Amon Savag
The Great
Before I start..I should warn you that this is going to be FREAKING AWESOME!So if you can't handle that,don't read on.
You will start with one province.That province will be a level 2 province for taxing purposes.From this you will build a massive empire and kill things!WOOHOO YAY yeah boy,boy yeah!**** yeah!
Economy is divided by tax level and province level.Each province will have a level based on it's population,basically.As the population level rises,the amount of taxes you can generate from this province will increase.I will provide a table for this below.
Tax level will be determined by the level.They are as follows:Light,Moderate,Heavy.If you control no law in your province,light taxes will be the only way to keep your people happy.However the more law you control,the heavier the taxes you can get away with.If you control half of the law within the province,you can tax moderately without any drawback.Finally,with all the law controlled in your province owned by you,you can tax heavy with no drawback.
Prov. Lev./Light/Moderate/Heavy
Each level a province is,there is an equal number of slots available for holdings of different types.
Law:This is the holding in which players excert their influence directly on the people,through police action and whatnot.The more law you control in a province,the more people of that province are directly influenced by what you say.
Guild:This holding is basically the trade center of the province.The higher this level,the more people use your trade center for their goods,and services.This is a source of additional income to your taxes.
Temple/Church(Whatever religious ground you want):This is the holding that has to do with the religion of the populace.If you have 1/3 of the temples in a province,you control the religion of 1/3 of the people.This is also an additional source of income,as donations and everything will fall into your temple's coffers.
I shall try to make a suitable table to show how much guild and temple holdings will add to one's income....
Prov Holding Rating (Guild/temples)
If you have law in the land,you can contest gold that is gained through other peoples' temples and guilds in your land,provided that there are some foreign owned guilds or temples in your land.I will dictate the amount of gold confiscated through law if the option is used.
Your character,along with your lieutenants and other player characters will have an effect on how your country is ran,how your battles are fought,and how well you can influence other countries.Each player will have a set of attributes.These attributes will be as follows:Leadership(For commanding men) War(For fighting duels) Politics(For the growth of land/holdings) Intrigue (For the tampering of others' lands and the contesting of holdings) Pioneersmanship(How well this officer can settle a new province).These atributes will be on a 1-10 scale.The number of each attribute for everyone will be determined by myself,looking at your country and what style of rule is being played with it. (For instance,if a country is playing very peacefully and just isolatedly growing itself from the inside,it might produce a lieutenant who has high politics,but low war and intrigue.A country who is war battered would produce lieutenants with high war, etc...).You can recruit lieutenants by promoting a captain from your army,doing searches throughout your country for talented people,hiring relatives,etc...You make a story depicting the way the lieutenant is hired,and I'll put him as a lieutenant and give him some stats.(Your story will also have a direct influence on what the stats would be..."Amon Savag held a tournament within his army,and whoever won would be made a lieutenant in his army" would produce a warrior-type lieutenant,even if your country style may not be a war-state...But even then,it may not have HIGH war,just higher war than others...)
The reason for having lieutenants,is that later on you will not have enough time yourself to rule over the whole of your lands.Each ruler is allowed 2 "domain actions" per turn.Such as ruling a province to raise it a level,or creating a castle.A list of domain actions will be presented below.In addition to these 2 domain actions,you can have your lieutenants do a domain action for you.Each lieutenant can do 1 domain action.
Domain actions
Agitate-Increase or decrease target province loyalty one grade
Contest-Contests a holding or province.
Create Holding-Creates a level 0 holding in a province.
Espionage-Reveals troop movements/positions, investigates plots and intrigues, launches assassinations, etc...
Fortify-Creates or improves castle
Lieutenant-Hires lieutenant
Rule-Increases the level of a province or holding.
Settle-Makes a new settlement and produces a level 0 province for you to rule.
Trade route-Creates a trade route
Unconventional warfare.The sending of agents into your own,or someone else's province to disrupt or improve loyalty conditions.The success rate will be determined by the amount of intrigue the agitator has and, of course, how much gold you pour into it.You will say in your orders whether you wanted to raise loyalty or lower it.(The success is really 50%+5% per intrigue score+5% per gold spent-10% per gold spent in counter-espionage in that province)
This is used to further your holdings when there are no slots open because of someone else taking up the free slots.If there is a level 5 province and you own a level 4 guild in it,and someone else owns a level 1 guild in it,you may not rule the holding to raise it a level.You would have to get rid of the level 1 holding first.If you succeed in contesting a holding,it is titled "Contested" and does not gain any gold for it's owner untill it is successfully ruled by that player.If you successfully contest a "contested" holding,it is destroyed.You must have at least a level 0 holding in the province in question to contest it.(The success is 0+5% per intrigue stat+5% per additional gold spent on the contest-10% per gold per gold left back by the contestee as "insurance")
Provinces can also be contested,if someone else owns law in the land and has the ambition to do so.If a province is contested,it does not get "contested" status like holdings,they just switch over to the new ruler's rule.No holdings are touched in the government switch,but you
Create Holding
This is used to create a level 0 holding of your own.The success is 50%+5% per politic stat+5% per additional gold spent on the creation of the said holding.Creating a holding costs 1 gold.
