Are Markets, Grocers and Banks worth it?

It's mainly an early game (pre-currency) thing with binary, once you might get gold from AIs each turn i rarely do 0% ones.

If my next tech is valuable, i can do more harm than good by gathering too much gold ;)

What i sometimes do then is one lower science turn, with gold calculated for my next turn being 100% again.
(but without collecting more gold than needed for that)

Yeah some people won't like it due to too much micro but I often binary for just enough for 1 turn of 100% early game. That way if cathy, shaka or monty comes calling for collections they never get much more than 50-100 gold. Cause they are long passed dead or I have really messed up if they live beyond past the 100% turns if they cost more than 100 per turn or they are on another continent and are irrelevent.
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