Are there any civs that you have never played as?


Nov 22, 2003
With 31 playable civilizations, it's easy to see how a person could focus on a few favorite civs and end up entirely ignoring a few others. I want to know what civs, if any, have you NEVER played as.

For me, I have never played as Egypt, Japan, Britain, or America, and I really don't intend to, ever. Those civs just don't appeal to me.

For the Conquests expansion, I haven't played the Koreans, Mayans, Hittites, Byzantines, Carthaginians, Netherlands, Ottomans, Portugeuse, or the Spanish.

I could very well see myself never playing the Netherlands, Portugeuse, Hittites, or Koreans. Again, I simply can't connect with these civs. They don't intrigue me. So I never play as them.

I prefer playing as Sumeria, Scandinavians, Mongols, Incans, Celts, Arabs, Indians, Babylonians, and the French. I don't really like most of the other civs.
I haven't played as Egypt, America, China, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Hittites or Scandinavians. I never play those because their UU's (except for the Scandinavians) suck.

America: Killed all my people, a mix of civs, F-15 comes too late.
Egypt: I never liked Egyptian history, War Chariot sucks.
China: Rider is the worst UU in the game. Not intriguing.
Hittites: I don't really care for Ancient civs, plus I don't care much for the UU..
Portuguese: I don't like ships, city names annoy me for some reason.
Spanish: Conquistador is horrible, traits suck too.
Scandinavians: In all my games they are always my enemies. Rawr I hate 'em!
I have played as all the Civs at one point but there are only a few I will play a whole game with; like the mighty Hittites, Babylonians, Maya, Rome, Byzantines and China. I recently played an extensive game as Greece as well.
Rider the worst UU in the game? I consider them among the most powerful, so I'd love to know how you reached that conclusion. With their movement of three, they just own the early Medieval scene.

Lemme see, never played as England, Scandinavia, Zululand, Celts, Mongols, Greece, Iroquois. I don't have anything specific against them, but never felt inspired to chose anyone of them specifically, and they've not yet turned up on Random.

Not having C3C, I've of course not used any of the new civs, either.
Of the default civs, I've only ever played the Celts (my usual)Germany, Greece, Rome, Spain, Russia, America and the Aztecs.

I've played loads of other modded ones though.
Well, basicly i never play any civ who is expansionist. I dunno, never really cared about scouts. I rather have something else as a bonus :)
America. I'm American so it's kind of boring to play America. I also don't like selecting expansionist Civs because the Colossus could trigger a golden age and I almost always try to build it... I don't need a golden age in despotism.
I have a rather extensive list of civs I havent played as, hell, its easyer to name the civs i have played as those being-

Rome, and greece (my usual civs), Byzantium, Babylon, Egypt, and soon the Hittites will come into that number as well.

as a side note, trust me, the greeks are worth it, though I mod my game some stat wise in the case of the greeks ;)
The ONLY ones I HAVE PLAYED are: Greece/Carthage/America/Ottoman Empire
I have only played America, Japan, Greek, Rome and Sumeria. You might think Im a newbie by playing so few, but I have this hang-up about playing America. I only play on huge maps as American so my games usually take 150+ hours.
Being a pitiful Macintosh user, I haven't played the PTW and C3C civs yet. Only a few, I suppose. :rolleyes:
there there Borgeois, thats what you get for having the better computer system ;)
Civ's I've Never Finished a Game As:


Egypt ( :eek: )



As you can determne, I got PTW with C3C. :lol:
Originally posted by Haethurn
With 31 playable civilizations, it's easy to see how a person could focus on a few favorite civs and end up entirely ignoring a few others. I want to know what civs, if any, have you NEVER played as.

For me, I have never played as Egypt, Japan, Britain, or America, and I really don't intend to, ever. Those civs just don't appeal to me.

For the Conquests expansion, I haven't played the Koreans, Mayans, Hittites, Byzantines, Carthaginians, Netherlands, Ottomans, Portugeuse, or the Spanish.

I could very well see myself never playing the Netherlands, Portugeuse, Hittites, or Koreans. Again, I simply can't connect with these civs. They don't intrigue me. So I never play as them.

I prefer playing as Sumeria, Scandinavians, Mongols, Incans, Celts, Arabs, Indians, Babylonians, and the French. I don't really like most of the other civs.

I never play the Zulu. Partly because they are expansionist - a relatively unhelpful trait - and they have such a useless U/U that brings in a Golden Age much too early for my liking. But mostly because they are so good to have as an opponent. They are easy to goad in to a war (if it suits your purposes), and make willing mercenaries if you have a troublesome neighbour - and for very little reward!
Originally posted by Xen
there there Borgeois, thats what you get for having the better computer system ;)

My friend, I wish you knew how much that made me laugh. :lol:
I have played most civs, except a few. I usually play France, Germany or China and since C3C the Dutch and Sumerians.
But the ones I have never played and probably never will are the Indians, Mongols, Arabs, Zulu, American and Koreans. They all don't appeal to me. America isn't a civilization and the others I just don't have the feeling building an empire with. I always like to play a vast empire like the Russians or Chinese or to be a colonizer like the Dutch or French. I mostly play with a historical background. Only the Sumerians don't fit in that, but I just like them, don't know why. Maybe the cheap defender UU early on?
Got to try them all!

Even if you don't play a full game, I am too tempted to try them all. But America I haven't tried yet. Boring with no UU before the very end.
I've played as Rome, Scandinavia, Russia, Ottomans and Germany. I's just like's em, that's all. Their UU's to be specific. They fit my strategy, you might say. Yes, you might.

One civ I'll never play is Zulu...grumblegrumble dirty double-crossing no good son of a...
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