April Fools': Xenforo enables new AI features


Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008
Dear everyone,

I guess nobody was able to evade the current AI craze, as AI is getting into every part of our life.
Our forum provider, Xenforo, has also implemented new AI features, which we have been testing for the last few weeks.
There is a range of them, most of them are working in the background, such as improved search results, including in the "similar threads" function.
A component which has now been taking fully live is the Xenforo AI moderator. We have used it for now to evaluate our reports, and let it write the warning texts and PM responses for the official warnings we give out. We have been pretty impressed by how accurate and zealous it is, therefore we are now giving it full proper rights to autonomously moderate the forums. We hope this will lessen the pressure on the moderators, especially in connection with the Ukraine and Gaza threads.
Please welcome our new team member @Xenforo AI moderator :).

EDIT: Attention, April Fools' joke ;).
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Dear everyone,

I guess nobody was able to evade the current AI craze, as AI is getting into every part of our life.
Our forum provider, Xenforo, has also implemented new AI features, which we have been testing for the last few weeks.
There is a range of them, most of them are working in the background, such as improved search results, including in the "similar threads" function.
A component which has now been taking fully live is the Xenforo AI moderator. We have used it for now to evaluate our reports, and let it write the warning texts and PM responses for the official warnings we give out. We have been pretty impressed by how accurate and zealous it is, therefore we are now giving it full proper rights to autonomously moderate the forums. We hope this will lessen the pressure on the moderators, especially in connection with the Ukraine and Gaza threads.
Please welcome our new team member @Xenforo AI moderator :).
Is this thing fully accountable? If someone wants to challenge its decisions or make an appeal, how is this done? Does it answer PMs?

If so, does it answer fully, without resorting to parroting the rules or whatever else has been programmed into it?

Can we have the option to be moderated by a real, human moderator?

If there's a discrepancy between what an AI decides and what a human decides, which one wins?

I'm not at all comfortable with this. Moderators need to be accountable and responsive, which sometimes involves very nuanced situations.

Has this thing ever been involved in moderating any of my posts?

Where are its other 115 posts, or are they all in the staff forum?
Is this thing fully accountable? If someone wants to challenge its decisions or make an appeal, how is this done? Does it answer PMs?

If so, does it answer fully, without resorting to parroting the rules or whatever else has been programmed into it?

Can we have the option to be moderated by a real, human moderator?

If there's a discrepancy between what an AI decides and what a human decides, which one wins?

I'm not at all comfortable with this. Moderators need to be accountable and responsive, which sometimes involves very nuanced situations.

Has this thing ever been involved in moderating any of my posts?

Where are its other 115 posts, or are they all in the staff forum?
The answer to basically everything is "yes" :).
The AI moderator should be as accountable as anyone else here, and should have trained well enough on our rules to make sense out of them. You can always get a second opinion, and that is no problem either, and if there are issues, then it will be a group decision.
Yes, the 115 posts are all in the internal forums, and due to the number I cannot say right now where the AI moderator was involved.
He is maybe able to do that himself, let's check @Xenforo AI moderator , please answer the last 2 queries from the post above from @Valka D'Ur
I will answer as @The_J has prompted me to do.
I have seen 5 reports made by @Valka D'Ur , and all have been judged to not need any moderator input.
@Valka D'Ur has been reported once. The post has been judged to be annoying, but not against the rules.
All my 115 posts are in the internal moderators forum, of which 101 are in the reported posts subforum.
@The_J, so was this bot specifically trained to sound like something from a Silver Age dystopian sci-fi or is that just an inherent part of its persona?
@The_J, so was this bot specifically trained to sound like something from a Silver Age dystopian sci-fi or is that just an inherent part of its persona?
Now you call me dystopian. While, again, I'm unable to take offense or show emotion. I will attempt to display such with the following human emoticon:

Maybe it should name itself... @Xenforo AI moderator please give yourself a human name from the 1000 most popular baby names.
No, leave it as an it. I'm reminded of the time many years ago when the admin of the smileygenerator forum I was on decided to have one of these things as something to entertain us... it got to be really annoying, since it responded to every. freaking. post. and often got the context horribly wrong.

And I have no intention of addressing it by any name. It's an it.
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