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Answer an official survey for Civ VI

It is rightly done BECAUSE of that.

Those seemingly random combos are designed to:

1- Check for consistency (e.g. have rated an aspect the same way throughout the survey?);
2- Check every permutation, in part based on previous answers.

For generating unreliable meta-data it is great.
I tried to preference semi-annual updates with a price tag regardless of what content was offered. Monthly seems silly, and I'm not asking for stuff for free.

The new stuff v fix the old stuff is a dilemma, because often new stuff is needed to fix the old stuff properly. For example, there were limits to what FXS could do to rebalance units before reworking resources. Loyalty is likewise a more elegant way to deal with forward settling.

I hope we do get one more full expansion before moving to smaller updates / dlc. I'd really love something with Ideologies, more diplomacy and full on global conflicts. After that, smaller updates would be a delicious alcohol soaked chocolate injected cherry on top.

And hey, if my dollars help support FXS to make some other spin offs or new IP, that would be cool too.
Are you sure that Firaxis also meant that?

110% :)
No, now that you ask, of course not sure, but I still believe that making game more challenging would include, among more balanced AI buffs, at least some improvement of the AI or choosing such mechanisms which AI could at least seem to handle better.
@MrRadar @aenima
I merely pointed out that AI was not mentioned by Firaxis. Imho, that is just another proof that devs don't consider this area a priority, like at all.
A survey that has questions open to interpretation or "it says x but I understand y" - it will never produce valuable results. So, if there is no question about AI, then AI is not a subject of a survey.
I also mentioned AI in extra comments. But this happens on this forum (and others) on a regular basis. I was simply disappointed that Firaxis didn't make it an "official item" that could be voted for and even paid for.
Food for thought.
I disagree. I definitely think they include it in the other categories, especially challenge. It would be weird not to.

I'm sorry, but in a game that purportedly is based on historical civilizations, but with Immortal Leaders, immortal governors, virtually no revolts, civil wars, religious schisms, and droughts, volcanoes, and floods that somehow never cause the destruction or abandonment of any city anywhere, and 'barbarians' that never, never, never actually take or sack any city anywhere,
"weird" does not apply.

And the reason there were no specific questions about AI behavior is simple: they assumed no AI was taking the survey.
This one was a hard one for me, I'm not sure if the groupings was random, but each time balance fixes appeared, it seemed to be coupled with all the things I wanted LEAST, for instance:

Balance fixes + New multiplayer modes
Balance fixes + New scenarios

So I basically ended up skipping over that one every time, even though it's actually quite high on my list.

This is a standard format for this type of questionnaire. The options were definitely not random and the inclusion of an item with other sets of items yields, as someone indicated, a statistically valid overall analysis. It's amazing the amount of information that can be developed in surveys like this. Oftentimes you had to decide between something you really wanted, coupled with something else you could care less about, or a different combination of options you liked but not as much as the one coupled with one you didn't care about. Psychologists use this all the time to get valid answers that are better than can be obtained by a simple questionnaire. If you've ever taken any personality profile tests of this type, you were probably amazed at how accurately it was at really finding out what 'makes you tick.' this was an excellent way to determine what the majority of the fan base, at least those taking the survey, really want to see in future content/expansions/games as well as measuring the price resistance associated with various alternatives.
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Are you sure that Firaxis also meant that?

If you think about it, what else can "Challenge" mean apart from the AI in a game played against AI opponents. Sure you can make the game more challenging by giving perks to the AI and handicaps to the player but they've already said they've tried to avoid that approach with Civ VI so that only really leaves AI improvement to increase the challenge posed by the game.
My first reaction to this survey was "OK a new expansion, nice!" but as I got further into it, I started to doubt my initial reaction. It will be interesting to see what will happen.
My first reaction to this survey was "OK a new expansion, nice!" but as I got further into it, I started to doubt my initial reaction. It will be interesting to see what will happen.
Indeed - on the one hand, it bodes well that they are (apparently) planning some further DLC for Civ VI; on the other hand, if they are testing the waters for different kinds of DLC for Civ VI now, it doesn't necessarily bode well for a third expansion - at least not one any time soon, as if they were planning to release one next year it would be well under way by now.

To me there are two likely ways to read this:
1. They are definitely planning more DLC for Civ VI, but not a full expansion - they just want to see how the playerbase would react to different possible DLC packs, or
2. They are planning something more for Civ VI but are looking into possible DLC models for Civ VII - this would surprise me a little but I guess anything's possible.

Personally I hope I'm wrong and there is a third expansion but this is making me think they started developing one and decided that actually they don't have enough content to make one viable (maybe they're happy to add new leaders/Civs and so on but don't want to add more big game features like climate change?) and are now looking at ways of parcelling it up. Which would be a shame.
I do like that they are at least asking
My first reaction to this survey was "OK a new expansion, nice!" but as I got further into it, I started to doubt my initial reaction. It will be interesting to see what will happen.

Indeed - on the one hand, it bodes well that they are (apparently) planning some further DLC for Civ VI; on the other hand, if they are testing the waters for different kinds of DLC for Civ VI now, it doesn't necessarily bode well for a third expansion - at least not one any time soon, as if they were planning to release one next year it would be well under way by now.

To me there are two likely ways to read this:
1. They are definitely planning more DLC for Civ VI, but not a full expansion - they just want to see how the playerbase would react to different possible DLC packs, or
2. They are planning something more for Civ VI but are looking into possible DLC models for Civ VII - this would surprise me a little but I guess anything's possible.

Personally I hope I'm wrong and there is a third expansion but this is making me think they started developing one and decided that actually they don't have enough content to make one viable (maybe they're happy to add new leaders/Civs and so on but don't want to add more big game features like climate change?) and are now looking at ways of parcelling it up. Which would be a shame.

It’s really hard to say what they have planned.

I’d be amazed if they didn’t have enough content for a Third Expansion. But it might be that what they have doesn’t quite gel as a single expansion (eg no overarching theme or mechanics), and or they want to introduce new mechanics more slowly so they can take a more incremental approach to balance, and or they only have enough good content for one more expansion and would rather stretch it out, and or they just thing base game + 3 expansions is much too big a barrier for entry.

Personally, I really hope we get a Third Expansion. Ideologies, Diplomacy and Global Conflicts. I hope we then get more dlc after that, but I’d expect that dlc to be more flavour than new mechanics at that point.

But I’d be happy with smaller dlc etc., particularly if that meant it game FXS more scope to tweak and balance the game and improve the AI etc.

Either way, it’s all very promising.
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Should we ask Ed or Anton if either has vacationed to Lisbon, Vienna, Constantinople Istanbul, Baghdad, Addis Ababa, or the Yucatan recently?
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Should we ask Ed or Anton if either has vacationed to Lisbon, Vienna, Constantinople Istanbul, or the Yucatan recently?
You forgot Florence, Axum, Hanoi, and Tségháhoodzání, (Window Rock) Arizona. :mischief:
I didn't put anywhere in Iraq because of the situations right now.
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