• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Any chance of a 2.71 soon?

Great news.

Where can I find the beta 1 btw? There doesn't seem to be anything on your sourceforge link.
Thanks for the link devolution.

Sorry for not checking the right thread. Any chance in future you can link directly to the current beta in your sig to make it easier for idiots like myself.


If Firaxis had any sense at all, they would make R & R the new Official version of Colonization, changing the Steam version of the game into R & R.

My understanding is that legally they could do so. Modders of published games never "own" any of their work; ownership remains with the original developers of the game.

R & R is so stunningly superior to the original release that I fail to see any reason why Firaxis doesn't recognize an easy way to sell a lot more copies of an old game than isn't earning them much now anyway.

Why do people so often miss the obvious?
Noticed that you've provided a link to sourceforge, thanks for that! :)
It's good to know what's being worked on, maybe in future I'll be able to contribute (don't have enough knowledge yet). But working on it.
If Firaxis had any sense at all, they would make R & R the new Official version of Colonization, changing the Steam version of the game into R & R.

My understanding is that legally they could do so. Modders of published games never "own" any of their work; ownership remains with the original developers of the game.

R & R is so stunningly superior to the original release that I fail to see any reason why Firaxis doesn't recognize an easy way to sell a lot more copies of an old game than isn't earning them much now anyway.

Why do people so often miss the obvious?

Nope, never going to happen.

Whether it is legal or not, publishers don't tend to steal modders work without reaching out for an agreement.

Secondly, some players are playing other mods for colinization and they would rightly be very annoyed if steam updated and broke their game.

And finally, the game is ten years old and hasn't been updated since shortly after release.
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