Ashes of Erebus (RifE's Follow-up) Download and Bug Reports

Which folder would that go in? There are several folders that have a file called CvGameCoreDLL, so I don't want to put it in the wrong one. Also, please let me know if this should replace the existing CvGameCoreDLL file in whichever folder I put it in. Thanks.
directly in Assets. It should indeed replace the existing file ( make a backup of it to be safe, but there shouldn't be any problem with the experimental one)
directly in Assets. It should indeed replace the existing file ( make a backup of it to be safe, but there shouldn't be any problem with the experimental one)
The Assets folder that's in the Ashes of Erebus folder, right? Not the Assets folder that's in the Beyond the Sword folder.

So this would be the path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Ashes of Erebus\Assets
Python exception, screenshot attached.

SVN Revision 370, with the new DLL downloaded from Discord.

Active modules are the following: Advanced Workers, Animal Lairs, Arachnophobia, Bannor Expansion, Black Duke, Chislev Expansion, Churel, City Guards, Coaxoch, Dao, Dural, Dwarves, Emergent Leaders, Everchanging, Flight of Drakes, Fortifications, Goblin, Important Leaders, Lizard Art, Ljosalfar Expansion, Magister Ashes, MOM Buildings, More Events, More Goodies, New Traits, Node Yields, Noggormotha, One Potion, PPQ Effects, PPQ Flavor, PPQ Navy, Scion Healthcare, Sidar Wanes, Watering the Flames.

Screenshot (397).png
I had the idea to do some additional Civ rankings in terms of balance and so on beside the Discord design-and-balance disussion, so let ´s jump in ;-).

Rankings explained​

+/-Above or below the given rating, but not enough to change it
SSBroken and way above the power curve
SAbove the power curve
AOn top of the power curve
CBelow average
DWell below average

Civilization: Hippus

Known bugs: None

Introduction: The Hippus are the self appointed horselords of Erebus, they start with horse ressource air and nature mana from their palace. Their main leaders leaders are Rhoanna and Tasunke, Rhoanna has traits in trade and city health, Tasunke has the aggro promotion and is a marauder. As Rhoannas traits help in war and peace for me she is the better leader. So, when playing the Hippu horselords you might get the best Civ for riding units, right? Right???? Well let´s come to this question at a later point. The other leaders are not so interesting for me, Rigmora has illusion riders, I don ´t the much benefit from it as they even can ´t conquer a city and imho it takes too long to develop the personal traits, beside that you lose other traits that help you right from the start.
Strength and weak points:
As riding units are not the strongest in AoE, Hippus gain the horselord trait for their riding units that grants +1 Movement and +10% chance to retreat a fight. It´s a nice gimmick but feels somehow weak, of coruse it ´s nice to have the extra mobility but no other unit type is able to keep their speed besides dragons or other flying units what makes your riders most of time loners. When rainding cities you need support units slowing down the track so the extra movement points are not important in this situations, also scout units doing better in exploring and melee units are better for cityraids so riders are mainly good for city defence or pillaging. Their hero Magnadin is a medicore hero, he lost compared to vanilla Fall from Heaven II his ability to capture barbarian units and hire merc riders with hidden nationality what is a big loss.

The common religions work well for the Hippus, ashen veil gives bonus to science and their priests have the flamering spell that damages other units around them helping the hippu riders to raid cities as they don ´t have canons (but they are so slow in movement, it ´s a pain), kilmorph has the decent economy booster, you need money to keep these horsies, the riders and the pony girls happy, but my personal choice would be Esus. You get the extra combat promotions for your riders and also shadow riders with hidden nationality, also it ´s nice to hide your units in your borders with the shroud of the Esus relgious building. But it ´s a matter of taste, I would prefer Esus as I don ´t use that relgion often in my games and the hippus seem to fit.