In your orders,tell me what type of holding you're wanting to create,and what province to create it in.
This action is used to send spies and informants over to another ruler's provinces to gain information about the troops and troop movements in a province.You can also launch assassinations or anything else,really.You can be creative with your espionage.Just tell me what you wish to accomplish,and who is going to do it,and with how much gold the said character has to accomplish the espionage with,and I will tell you in a PM what happened.If your espionage is a failure,I will notify both parties involved.(I will tell the person you tried to accomplish espionage against that they have caught spies in their lands from so and so country").You can spend gold on counter-espionage.This is a free action,thus you can do this without having someone actually committed to it.Remember that both espionage and counter-espionage is province based.You cannot spy on the whole of a country,nor can you counter spies against the whole country (Unless you spend gold on counter-espionage for every province in your land)
This creates a castle in a province of yours.Castles cost 10 gold per level.You can make a castle equal to the level of your province.The benefits of having a castle will be further explained later.Castles will be constructed at a 5 gold per turn rate.So if you created a castle level 1,it would take 2 turns to finish.If you created a castle level 5,it would take 10 turns to finish,and etc...!
This hires a lieutenant.The success rate is 100% because there's always someone who wants to make his way up the social ladder.A lieutenant cannot hire a lieutenant.
This raises the level of a province or holding.(The success rate of this is 50%+5% per politic stat+5% per gold spent on it-5% per level of the province or holding).Remember,for you to raise the level of a holding,there must be empty slots for the said holding in the said province.(A level 5 province has 5 slots.If a player owns a level 3 guild and another player owns a level 2 guild in the same province,there are no free slots.Therefore,one must go for the contest option,or create a holding somewhere else)
Also,I forgot to put this in earlier...The "rule" option costs 1 gold more than the level of the holding/province.It would cost 3 gold to rule a level 2 province,or holding,for instance.
This sends an expeditionary party to settle a new province for your country.The success rate is unknown to all but myself,and will be modified by both the amount of gold spent by the party sending the expedition,and the pioneermanship of the lieutenant/ruler going on the expedition.Just tell me who is being sent with how much gold and which province he's being sent to.
Trade route
This creates a trade route between 2 provinces.The provinces in question must both have guilds owned by the trade maker.You do not have to own the provinces to ply trade between them.The amount of revenue gained by trade is the average of the 2 province levels.(If you have a trade route between a level 6 and level 2 province,the amount of gold generated would be 4 per turn,because of their average together).A max of 3 trade routes per province is allowed.Success is never lower than 100%.It is subject to brigands or even the armies of one of the rulers of the said provinces.
Maintaining an army
The ability to muster armies and move your troops are simple.Just say so,and it happens.It takes no domain action.These are free actions and should be taken advantage of.The rules of maintaining an army is simple.You must have gold to buy troops,and you must have gold to pay their wages.The key to raising an army is in your holdings.You must have so high of a law holding in your province to recruite certain types of troops.You can also hire troops through other holdings,but they must usually be higher level of a holding.(And certain units are only able to be recruited through certain holdings).You can only train as many units in one province as the level of that province.
Levy(Law 0) (Temple 2) (0 to hire,1 upkeep)
Irregular(Law 1) (Guild 2) (1 to hire,1 upkeep)
Infantry(Law 2) (2 to hire,1 upkeep)
Bowman(Law 2) (Guild 3) (3 to hire,1 upkeep)
Scouts(Law2) (Guild 3) (2 to hire,1 upkeep)
Pikemen(Law 2) (3 to hire,1 upkeep)
Cavalry(Law 3) (4 to hire,2 upkeep)
Elite Infantry(Law 4) (6 to hire,2 upkeep)
Knights(Law 4) (8 to hire,2 upkeep)
Mercinary Infantry(Guild 3) (3 to hire,2 upkeep)
Mercinary Pikemen(Guild 3) (4 to hire,2 upkeep)
Mercinary Cavalry(Only at opportune times)(A matter for my disgression)
Siege engineers(Law 5) (6 to hire,2 upkeep)
The acquisition of troops need not be by BOTH holdings in question.The stat may say (Law 1)(Guild 2):This means that you must have,in order to recruite this unit,EITHER a level 1 law in the questioned province,OR a level 2 guild.You do not need both!
You could imagine what the job of each of these units are,but I will give a description anyways.
Levy -Militia.If you draft the maximum amount of these that you can in one turn,the population level will decrease.However,if you end up disbanding them without more than half of them dieing,that level will come back.
Irregulars -Equipped militia.These are men that would be throne together by a cheap ruler at a last desperate hope for victory.
