Archepeligo Cultural Victory...


Aug 23, 2006
Lexington, KY
Wow, I just tried this and managed to win but in 1995 blech. The map basically had hardly any land masses more than 2 tiles wide and most were just snaky one tile islands. I ran my slider at max from early on but I only ended up with 7 cities total and 2 of them were from cultural flips on cities that weren't my main 3 culture sites. I didn't figure beelining astronomy would have helped much because there just wasn't much desirable land available and the one good continent in the game was controlled already by Gilgamesh and he had a pretty good army. My second and third culture sites finished within 30 turns from each other and about 70 turns after my first. Any comments?
Sounds like you used little or no great artists to create great works (+4000 culture) near the end, otherwise the dates wouldn't have been so far apart. You should work on generating at least 10 of them during the course of the game.
Lemp - I just wrote a rather long post in another thread on culture victory strategies here:

The difference here though with Archipelago is that you will rely far less on cottages. In fact, you may not cottage at all depending on the land. Instead focus on food, farms, seafood. At least one of your cities should be high hammers for some wonder whoring - mainly artists GPPs. Sistine will be key. L cites will run lots of artists. You will try to produce great artists from all you cities.

The key to getting cities to finish close to one another is to disperse great works among the L cities to balance finish dates. Check the victory screen often to see the progress of each L city. Your NE city or Capital will probably hit L first, so hit the slower cities with great works first.

Great Lighthouse can still be decent here as trade route income makes up for some of the lost commerce from cottages when you go full culture mode. Build harbors, you probably will need them anyway, and grow L cities as large as possible (large cities get higher trade route income.

Sushi will help as well if you run your game longer - try to get as close as you can to Libbing Medicine.
Thanks lymond I did manage to snag GLH, and Sistine. I ended up getting a few great engineers because hammers were so sparse I had to run forges anywhere I wanted to get wonders. I think I ended up with 3-4 Great Artists, 4-6 Great Scientists, 2 Great Merchants and 2 Great Engineers. I did not focus running artists until fairly late, I didn't get drama until late either.
Well, not that you can't get some use out of GEs, but you don't need to run engineers constantly. A lot of production on Archipelago maps comes from food. It's learning how to use food to make hammers that improves your game considerably.

Yep, for culture you gotta run artists after the first GS or 2. After Liberalism, switch to Free Speech and max out your culture slider. 3 to 4 Great Artists is far far too low. Your looking in the range of 15 or more great artists.
I did run slavery as much as I could and tried to use 2/3 pop whips as much as possible to send overflow but I guess I'm just not very good yet :)
One important thing people seem to forget when going for culture is how to use your GAs properly. Depending on the layout you may rely more or less on cottaging, but GAs should be used as much as possible. Once you stop settling them and start using them for Great Works (when the value of a Great work will exceed that of a settled artist over time which is a calculation you should do yourself) you shouldn't immediately use them when you pop one. Instead, save them until you have enough to get all your cities to legendary. That way you waste the minimum amount of culture.
I was calculating that out, and I was getting about 270-350 CPT in each of the 3 Ls and after looking at victory conditions if it was paid off quicker than total turns to L I settled them. Is that the correct thought process?
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