There was the question if Hippus are the strongest Civ for riding units, right? Well, my personal ranking is 1). Doviello 2). Kuriotate 3). Hippus 4). Svartalfar. The most important unit in general gameplay is imho the medicore standard unit you get in midgame, for the hippus as they take the Rider line it is the riding archer, but hippus don ´t have special common riding units, only the horselord promotion that is not so strong. Now we compare the Doviellos that get bear riders as replacement for the riding archer, it loses the ability to use bows but get a decent +2 (8 total) strength what is huge compared to the normal +6 of the riding archers. So when a doviello bear rider fights a Hippu Rider, all that is left is to hope for an escape. Also, the doviello don ´t need to discover archery to get bear riders, so if you unlucky they already have these riders before you get yours. Compared to their hero the war machine is stronger than Magnadin too. Kuriotate the second, they also start with horses and have special rider units, as cardit has similiar traits to Rhoanna they have the +3 city radius and get the best dragon later, so I would pick Kuriotate over Hippus too. 4rth place is svartalfar, because they riding cats besides horses, just kidding, they are more into rogue and scout units but I like these cool looking Nyxin.*

Ranking: All in all I would give the hippus a C+ Ranking, it just not feels rewarding to play a Civ that claims to be the horselords but lacks in reality to that claim and also gets outsmarted by other Civs in that point too. Besides that Hippus have nothing else to offer.

Ideas for Improvement:
- Magnadin should get back his Abilities at least the skill to hire mounted mercs
- Improvement of the horselord Promotion, maybe +1 Strength so the Rider Units really are stronger than their opponenents (Bear Riders still better but a bear is a bear)
- Improve the horse Archers they should be different than the standard one as Hippus are horse/riding specialists and it doesn ´t feel right that there is no real difference compared with other Civs, the better chance to escape is not good, as we all know only killed enemy units are good units, not much gain to have a unit with 0 health around that needs ages to recover, maybe give the horse archers the skill to bombardement City walls so they are not so depending on other slower support units, also a simple +1 Strength would help

*P.S. Uh Oh, I forgot to mention the Pegasusriding Austrin Mages :-D

So, let's talk Hippus.

First a Caveat : in the current version, some systems had to be disabled to handle the great crashocalypse of the 2020s, and curiously those systems affect the Hippus more than most civs ^^

Next, you assessment is mostly correct that their riding units are underwhelming and they don't have much more than that. Their lore don't give them much more than (Horse-oriented civ, clanic structure and being Mercenaries)

Now what to do about it :

1)some Actual riding UU ( i'm taking suggestion for names), with additional str and withdrawal, maybe the cattle stealing promotions

2) Magnadine ; he gets a +2Str from being an aspect of war ( currently bugged, i've noticed today while checking him), along with an Aura bonus to nearby mounted units ( currently deactivated)

3) their support units ( arcane, divine, civilians) get horses with additional moves (that one should work currently at least for mages and priests)

4) A carroballista ( ballista on a carriage drawn by horses). I have a non-animated model for it right now, and i need to find someone to animate it. Design-wise, it's faster than all other siege units, but overall weaker at bombarding fortifications.

5)Mercenary System is much less costly for them, and let them lend their own units, gaining cash and xp ( Currently Deactivated)

6) Diplomacy Update will let them be actual mercenaries, making them temporary partners in a war for a sum of cash.

7) less navy and infantry.

8) some UBs getting them bonuses from having the various horse-related resources (both economic and unit).

bonus) i'm toying with expanding the horse system with a breeding option just for them ( you really want that nightmare-hyapon crossbreed)

Another CIV ranking, this time one of my favorites, the Elohim.

Rankings explained​

+/-Above or below the given rating, but not enough to change it
SSBroken and way above the power curve
SAbove the power curve
AOn top of the power curve
CBelow average
DWell below average

Civilization: Elohim

Known bugs:
None Elohim related, but aiming at Luanator Tower victory might be buggy as buildings in your city might disappear randomly like the towers. This seems to be a phyton bug, might be avoided maybe when you don ´t have your city at border to another civ and other cities of yours around it to prevent building loss. If you lose Luanator towers you can ´t rebuilt them, only take them back with worldbuilder.

