Another Bush in 2012...?

Che Guava

The Juicy Revolutionary
Apr 19, 2005
Just a little something that's been on my mind...

This coming US presidential election has gotten more than a few people talking about political dynasties in Washington, seeing as we are leaving behind the second Bush President and may be seeing the second Clinton one.

Which got me thinking: is Jeb Bush every going to run for president? I know he said he wouldn't for 2008, but there have already been a few campaigns to get him to change his mind, and his older brother has already endorsed him, saying he would make a 'great president'.

So, if he were to run in the next presidential election, do you think he could win? Or is the Bush name forever tarnished in the eyes of the american public by Dubya?
Just a little something that's been on my mind...

This coming US presidential election has gotten more than a few people talking about political dynasties in Washington, seeing as we are leaving behind the second Bush President and may be seeing the second Clinton one.

Which got me thinking: is Jeb Bush every going to run for president? I know he said he wouldn't for 2008, but there have already been a few campaigns to get him to change his mind, and his older brother has already endorsed him, saying he would make a 'great president'.

So, if he were to run in the next presidential election, do you think he could win? Or is the Bush name forever tarnished in the eyes of the american public by Dubya?

I used to think that Hillary could not win based only on voters wanting to avoid the "dual monarchy" - I was apparently wrong about that. :(
Its the latest trend...

North Korea

Now America. Nepotism makes a comeback
Now America. Nepotism makes a comeback

Not really, becasue the odd thing is they are staggered, so you can't say the president chose his successor.

An interesting trend to say the least.
No, I don't think he will. Mitt Romney has discussed making Jeb his running mate (and Jeb appears to be much more qualified than George is/was), but I don't think that will actually happen. The Bush name is pretty radioactive right now, and I think as the next term starts, history will not be so kind to the Bush administration.

Republicans will remember that Jeb's brother is the reason they lost control of congress, lost the presidency, and screwed up a lot of things...I don't think they will be likely to climb aboard another Bush bandwagon.

We may see him in Washington though.
The Bush name is pretty radioactive right now, and I think as the next term starts, history will not be so kind to the Bush administration.

I think with time, and especially with Hillary (God save us) you will be quite suprised.
I think Jeb would have made a much better president than his bother. And actually I would rather have Jeb than most of the candidates running for president now (not like that is saying much though). I am probably biased as he was my governor for as far back as I can remember and things seemed to run pretty smoothly.

But by nature I would prefer competent presidential candidates not named Bush or Clinton.
I think Jeb would have made a much better president than his bother. And actually I would rather have Jeb than most of the candidates running for president now (not like that is saying much though). I am probably biased as he was my governor for as far back as I can remember and things seemed to run pretty smoothly.

But by nature I would prefer competent presidential candidates not named Bush or Clinton.

apart form the election 00. He was gov for that wasnt he?
apart form the election 00. He was gov for that wasnt he?

Not this again. Why do people keep insisting the 2000 election was stolen when Bush won both in both the initial count and the recounts?
didnt say that. I said it didnt go smoothly

Yes, shame on you Jeb Bush for being governor of a state that had a extremely close vote count that the two sides were destined to fight over. Shame on you Jeb for your butterfly ballot design and your failure to clean out the chad receptacles.
Yes, shame on you Jeb Bush for being governor of a state that had a extremely close vote count that the two sides were destined to fight over. Shame on you Jeb for your butterfly ballot design and your failure to clean out the chad receptacles.

come on man, it was the worst run election in the US ever... surely? I'm open to correctuion if someone can cite a worse example
come on man, it was the worst run election in the US ever... surely? I'm open to correctuion if someone can cite a worse example

The person is should be blamed, if anybody, is Harris, not Bush. Jeb Bush has very little to do with state elections.

Or blame SOCUS.
The person is should be blamed, if anybody, is Harris, not Bush. Jeb Bush has very little to do with state elections.

Or blame SOCUS.

True, Katherine Harris seems to have been at fault, probably moreso. but you cant say it went smoothly
come on man, it was the worst run election in the US ever... surely? I'm open to correctuion if someone can cite a worse example

...except those sorts of voting problems happen all the time in many states. I could cite many examples of voter disenfranchisement/overenfranchisement caused by willful acts and unintentional error. People only really notice when the vote is extremely close. A voting system with a .1% margin of error (i.e., 1 in a 1000 votes is not properly counted) is pretty darn good by any standard, but that sort of margin of error would produce a disputed result in a case like Florida 2000. Any action that Jeb would have taken after the dispute arose would have been a conflict of interest, and would have been fought over by the lawyers anyway.

Sorry, I dont see how Jeb bears any responsibility for Florida '00.
...except those sorts of voting problems happen all the time in many states. I could cite many examples of voter disenfranchisement/overenfranchisement caused by willful acts and unintentional error. People only really notice when the vote is extremely close. A voting system with a .1% margin of error (i.e., 1 in a 1000 votes is not properly counted) is pretty darn good by any standard, but that sort of margin of error would produce a disputed result in a case like Florida 2000. Any action that Jeb would have taken after the dispute arose would have been a conflict of interest, and would have been fought over by the lawyers anyway.

Sorry, I dont see how Jeb bears any responsibility for Florida '00.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Jeb has flaws. The 2000 election isn't it. Its a stretch to even say its fault. Either the person who does is being intentionally dishonest or lack a remedial understanding of how government and voting works.

But if you want to go after Jeb go after is abysmal handling of child protective services.
Just a little something that's been on my mind...

This coming US presidential election has gotten more than a few people talking about political dynasties in Washington, seeing as we are leaving behind the second Bush President and may be seeing the second Clinton one.

Which got me thinking: is Jeb Bush every going to run for president? I know he said he wouldn't for 2008, but there have already been a few campaigns to get him to change his mind, and his older brother has already endorsed him, saying he would make a 'great president'.

So, if he were to run in the next presidential election, do you think he could win? Or is the Bush name forever tarnished in the eyes of the american public by Dubya?
It's entirely possible. If he gets the Republican nomination, then the US voters have to choose between a Dumbo and an Ass, and the Dumbo can easily get elected if the Ass is bad enough.
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