Any word on social policies?

Jun 27, 2007
Hamilton, Ontario
There would likely be changes since everything else is changing to some degree. One obvious question is about Piety. It was culture focused before but with religion in the game it would be strange for it not to be related to religion, although if it changes to be about faith instead of culture then there's no culture focused policy. Maybe since the religious building that produced culture before will now be producing faith, the piety policy will still be mainly culture focused. I'd bet the piety finisher is changed to unlocking another bonus for your religion though.

I don't remember hearing anything new about social policies except that faith can be used to buy great people with the right social policy, but that's it. Did I miss anything?
I suspect they might add a few faith bonuses to Piety here and there, while retaining its overall culture focus. After all, there are plenty of Beliefs tied into to the production of faith, so its not like we even need a Faith policy tree.

Screenshots certainly haven't shown a new set of policies.
perhaps freedom is the new culture policy? you can buy GAs with faith if you adopt it
Freedom got bumped to the Industrial era... I guess it sort of makes sense in terms of gameplay, although Democracy gets founded way to late (even though it goes back to Greece, it was more 18 century than anything). But the Freedom opener sooner than the latter two just makes it too easy to beeline a tree if you aren't going for a military/diplomatic victory.

Policies are what they are. No need to reinvent the wheel. I think Commerce needs a buff in a big way. Piety will obviously be re-worked. And that's all I can think of for now.
Order's finisher has a 2+ to everything (instead of 1+)

There is a mix of Culture and Faith in Piety.

You can purchase selected types of Great People with some of the Social Policies.
Order = Great Engineer
Autocracy = Great Admiral AND Great General
Freedom = Great Artist
now, I'm not sure if this was confirmed, but I think Merchant comes with Commerce, and Scientist with Rationalism.
Piety opener and finisher are changed, shown in some video. we dont know
about the policies yet.

And about other SPs, I hope Commerce gets stronger and Liberty a bit weaker.
I really hope they keep the culture emphasis within Piety, we need the early cultural boosts. They could sprinkle some faith stuff for flavor if they have to. Freedom comes much to late for culture (should have 3-4 SPs done by then).
Order's finisher has a 2+ to everything (instead of 1+)

There is a mix of Culture and Faith in Piety.

You can purchase selected types of Great People with some of the Social Policies.
Order = Great Engineer
Autocracy = Great Admiral AND Great General
Freedom = Great Artist
now, I'm not sure if this was confirmed, but I think Merchant comes with Commerce, and Scientist with Rationalism.

So, in theory, if someone's finished Rationalism and has a ton of gold, they could buy GS after GS and get the free tech each time? Or is this a one-shot deal, where you get the great person when you reach the policy?
You buy the GP with faith, IIRC.
I really hope they keep the culture emphasis within Piety, we need the early cultural boosts. They could sprinkle some faith stuff for flavor if they have to. Freedom comes much to late for culture (should have 3-4 SPs done by then).

It doesn't have to be in Piety. It could be in one of the other ones as well (Tradition, Liberty, Honor, Patronage).
One obvious question is about Piety. It was culture focused before but with religion in the game it would be strange for it not to be related to religion, although if it changes to be about faith instead of culture then there's no culture focused policy.

Likewise, they need to add something to do with espionage to social policies. Autocracy and/or Honor seem to be the most obvious places.
Honestly, I think they could add a couple more social trees. Artistry for culture (piety being religious) and another new one (could be a lot of things)
Honestly, I think they could add a couple more social trees. Artistry for culture (piety being religious) and another new one (could be a lot of things)

I completely agree, Entertaiment for Culture and Happines, and Espionage-liek tree.. well, for Espionage.

I kinda wish the Trees were completely re-designed to something along the liens of

Economy (Food + Gold)
Entertaiment (Culture and Happiness)
Piety (Religion)
Defense (Defensive bonuses, like the +1 Culture and Happiness from each Garrisoned unit.)
Offense (Offensive bonuses, like Autocracy)
Rationalism (Science)
And others.
I'm going to be disapointed if liberty is still te same Because now everyone picks liberty because its so strong there is basicly no reason to tradition or honor(maybe to get cheaper upgrades but thats it )
You can do just fine taking Liberty, Tradition and Honor or Piety.
Most of the rest just plain come too late.
As for the later policies Order needs a hit with the nerf bat
and Autocracy needs a buff.
I think tradition is really good cause borders expand a lot so you don't need so many cities saving culture happiness and so forth liberty is good when you need quick expansion honour's good but it's not a policy tree i go for as for freedom,autocracy and order freedom is also ok but not my need autocracy is ok with police state and facism policys are really good but the rest aren't great, as for order is my favourite even though my empires are small it really gives me a lot of benefits so policys they need to buff are Commerance, Autocracy, Patronage, and I believe Honour needs a small boost just a small boost. Piety needs faith boosts which will probably happen. Rationalism is not as good as used to feel is just to need to give better science boosts. I might edit later due to I forgot quite a few things.
Three of piety's policies effects are based on religious buildings so they wouldn't have to change those at all. The opener is the only one that would really have to change since it is for culture buildings unless religious buildings are still classified as culture buildings. It looks to me like they wouldn't have to change that much at all. I'm still betting it free religion will give a new religion belief instead of a free policy.
I wonder why no previewer has mentioned policies? I think either they were told not to talk about it (possible because they're still working on them and don't want false information out) or there weren't any earth shattering changes to mention.
Freedom got bumped to the Industrial era... I guess it sort of makes sense in terms of gameplay, although Democracy gets founded way to late (even though it goes back to Greece, it was more 18 century than anything). But the Freedom opener sooner than the latter two just makes it too easy to beeline a tree if you aren't going for a military/diplomatic victory.

Policies are what they are. No need to reinvent the wheel. I think Commerce needs a buff in a big way. Piety will obviously be re-worked. And that's all I can think of for now.

Democracy didn't really took hold until the late 19th/early 20th century. The French Revolution was followed by Napoleon, the Bourbon Restoration and the Second Empire. The US had a large part of its population excluded from the vote by slavery and property requirements until the Civil War, which didn't make it a democracy either. And then we're not yet talking about women's suffrage.
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