AP choices, how to get them?


Apr 10, 2006
In my last game I build the AP and was the leading candidate. However I did win the elections like 10 times but I only got one option to vote on something in total (assign city to me, hehehe). So how does this work? Is it purely random or is there some way to trigger the choices? Does it depend on the number of cities sharing the religion, the number of civs sharing the religion?
All resolutions except diplo win and maybe city flips require 2 full members IIRC. It's mostly stuff like "dow", "sign DP', or "stop trade". Obviously, for those to come up you need a situation which would allow the AP to force it...so you wouldn't get a "declare war on x" if everyone were already at war for example.

So the resolutions aren't random. The time between them though? Well, there's a hibernating AP bug, but otherwise I'm pretty sure it's wired like a slow UN. The AP remains pretty erratic though.
You will only get the AP victory choice if you do not own enough votes to win by yourself and if every civilization in the game can at least vote on the decision. So everyone must have at least one city with your religion. The other votes are mainly based on things such as "stop doing X with the heathens". So while I am unsure how these work and someone else will certainly tell you after me, I always just assumed you need a few religion buddies in order to stand on the pulpit with and stare down your noses at said heathens.
In my game I and 2 other AI's had the religion. Later even more AI's so I thought it was strange that so little choices came up.

Any way there is not a way that you can force the menu with choices to pop up right?
a heathen is anyone without a city of the AP religion,
the stop the war between brothers of the faith requires you to have two civs who can vote at war with each other

I don't think theres a way to force it, it just pops up at seemingly random intervals
All resolutions except diplo win and maybe city flips require 2 full members IIRC.

Hmm, it looks like the AP then is sorta in bad shape without some heavy spy jobs.

I really hate waiting 40 turns for a god damn pop-up from my AP to happen. And when it does, why the hell can't we get a list of choices like with the UN?

Needs a redesign...
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