn't look like the Dardenelles or the Bosophorus are navigable either. :(
The straits of Gibraltar and the Dardenelles are navigable. Unfortunately, the Bosphorus not. Because of its shape is really complicated to make it navigable and realistically accurate, so I finally prefered the last option.
It's okay if the Bosophorus isn't navigable, because one can always build Constantinople right there and then sail ships through, I guess.
It looks like real good work..
Based on the thumbnails, it looks like a great map, and I will need to look at it in more depth tonight. Would you have any objection to me checking it against some maps I have of ancient resources, and maybe making additions if necessary. I very much like the addition of camels to the game, as those were so heavily used in earlier times. Have you worked up any stats for them? Such as treating desert terrain as road, to give them a big advantage over horses in desert travel. Come to think of it, horses have a problem in desert travel due to their water requirements. Have to check Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence on that, and also look for desert track information.
Timerover51 at this moment i´m not working seriously in any modpack but I would gladly accept any idea or addition on my map. Don´want to be so proud but I don´t think any addition would be necesary, anyway do what you wat but please send me a copy!!!
Every resource has its stats and its function (bonus, strategic or luxury)
Thanks to all for the wellcoming!!!!
This map is very interesting ´cause you can make very interesting scearios:
Punic Wars
Alexander the Great
Rome vs Parthia
Ptolemean vs Seleucian vs Macedonian vs Bactrian....
Greek and Phoenician Colonization....
Here are a couple of ideas for the map and scenario options to play with.

First, at the time of Carthage's peak, there existed in North Africa a subspecies of the African forest elephant that was later exterminated by the Romans for use in the Roman games. You might want to include some ivory in there accordingly. Also, there was a good size silver mine close to Athens and a big gold mine in Macedonia. These played a major factor in the rise of Athens and Macedonia. You might want to plug these in as well. I will keep posting comments to you as I look more at the map. You did a good job, and keep working at the maps.

Second, I do not think that you modified the requirements and users for War Elephants. If you did not, then my recommendations would be have a requirement for ivory as a resource, and make them available with Horseback Riding. This would definitely motivate potential empire builders to head for India and if ivory in North Africa, then North Africa as well.
timerover51 first Ill say again this is not a modpack so I don´t have any intention (at least at this momment) of making one. Anyway thanks.
And for the resources situation.... THANK YOU A LOT!!!! You don´t know how hard is to find that kind of info!!
I´ll post another version of the map soon....
Keep on helping me!!!
I need more help... In this map there are 3 resources that I don´t know how substitute, I mean: I have coal, sugar and Tropical Fruit, do you imagine other resources to substitute them??
Aldaron said:
I need more help... In this map there are 3 resources that I don´t know how substitute, I mean: I have coal, sugar and Tropical Fruit, do you imagine other resources to substitute them??

Okay....why is it not working for me? :mad: Where do I install it? I just shoved everything into the CivIII/PTW/Scenarios folder. :confused:
turnip said:
Okay....why is it not working for me? :mad: Where do I install it? I just shoved everything into the CivIII/PTW/Scenarios folder. :confused:

Turnip, I have the same problem on two of my three computers that run Civ3Complete. The problem is that it is a REALLY BIG map, and puts a load on the video card and memory of your computer. It will not run, except super, super slow on my IBook, 32 meg video card and 512 megs RAM, or my son's Dell laptop, 64 meg video card and 1 Gig of RAM, but runs fine on my Power Mac with 576 megs of RAM and a Radeon 9000 video card with 128 megs of memory. Based on this, I would say that the problem is your video card. How much memory does it have, and how much memory does your computer have? I have no problem opening it up in the Civ3Conquests editor, which puts a much lower load on the video card on either laptop, so that I know that the problem is not a bug in the map. It is a very good map, and I am going to continue to help Aldaron on the resources. One other thing that I need to work on is that I figure that the map scale is abouot 10 miles per hex, which means that aircraft ranges need to have some major adjustments, with the same for naval movement, and to a lesser degree with land movement. Let me know if this helps with respect to the problem.
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