The Elohim are a good assigned Civ that are the keepers of ancient wisdom. Their race threat give them a -1 malus to strenght when leaving borders, what is a great debuff. So Elohim are meant as a peaceful Civ that aims for a culture victory or Luanator Towers. They are also keepers of sacred places, so when you are able to get one of the places in your city culture range, all units get some unique abilities, for example beats slaying promotion etc. These Bonis are not gamebreaking but some of them are really nice to have. Also there are some buildings that give additional science so you can see Elohim are a more a builder Civ. As most other civs are evil, you shall always make sure, you ´ve enough units to protect your borders, the AI hates the Elohim. Einion is imho the best of their leaders with the bonus to greater person what makes it easier to get prophets and build the luanator towers that also give disciple units some experience. Kilmorph and the order are good religions to pick, the order gives free crusaders/acolythes when conquer a city or spread relgion, kilmorph is always a good pick for good civs for gold and production. Also Elohim tend to be a civ that aims for the disciple unit path cause of luanator and their special unit the monk.
Strength and weak points:
As disciple units are not the best line in the game, the monk has a 5/6 Strenght but comes with priesthood technology what is not an early one to pick, also monks can ´t be upgraded to better units, so they are kinda support units but not good to build them on masses imho. Also the strength debuff when leaving your borders is a pain in the brain, I had the bad luck to have Illians as neighbours and wasn ´t able to conquer theit cities so they declared war on me again and again, built wonders and also outsmart me in technology science for a while, it was frustrating, luky me got this invisible mask and put it on Valin so I was able to destroy their mines and so on at least. I was forced to kill their raid attempts in my borders, so I had a really bad time in my game, without a captured ice dragon I might have lost to them. The keepers of sacred places is nice when you can get some of them but imho it really isn´t enough to negiate the -1 Strength Malus. Also the disciple unit miss somekind of a strong units later on, as said I would go for the order relegion to have cruasaders at least but they are late units.

As seen above, I appreciate the order as religion for Elohim, the disadvantage is, that the order is a late relgion so it ´s harder to spread it and convince other civs to take it as their religion, also you might have trouble with civs that have ashen veil, summon mercurians shall always be a main goal for Elohim. You get crusaders with order, and they might be the best disciple units later on, but it might be hard to survive that long.

Even though the Elohim are not the best Civ I like to play them lorewise, it ´s nice to capture these sacred places and get some free promotions out of it, they are a civ that is for made for peacefully build game but prepare to get ambushed by AI. I wish it would be more rewarding to aim the disciple tech tree. Some things not fitting well together with the Elohim, there are many civs that are stronger and better suited to rule Erebus, but to be ruler of the world might not be a monk mantra, right? If forced to play the peaceful monk way, it would be nice to have a bit more benefit from it.

I give the Elohim a D+ Ranking, they struggle with their disciple unit aim and have weak units at all, their hero is a weak caster that is not a disciple unit and in another tech path, also his ability to force freedom can only be used once and kills the caster. The world spell to close your borders for 30 rounds is medicore, if you ´re forced to use it, your problems might not be vanished after the 30 rounds though. As said the strenghth debuff when leaving your borders makes it kinda hard to raid cities, but sometimes you ´ve to make war and not peace and in that case the Elohim are very limited.

Ideas for Improvement:
- Monks shall be earlier available to get the Elohim a better start, as they struggle there very much maybe monks avaialble with mysticism technology early on might be good ( I ´m not sure, but I think we got monks available once with mysticism earlier on, or I ´m wrong?)
- Make monks stronger the 5/6 is not good enough imho, maybe access to bronze, iron and mithril weapons, also it would be nice to get them upgraded into another disciple unit as they are worthless in endgame as they are not strong enough
- Elohim should have more speacial disciple units available to them, to make it more rewarding when chosing this path, maybe holy archers for example so you can better defend your cities?

And Now Elohim :

On the assessment, i agree with the disciple unit issue, less with the overall rating ( they tend to do well at cultural or luonotar victories (once i find the reason for the damn disappearing buildings ^^)
So, how to help them :

1)Monk is definitely getting part of a unit line, with an earlier pre-evolution and a later upgrade, with those units getting a bonus str where in national borders AND near UFs

2)Similarly Devout get a unitline replacement of Rogues, with abilities related to Happiness and War Weariness in both enemy and Allied cities, with Corlindale getting passive versions of those.

