1. Garbage man. Have you ever cleaned up pollution mess in foreign territory with RoP in fear of global warming?
2. Foreign Engineer. Have you ever railroaded neutral territory because you need the route completed for transferring troops purposes and the AI seems to take forever finishing the job?
3.Scared pilot. Do you remember the first time you ever saw an enemy fighter intercept your bomber? You were used to casually seeing the animation of your bombers burning everything to the ground at chieftain or something and then one day you suddenly get shot down. Me, I simply jumped off my seat in terror when the animation played out differently and my bomber dropped to the ground, I still remember the shock!
4. Perfectionist. Have you ever abandoned a palace or a FP, just so that you can build it in the city with the iron works?
5. Investigator. Have you ever misclicked “automate” in a worker and then spend tens of minutes trying to find out where that little nuisance went, worrying what kind of damage he will eventually make to your empire if you never find him?
6.Blasphemer. Have you ever mined a desert square with an agr tribe for some reason or another and then feel guilty in your sleep for having done so?
7. Born rebel. Have you ever misclicked government type after a revolution?
8.Short-lived ruler. Have you ever gained a leader in AI’s turn, then watch in terror as he gets murdered before you can act?
9.Time is worth money-perfectionist. Are you gathering your stacks of workers in a pattern that avoids making a one-square move so that you do not have to face the delay? When you want to move 12 workers from a railroaded tile to a neighboring roaded hill (in order to railroad it) do you first move them two squares back, then 3 squares forward? Have you ever failed to do so, then scream in agony as you have to watch all twelve of them move to the desired square one by one? Do you ever feel like solving a math puzzle trying to gather all the buggers with minimum number of moves while avoiding one tile movements?
10. Lazy manager. Do you ever move more than one worker to an unroaded tile and watch to your back if someone from the forums is watching you making a disapproval gesture and counting the worker turns you have missed in the game so far? Do you turn off the lights and very silently, carefully and secretly move 18 workers in an unroaded jungle square?
11. Perfectionist General. Have you ever disbanded your horsemen army for no other reason than that it looks diminishing compared to the cavalry armies you have assembled till now?
12. Corrupted governor making a coup-d-etat. Have you ever assigned a city to build a palace so that you “will notice it later and take your time then to decide what to build there” and after 50 rounds get the horrible message that the palace is completed?
13. Born winner/loser. Have you ever suddenly and unexpectedly get a pop-up window informing you that you won or lost the game for a reason you had not even considered?
14. Failed trade minister. Have you ever wanted to change a city’s placement and find out there is no way to do so without breaking a trade agreement?
15. Care for all my citizens ruler. Have you ever paused and watched your city screen with pride and a few tears rolling from your eyes as that single land tile island city has finally completed its offshore platform and now suddenly produces twenty one shields instead of one? You know your spaceship launches in 4 turns, but you simply do not care… You just order the factory next…
16. Nuclear maniac. Do you ever click “let me play a few more turns” only because you want to drop a few nukes in a couple of turns?
17. Forest Engineer manager. Do you take snapshots and then mark all tiles that have gotten the 10-shield bonus from clearing forests?
18. Unselfish Admiral. Do you ever park your ships in a city under attack so as to attract enemy bombardments there instead of your buildings/troops?
19. Irrigation master engineer. Have you ever founded and then abandoned a city on a hill, only in order to allow irrigation to pass through that square?
20.Naval noobie. Do you pause and check the battleship/cruiser/destroyer stats in EVERY game as soon as you hit combustion and try to decide what is best? I still cannot make sense of those numbers I confess.
21. Disease ruler. Do you ever wish so much that that hospital in the conquered city would not exist because your plans do not involve that city to grow above pop-12? Do you hear a greedy maniac voice inside your head whispering “Do not pay that 2 gpt, burn it to the ground and rebuild it”?
22. Artifact admirer. Do you ever feel terrible about destroying or abandoning a city with an expired wonder? Do you feel like you are a war criminal or something?
23. Peace lover. Do you ever feel guilt when you finally decide to whipe the Indians from the map but Gandhi just looks so sweat and you remember he was the only one who never attacked you or blackmailed you through the game?
24. Do you ever discover that the first neighboring tribe in the game are the Aztecs and you shout “oh Lord, not that maniac again!”
25. Coin addict. Do you secretely build stock exchanges everywhere? Confess!
26. Lover of realism. Do you ever laugh out loudly as a pillaging samurai makes a complicated ceremonial movement with his sword and as a result the mines and the roads are destroyed?
