Are you fascinated by Evil?


Expect Irony.
Sep 24, 2002
Seattle, WA, USA
So in the game "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic" you get to play an evil character if you want, and there's no shortage of games that let you play the bad guy (GTA, Warcraft, D&D etc...)

Back in my embarrassing role-playing days, I'd always meet other kids who liked playing evil characters, and they'd brag about how "Chaotic" and "Evil" they were, and then they'd save the villages and all along with the good guys. It's like the label evil had become divorced from it's meaning.

Are people fascinated with being evil because they associate it with being dangerous or powerful?

Is evil powerful? Or is evil independent of power? Is good ineffectual? Or restraining? Or is it powerful to be both powerful AND good...?

What do you think about it?
Honestly... I personally thnk the 'Evil' attraction is a 'badboy' attraction. Did you want to be the professor with glasses when you were little or the leather motorcycle dude with tattoos and beard? Badboy image is cool and chicks dig it no?
I think it's certainly powerful-evil people will often do anything to acheive goals by any means (though I'm aware enough decent people will do the same, but evil will usually disregard other people in the process), and they tend to be fanatical enough to impress people to follow them. And of course they're dangerous! All the famous bad guys had powerful armies and empires, raging from Darth Vader's Startroopers to Dr. Evil's Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams Attached to Thier Heads! :D

I'm fascinated, because I've seen some atrocities commited in my lifetime by friendly people and people I was once close too. I wonder how people can be like that in this world. :(
The most evil character I have come across from movies is named 'Count Zarth' from the film "Starcrash" (Blatant rip off of Star Wars). Here's a review of the movie
No, not really.

I always play all these games with the good guy. Bad guy is for experimenting later.

While I can understand the coolness of the evil dudes, I for one was always more fascinating with the promisse of greatness involved in good. To create something big and lasting, things that can only be achieved by those who are constructive.

Build an empire that can stand the test of time, as Sid has put it.

So chalk up another one for the bright side of the force.

Regards :).
Oh yeah, I thought you meant as in actual evil....if it's games-esque evil, I certainly don't mind blowing up a village now and then. :D
Originally posted by BorgeoisBuffoon
Oh yeah, I thought you meant as in actual evil....if it's games-esque evil, I certainly don't mind blowing up a village now and then. :D

I meant both in a game and as an extension of one's philosophy. At least giving lip-service to evil as one's motivation.
Hmmm... Now that I think about it, when I begun playing Black & White, I was uncertain if I wanted to be a good god or an evil god. I certainly wanted to see how would it be to make brinstone rain over the head of enemies, but I never managed to progress much in that game... too much boredom before the fun really started...
Originally posted by Mojotronica

I meant both in a game and as an extension of one's philosophy. At least giving lip-service to evil as one's motivation.

Oh. My that case, I tend to role-play a bit as whoever I am, go out all the way, etc. I tend to play the good guys much more though, because I like to see a happy ending. I'm too much a prig to stray from the perfect-ending all-happy stuff too much. FredLC hit it right on the mark.

Still, playing evil is certainly an interesting experience now and then. Maybe see what makes them tick and what it's like to go through with actually bombing a village et al. And of course, it helps to relieve stress at the end in the day. ;)
Sometimes the evil side just looks cooler. In Star Wars games I wanna be the empire or Darth Vader. I always thought the Cobras in GI-Joe looked cooler. And I like the Decepticons. But its not becuse they are evil.
Originally posted by Mojotronica

I meant both in a game and as an extension of one's philosophy. At least giving lip-service to evil as one's motivation.

Depends on one's definition. Some could say some of my philosophies are evil. I choose to call them realistic. Selfish? Sure. Is that evil?
Use of 'bad people' in video games doesn't indicate a fascination with evil, per se, as much as it provides an emotional release to simulate things I'd never do in real life.

Case in point: this weekend my brother introduced me to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. I had a blast, stealing cars, spraying down pedestrians, running them over, shooting cops, beating up EMT's. These are all things I'd never do in real life.
Originally posted by GrandAdmiral
Sometimes the evil side just looks cooler.


The evil characters always are the most stylish, they are the querky ones, the ones with intresting looks and personality. This is why I like playing the evil characters. The good guys are so bland and boring the typical GI JOE American heroe or Knight in shining armor... While Villans usualy have an elaborate personality, costume and powers. Villans act cooler and look cooler this is why they are so popular.
In video games, I think people play evil characters because they can't do it in real life.

Overall, I think people fantasize about evil and being a "bad boy" because it is seen as rebellious. However, I doubt many people move beyond the little rebellions to being actually evil.
Evil has always seemed cooler. The rival or anti-hero is usually the favorite just cause they look badass. and nice review link,
"Riesstiu IV The most evil character I have come across from movies is named 'Count Zarth' from the film "Starcrash" (Blatant rip off of Star Wars). Here's a review of the movie"
I really enjoyed the laughs i got.
Depends on who the good guy is. If he's a wimpy, average pizza dude and the evil guy is an super-powerful Chinese warlord complete with dragon and body armor, there is no contest. Evil is cool, but I tend to favor being the good guy.

With Star Wars, it's an easy choice. Evil has those cool stormtroopers and droids. Although X-wings are quite awesome. ;)
I'm not fascinated by evil an sich, but I always tend to choose the side of the underdog, which is mostly in fact the more 'evil' side.
I prefer the roguish character who is not particularly good or evil, but does stuff, unexpected stuff, for unknown reasons. They're usually a good guy, but they still retain an element of mystery...
Actually I think what makes 'evil' people interesting is that they have power. An 'evil' man with no power is not very interesting. In fact he will probably only be very annoying. So I would think that what fascinates people about 'evil' is that they are not too shy in using their power, unlike people who are 'good', who most often will only use their power when they are pushed to extremes. And then they will quite possibly discover that they have turned 'evil' themselves.

The above is the fantasy/sci-fi version of it. In reality one would have to consider if people are really capable of 'evil' if it was not for the way the surrounding system works. The present system awards a rather loosely defined set of criteria for succes in life. In that sense maybe some people will feel themselves failures if they cannot live up to those criteria. Then of course it is tempting to become cynical. On the other hand the choice between cynicism and stoicism is not a difficult one for most people.

Then the whole issue becomes one of psychology. I actually think there is very hard evidence to support the concept of the psychopath. I think most people have stumbled across one or two in their life-time. It is some sort of mental deficency where the person is unable to have any sympathy for their fellow human beings. It is indeed a strange phenomenon because one would think that with hundredthousand years of evolution, nature would have rewarded those who think of the common good; the flock mentality.

So speaking in terms of a scientific approach, maybe the most interesting aspect is actually what makes a man 'good'? What makes him co-operate with others?
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