3)Something that's lore-accurate for them. They have litteral spirit-catchers : group of archmages whose job is to prevent the soul of important people from going to the underworld, making their resurrection easier. it comes as a buyable promotion for units with a certain level and at a certain tech, to allow them to be resurrectable ( Currently Deactivated)

bonus) something that was in the old design docs of Rife for them but i'm unsure whether i want to give them is a "Faith" counter, that stanfds for the hope of the Elohim people in a redeemed Erebus. Conceptually, it gives them a real reason to fight the Armageddon counter, since each decreases of the AC increases faith, which at certain thresholds give all elohim units and cities bonuses. It feels a bit too involved honestly

bonus2) maybe pacifist giving them +1Def within borders, to emphasize even more their defensive nature
So, let's talk Hippus.

First a Caveat : in the current version, some systems had to be disabled to handle the great crashocalypse of the 2020s, and curiously those systems affect the Hippus more than most civs ^^

Next, you assessment is mostly correct that their riding units are underwhelming and they don't have much more than that. Their lore don't give them much more than (Horse-oriented civ, clanic structure and being Mercenaries)

Now what to do about it :

1)some Actual riding UU ( i'm taking suggestion for names), with additional str and withdrawal, maybe the cattle stealing promotions

2) Magnadine ; he gets a +2Str from being an aspect of war ( currently bugged, i've noticed today while checking him), along with an Aura bonus to nearby mounted units ( currently deactivated)

3) their support units ( arcane, divine, civilians) get horses with additional moves (that one should work currently at least for mages and priests)

4) A carroballista ( ballista on a carriage drawn by horses). I have a non-animated model for it right now, and i need to find someone to animate it. Design-wise, it's faster than all other siege units, but overall weaker at bombarding fortifications.

5)Mercenary System is much less costly for them, and let them lend their own units, gaining cash and xp ( Currently Deactivated)

6) Diplomacy Update will let them be actual mercenaries, making them temporary partners in a war for a sum of cash.

7) less navy and infantry.

8) some UBs getting them bonuses from having the various horse-related resources (both economic and unit).

bonus) i'm toying with expanding the horse system with a breeding option just for them ( you really want that nightmare-hyapon crossbreed)

these changes pretty much hit the nail to get Hippus into play I would say :).

To 1). Maybe call them bandit Riders or masked Riders as the Hippus seem kinda a bit like bandits to me Rhoanne *cough*would probably disagree while Tasunke would agree. There would be a consideration to give Rhoanne and Tasunke different special units like the Mekkaras, as they differ from playstyle. Tasunkes bandit riders could also get the hidden nationality tag (dunno if it might be too OP) while Rhoannes Riders might be more a mercenary Cavalry (Hippusian/Hipposian cavalry? Similar to the Numidian Cavalry ?)
maybe, with a bonus against bhaal units for example). At least I think they need some animal/beast capture or rangers with horses that count as mounted units (like Gauchos?).

To 4).I really like the Ballista Idea, they are not so heavy and can be drawn by horses and it ´s realistic they do less damage to city walls.

Other ideas: I was thinking about that one Civ could have a chance to capture supplies when raiding a city, my first idea was that it would fit to chislev as they are indians with former nomadic tribe background, but meanwhile they got their love and as I just playing them, I think they are fine now (beneath the bug, that they can´t build priests^^) as they are (better than I thought to be honest). But I think it would also fit to Hippus to plunder cities for goods and load them on wagons (suplies unit). Consideration would be, that they only get supplies when razing a city, but that would give them an evil attitude and I think they are more neutral in allignment even if Tasunke can be really bad when in bad mood (that ´s normally the case) while Rhoanne is more civilized and a trader.
And Now Elohim :

On the assessment, i agree with the disciple unit issue, less with the overall rating ( they tend to do well at cultural or luonotar victories (once i find the reason for the damn disappearing buildings ^^)
So, how to help them :

1)Monk is definitely getting part of a unit line, with an earlier pre-evolution and a later upgrade, with those units getting a bonus str where in national borders AND near UFs

2)Similarly Devout get a unitline replacement of Rogues, with abilities related to Happiness and War Weariness in both enemy and Allied cities, with Corlindale getting passive versions of those.