27. Exploiter. Do you ever recognize a specific rout the AI likes taking and then create a corridor around it with fortified mechs (or cavalries and infantries) and laugh out as huge AI armies reach your cities red-lined?
28. Cursed with incompetent neighbors. Have you ever lost a wonder because the AI is…NOT having fresh water and is forced to (correctly) mine his grasslands instead of irrigating them like an idiot?
29. Lover of logic. You are allied with Japan, Germany and Italy. All of you are at war with America, England, France, Russia and Australia. Except for Japan and France, those two never declared war to each other for some reason, they have no borders. No big deal, the world makes sense. You enjoy the WW situation. Then a pop-up window appears. “Japan and France have signed a military alliance against England”. WTH? Do you ever feel an urgent desire to send Sid a complaint e-mail?
30. Cunning conqueror. Do you ever allow a city to remain in resistance (flips deactivated) for many turns so as to avoid population loss?
31. Color-blinded. Have you ever bombarded what you thought was an enemy intruder, only to watch in terror as your improvements get destroyed?
32. Slave trader. Have you ever conquered a 14 pop city you do not want to keep, then build 13 slave workers and then (or after it grows back to 3) you abandon it?
33. Communist slaver. Have you ever proudly amassed 200 foreign workers and made your 150 local ones join your cities, then decide that communism may be a good choice for your empire and end up with 300 units and military support for 700 units?
34. Movement rate maniac. Have you ever split your cavalries in those with 3 movement points and those with 2 2/3 points to avoid any later embarrassment? Have you ever avoiding doing that and end up having 37 cavarlies off target instead of 36 ones on target? (Anyone knows why is this happening by the way?)
35. Rules-investigator. Have you ever tried to trap your catapult in a jungle surrounded by jungles, then destroy the road in order to see what happens? (and if so, tell me what happens, lol)
36. Suffering for nuclearphobia. Do you remember the first time your SDI Defense intercepted an enemy ICBM? For me it was like "No, no, no that city, please, please, no....WOW! Yupi!!!!!!" My screams of joy woke up my father....
37. Lazy general. Have you ever made 100 attacks in your turn and right before ending your turn you notice a stack of 60 fortified unused artilleries?
38. Denial of need of glasses. Have you ever, while researching Satelites, notice that a railroaded desert square, used by the third city you ever founded is not in fact irrigated?
2. Foreign Engineer. Have you ever railroaded neutral territory because you need the route completed for transferring troops purposes and the AI seems to take forever finishing the job?
3.Scared pilot. Do you remember the first time you ever saw an enemy fighter intercept your bomber? You were used to casually seeing the animation of your bombers burning everything to the ground at chieftain or something and then one day you suddenly get shot down. Me, I simply jumped off my seat in terror when the animation played out differently and my bomber dropped to the ground, I still remember the shock!
4. Perfectionist. Have you ever abandoned a palace or a FP, just so that you can build it in the city with the iron works?
5. Investigator. Have you ever misclicked “automate” in a worker and then spend tens of minutes trying to find out where that little nuisance went, worrying what kind of damage he will eventually make to your empire if you never find him?
6.Blasphemer. Have you ever mined a desert square with an agr tribe for some reason or another and then feel guilty in your sleep for having done so?
7. Born rebel. Have you ever misclicked government type after a revolution?
8.Short-lived ruler. Have you ever gained a leader in AI’s turn, then watch in terror as he gets murdered before you can act?
9.Time is worth money-perfectionist. Are you gathering your stacks of workers in a pattern that avoids making a one-square move so that you do not have to face the delay? When you want to move 12 workers from a railroaded tile to a neighboring roaded hill (in order to railroad it) do you first move them two squares back, then 3 squares forward? Have you ever failed to do so, then scream in agony as you have to watch all twelve of them move to the desired square one by one? Do you ever feel like solving a math puzzle trying to gather all the buggers with minimum number of moves while avoiding one tile movements?
10. Lazy manager. Do you ever move more than one worker to an unroaded tile and watch to your back if someone from the forums is watching you making a disapproval gesture and counting the worker turns you have missed in the game so far? Do you turn off the lights and very silently, carefully and secretly move 18 workers in an unroaded jungle square?
11. Perfectionist General. Have you ever disbanded your horsemen army for no other reason than that it looks diminishing compared to the cavalry armies you have assembled till now?
12. Corrupted governor making a coup-d-etat. Have you ever assigned a city to build a palace so that you “will notice it later and take your time then to decide what to build there” and after 50 rounds get the horrible message that the palace is completed?
