[R&F] Apostle Rest & Repair in Water


Feb 10, 2018
Bay Area, CA
I wanted to have apostles heal up so I started to move them toward nearest holy site I own and I noticed when they entered water the icon for Rest & Repair lighted up. So I thought, great I don't have to go all way out there and clicked on it. Few turns later they haven't healed at all.

I had to move them to a holy site where they finally healed.

Later as I moved few other apostles, I noticed the Rest & Repair icon lighted up whenever they are in water.

I'm not at home so I don't have the patch information but I do have all DLCs and didn't install any mods. It's running on the current patch as well.
This happened on every tile before they fixed it in R&F or with a more recent patch. I assume they didnt bother to apply the fix to water tiles.
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