3)Something that's lore-accurate for them. They have litteral spirit-catchers : group of archmages whose job is to prevent the soul of important people from going to the underworld, making their resurrection easier. it comes as a buyable promotion for units with a certain level and at a certain tech, to allow them to be resurrectable ( Currently Deactivated)

bonus) something that was in the old design docs of Rife for them but i'm unsure whether i want to give them is a "Faith" counter, that stanfds for the hope of the Elohim people in a redeemed Erebus. Conceptually, it gives them a real reason to fight the Armageddon counter, since each decreases of the AC increases faith, which at certain thresholds give all elohim units and cities bonuses. It feels a bit too involved honestly

bonus2) maybe pacifist giving them +1Def within borders, to emphasize even more their defensive nature

Yeah, I was long thinking about their ranking, my main issue was, that the units are kinda weak and i needed to take too many techs from different unit skilltrees to get them into play. I needed archers to defend my cities as the monk unit is too weak for it, I needed mage tree to get corlindale & mana notes, needed ranger and scout (executioner of Sirona) units to capture some animals to boost my cities for the builder and scouting and all in all even these special units are not that good with the fact they got the pacifist debuff when leaving their borders. The Idea with the tomb wardens is nice, so I had at least a few units with good defence to hold illians at bay. As you said Elohim goals are cultural or luanator victory so they are kinda limited to be a peaceful builder civ (nothing wrong with it) but for the lack of offensive power, there should be at least something to defend their borders, so I think your ideas would help them very much to be more viable, escpecially with better acolyte units boostered by luanator towers. Elohim are not totally crap and I think some small fixes would help them, the synergies not fitting well together right now, while many other civs are quite better.

Hmm, the faith counter idea sounds interesting but might be too OP combined with the Bonis from sacred places, but maybe it could give a chance for a golden age or extends it duration, afaik we have no Civ that has some synergy with golden ages yet, but maybe it shall kept for another civ that needs some love, Bannor or so ,-).
Like some of these ideas. It's late, but what about a opposite-stigmata promotion that only gives defence? Gives them early bonus, encourages a low AC, and doesn't boost their late game (which should be strong anyway).
Getting a repeatable CtD when I hit "Enter."

SVN Revision 370.

Active modules are the following: Advanced Workers, Animal Lairs, Anscarca, Arachnophobia, Bannor Expansion, Black Duke, Chislev Expansion, Churel, City Guards, Coaxoch, Dao, Dural, Dwarves, Emergent Leaders, Everchanging, Flight of Drakes, Fortifications, Goblin, Important Leaders, Lizard Art, Ljosalfar Expansion, Magister Ashes, MOM Buildings, More Events, More Goodies, New Traits, Node Yields, Noggormotha, One Potion, PPQ Effects, PPQ Flavor, PPQ Navy, Scion Healthcare, Sidar Wanes, Watering the Flames.


  • Nor'easter Turn_0514.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.5 MB · Views: 1
Repeatable CtD at the end of this turn, saved game attached.

SVN Revision 370.

Active modules are the following: Advanced Workers, Animal Lairs, Anscarca, Arachnophobia, Bannor Expansion, Black Duke, Chislev Expansion, Churel, City Guards, Coaxoch, Dao, Dural, Dwarves, Emergent Leaders, Everchanging, Flight of Drakes, Fortifications, Goblin, Important Leaders, Lizard Art, Ljosalfar Expansion, Magister Ashes, MOM Buildings, More Events, More Goodies, New Traits, Node Yields, Noggormotha, One Potion, PPQ Effects, PPQ Flavor, PPQ Navy, Scion Healthcare, Sidar Wanes, Watering the Flames.


  • Nor'easter Turn_0555.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.7 MB · Views: 1,852
Repeatable CtD at the end of this turn, saved game attached.

SVN Revision 371.

Active modules are the following: Advanced Workers, Animal Lairs, Arachnophobia, Bannor Expansion, Black Duke, Chislev Expansion, Churel, City Guards, Coaxoch, Dao, Dural, Dwarves, Emergent Leaders, Everchanging, Flight of Drakes, Fortifications, Goblin, Important Leaders, Lizard Art, Ljosalfar Expansion, Magister Ashes, MOM Buildings, More Events, More Goodies, New Traits, Node Yields, Noggormotha, One Potion, PPQ Effects, PPQ Flavor, PPQ Navy, Scion Healthcare, Sidar Wanes, Watering the Flames.


  • Nor'easter Turn_0034.CivBeyondSwordSave
    346.6 KB · Views: 1
Repeatable CtD at the end of this turn, saved game attached.

SVN Revision 371.