13. Born winner/loser. Have you ever suddenly and unexpectedly get a pop-up window informing you that you won or lost the game for a reason you had not even considered?
14. Failed trade minister. Have you ever wanted to change a city’s placement and find out there is no way to do so without breaking a trade agreement?
15. Care for all my citizens ruler. Have you ever paused and watched your city screen with pride and a few tears rolling from your eyes as that single land tile island city has finally completed its offshore platform and now suddenly produces twenty one shields instead of one? You know your spaceship launches in 4 turns, but you simply do not care… You just order the factory next…
16. Nuclear maniac. Do you ever click “let me play a few more turns” only because you want to drop a few nukes in a couple of turns?
17. Forest Engineer manager. Do you take snapshots and then mark all tiles that have gotten the 10-shield bonus from clearing forests?
18. Unselfish Admiral. Do you ever park your ships in a city under attack so as to attract enemy bombardments there instead of your buildings/troops?
19. Irrigation master engineer. Have you ever founded and then abandoned a city on a hill, only in order to allow irrigation to pass through that square?
20.Naval noobie. Do you pause and check the battleship/cruiser/destroyer stats in EVERY game as soon as you hit combustion and try to decide what is best? I still cannot make sense of those numbers I confess.
21. Disease ruler. Do you ever wish so much that that hospital in the conquered city would not exist because your plans do not involve that city to grow above pop-12? Do you hear a greedy maniac voice inside your head whispering “Do not pay that 2 gpt, burn it to the ground and rebuild it”?
22. Artifact admirer. Do you ever feel terrible about destroying or abandoning a city with an expired wonder? Do you feel like you are a war criminal or something?
23. Peace lover. Do you ever feel guilt when you finally decide to whipe the Indians from the map but Gandhi just looks so sweat and you remember he was the only one who never attacked you or blackmailed you through the game?
24. Do you ever discover that the first neighboring tribe in the game are the Aztecs and you shout “oh Lord, not that maniac again!”
25. Coin addict. Do you secretely build stock exchanges everywhere? Confess!
26. Lover of realism. Do you ever laugh out loudly as a pillaging samurai makes a complicated ceremonial movement with his sword and as a result the mines and the roads are destroyed?
27. Exploiter. Do you ever recognize a specific rout the AI likes taking and then create a corridor around it with fortified mechs (or cavalries and infantries) and laugh out as huge AI armies reach your cities red-lined?
28. Cursed with incompetent neighbors. Have you ever lost a wonder because the AI is…NOT having fresh water and is forced to (correctly) mine his grasslands instead of irrigating them like an idiot?
29. Lover of logic. You are allied with Japan, Germany and Italy. All of you are at war with America, England, France, Russia and Australia. Except for Japan and France, those two never declared war to each other for some reason, they have no borders. No big deal, the world makes sense. You enjoy the WW situation. Then a pop-up window appears. “Japan and France have signed a military alliance against England”. WTH? Do you ever feel an urgent desire to send Sid a complaint e-mail?
30. Cunning conqueror. Do you ever allow a city to remain in resistance (flips deactivated) for many turns so as to avoid population loss?
31. Color-blinded. Have you ever bombarded what you thought was an enemy intruder, only to watch in terror as your improvements get destroyed?
32. Slave trader. Have you ever conquered a 14 pop city you do not want to keep, then build 13 slave workers and then (or after it grows back to 3) you abandon it?
33. Communist slaver. Have you ever proudly amassed 200 foreign workers and made your 150 local ones join your cities, then decide that communism may be a good choice for your empire and end up with 300 units and military support for 700 units?
34. Movement rate maniac. Have you ever split your cavalries in those with 3 movement points and those with 2 2/3 points to avoid any later embarrassment? Have you ever avoiding doing that and end up having 37 cavarlies off target instead of 36 ones on target? (Anyone knows why is this happening by the way?)
35. Rules-investigator. Have you ever tried to trap your catapult in a jungle surrounded by jungles, then destroy the road in order to see what happens? (and if so, tell me what happens, lol)
36. Suffering for nuclearphobia. Do you remember the first time your SDI Defense intercepted an enemy ICBM? For me it was like "No, no, no that city, please, please, no....WOW! Yupi!!!!!!" My screams of joy woke up my father....
37. Lazy general. Have you ever made 100 attacks in your turn and right before ending your turn you notice a stack of 60 fortified unused artilleries?
38. Denial of need of glasses. Have you ever, while researching Satelites, notice that a railroaded desert square, used by the third city you ever founded is not in fact irrigated?
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