Are Shipwrecks hardcoded to the Cultural Heritage Civic?


Wisdom Seeker
Jul 30, 2012
Resident of Heaven; Currently in the Waiting Room
I have tried several things to get shipwrecks to unlock earlier than Cultural Heritage, but nothing works. Game Effects log shows that the modifiers are valid and attaching correctly, but the "sea antiquities" will not activate until the Cultural Heritage Civic is researched.

I've tried attaching its modifier to buildings, districts, other civics, other technologies, and updating the core game files to make it go at an earlier civic, but even with the update changing the civic it is tied to, it still only happens when Cultural Heritage is researched.

It's modifier is <ModifierType>MODIFIER_GAME_TRIGGER_MECHANIC</ModifierType>, and that modifier type is only used with <ModifierId>CIVIC_GENERATE_SEA_ANTIQUITIES</ModifierId> and <ModifierId>CIVIC_GENERATE_LAND_ANTIQUITIES</ModifierId>
Are you looking in <Resources> ?

Because Shipwrecks as Resources are directly tied to CIVIC_CULTURAL_HERITAGE via PrereqCivic.

Yes, that is where I started, I took the Great Scientist James Young (his pop reveals oil early) as an example, and added that modifier [MODIFIER_PLAYER_GRANT_FREE_RESOURCE_VISIBILITY] to my civ trait and set it to go off at Tech_Economics, but nothing......
I've successfully reattached the shipwrecks and ruins to later civics, so I assume the process is the same for attaching to earlier civics, like you want to do. First, delete the attachment of the modifiers to the Cultural Heritage civic. Then attach the modifiers that were being attached to Cultural Heritage (CIVIC_GENERATE_SEA_ANTIQUITIES and CIVIC_EXTRACT_SEA_ARTIFACTS) to whatever civic you want to give it to. Last, update the PrereqCivic for shipwrecks to match the civic you just gave the CIVIC_GENERATE_SEA_ANTIQUITIES modifier to. And, you're done. Also note, make sure that when you are testing this to test in a new game: once the resources have been generated on a map, they are there for good.
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