Active modules are the following: Advanced Workers, Animal Lairs, Arachnophobia, Bannor Expansion, Black Duke, Chislev Expansion, Churel, City Guards, Coaxoch, Dao, Dural, Dwarves, Emergent Leaders, Everchanging, Flight of Drakes, Fortifications, Goblin, Important Leaders, Lizard Art, Ljosalfar Expansion, Magister Ashes, MOM Buildings, More Events, More Goodies, New Traits, Node Yields, Noggormotha, One Potion, PPQ Effects, PPQ Flavor, PPQ Navy, Scion Healthcare, Sidar Wanes, Watering the Flames.
the good news is that it has nothing to do with whatever i did last revision. The bad news is that there's a unit that dies in the middle of its movement somewhere in your save ^^. I'll see if i can force it to stop moving.
another animation bug has been reported, for the sheaim mage. the joint file is a quickfix for that issue.
Instructions :
unzip the folder, then paste the Assets folder into the Ashes of Erebus main folder, accept the replacement of the one file


    2 KB · Views: 4
Getting a repeatable CtD at the end of this turn, saved game attached.

SVN Revision 371.

Active modules are the following: Advanced Workers, Animal Lairs, Arachnophobia, Bannor Expansion, Black Duke, Chislev Expansion, Churel, City Guards, Coaxoch, Dao, Dural, Dwarves, Emergent Leaders, Everchanging, Flight of Drakes, Fortifications, Goblin, Important Leaders, Lizard Art, Ljosalfar Expansion, Magister Ashes, MOM Buildings, More Events, More Goodies, New Traits, Node Yields, Noggormotha, One Potion, PPQ Effects, PPQ Flavor, PPQ Navy, Scion Healthcare, Sidar Wanes, Watering the Flames.


  • Nor'easter Turn_0496.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.6 MB · Views: 0
Playing as the Scions with Ophelia Rosenthal as Leader. When Ophelia received The Gift and acquired the Deathtouched and Personality Cult Traits, she retained the Haunted Strategist Trait, although the 'pedia says she's supposed to lose the Strategist [sic -- should be Haunted Strategist] Trait. So either the 'pedia is wrong and this is working as intended, or the 'pedia is correct and the system hasn't been updated yet.

SVN Revision 371.

Active modules are the following: Advanced Workers, Animal Lairs, Arachnophobia, Bannor Expansion, Black Duke, Chislev Expansion, Churel, City Guards, Coaxoch, Dao, Dural, Dwarves, Emergent Leaders, Everchanging, Flight of Drakes, Fortifications, Goblin, Important Leaders, Lizard Art, Ljosalfar Expansion, Magister Ashes, MOM Buildings, More Events, More Goodies, New Traits, Node Yields, Noggormotha, One Potion, PPQ Effects, PPQ Flavor, PPQ Navy, Scion Healthcare, Sidar Wanes, Watering the Flames.
Playing as the Scions with Ophelia Rosenthal as Leader. When Ophelia received The Gift and acquired the Deathtouched and Personality Cult Traits, she retained the Haunted Strategist Trait, although the 'pedia says she's supposed to lose the Strategist [sic -- should be Haunted Strategist] Trait. So either the 'pedia is wrong and this is working as intended, or the 'pedia is correct and the system hasn't been updated yet.

SVN Revision 371.

Active modules are the following: Advanced Workers, Animal Lairs, Arachnophobia, Bannor Expansion, Black Duke, Chislev Expansion, Churel, City Guards, Coaxoch, Dao, Dural, Dwarves, Emergent Leaders, Everchanging, Flight of Drakes, Fortifications, Goblin, Important Leaders, Lizard Art, Ljosalfar Expansion, Magister Ashes, MOM Buildings, More Events, More Goodies, New Traits, Node Yields, Noggormotha, One Potion, PPQ Effects, PPQ Flavor, PPQ Navy, Scion Healthcare, Sidar Wanes, Watering the Flames.
i haven't updated the pedia yet. done for 372
i haven't updated the pedia yet. done for 372
So Ophelia leading the Scions keeps the Haunted Strategist Trait after accepting the Gift and receiving both the Deathtouched and Personality Cult Traits? Would make her unique, having two regular traits plus one Emergent trait, but might be overpowered, I don't know.
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