Infantry -Professional soldiers.These men have trained and been equipped to deal with an enemy.
Bowmen -These men have bows.They shoot at things.Use at your disgression.
Scouts -These men are hired hands that will find out the enemy positions and numbers,before a battle is fought.They also carry light weapons and bows,so they are slightly combat effective.(Not as effective at long range as a bowman,and about as effective as irregulars at close quarters combat)
Pikemen-These are equipped with anti-medievil-tank weapons.They are quite effective against cavalry.
Cavalry -Light cavalry.Used mostly for skirmishing,or in the persuite of enemies,but they can be dangerous in the brunt of battle if used correctly.
Elite Infantry -These men are very professional,very well equipped men who can stand up to anything short a knight charge.
KnightsWell...The name explains it.If you're a ******,ask me on AIM or MSN and I'll give you the full description.
Mercinary Infantry -These are treated as better equipped and more skilled than regular infantry,just because they have veterans among them who have amassed enough wealth to buy better equipment for themselves,and of course veterans are better than green men.
Mercinary Pikemen -Same rule as Mercinary Infantry,but with pikes.
Mercinary Cavalry -Second sons of nobles,or just soldiers of fortune.These are usually no less than knights on the battlefield.But they are hard to keep in line,because they have usually been through many battles,and have gained everything they have through sweat and blood,so they usually believe themselves to be the general's equals on the battlefield.If these are hired,do not expect unwavering loyalty out of them,just expect extra hands in battle.
Other units will come along as time goes on and people start making a personality for their countries and whatnot.Feel free to contact me about a unit you might want to make,and I may create rules pertaining to it for your country.
Try to think of 1 unit as 200 men.
I will be keeping track of everyone's armies OFF template,on a notepad.You must keep track of your troops,and what provinces they are in.If you do not,you are at a loss.This is for the sake of waging effective war.Noone will know where your troops are unless they successfully complete an espionage against one of your provinces or if,in war, the enemy has scouts in your lands.
This is the awesome part of every NES.When you wage war,you may attack the enemy's provinces!Cavalry,scouts,and knights may move 2 provinces per turn.Every other unit may only move 1 province per turn.(Unless there are roads...Which will be explained later)When you attack someone else's province,you clearly put in your orders "Send so and so troops to so and so province,bruthuh" and then I have to make it happen,because it is my duty as the mod.The success of your troops will be determined by a number of things.Tactics of the battle being one,and who you sent as a general being the another,as well as the troops sent.
A castle can garrison an equal amount of units to the level of the castle in question (A level 5 castle can house up to 5 units at any one time).All other troops in the said province are stationed outside the castle and are subject to enemy harassment,should they invade.If someone invades a province with a castle,and takes the field,the defenders may retreat to the castle.The attackers will then besiege the castle.
The rules of the siege are this...You must have a number of units equal to the castle's level at the start of the siege.Each turn that the castle in question is still under siege by a number of units equal to the level the castle was at the begining of the siege,the castle in question will drop a level.If at any time the amount of besieging troops fall below the level of the castle at the begining of the siege,the castle will regain all of it's strength,and the siege will be declared "Broken".
Keep in mind,that when the castle goes lower due to siege damage and there are too many troops in the castle,a unit,chosen by me,will die.I will probably send the cheapest units to die first,unless specific orders are given by the sieged player for a certain type of unit to die.
If you own siege engineers and are the sieging party,you may attempt to storm the castle.The success is hamper,of course,by the fact that you are storming a rock with enemies on top trying to kill you as you make the attempt.
Also,should your army have stomped an enemy army in their own province,and your army become forced to lay siege to the castle,you control their province for taxation purposes.
Free actions
Anything that I have said takes a domain action,takes a domain action.Anything else does not,thus you can do it as many times as your little heart desires.
The normal troop movement is not taken into account when there are roads between provinces.Should you run into a castle,though,you are automatically stopped.Exception being any castle of your own,or any allied castles.
Province occupation
At any time you may decide to occupy a province you own to destroy holdings that you decide are not suitable for your land.Doing so will have a detrimental effect on the public mood in the province in question.
Independant(Or non-independant) holding rulers
You may decide that ruling a country is gay.So you can just start a business of your own and rule holdings.The rules are basically the same.You can hire lieutenants and everything.You cannot build roads haha.You cannot build castles.For the above actions,you would have to own land.You can launch settlement expeditions,however,and gain your own province that way.At one time or another,there will be no provinces left to own by players,and any new player would have to join as a holding ruler or nothing.
For a landed character
Ruler's name(Please provide a surname as well,for your family.)
(Leadership-1 War-2 Politics-1 Intrigue-1)
Country name
Startout province number:
Name given to the said province:
For a non-landed character
Ruler's name(Please provide a surname as well,for your family.)
(Leadership-1 War-1 Politics-2 Intrigue-1)
Business name
Headquartered province:
Holdings-1(Type of holding/Province the holding is at..Remember,there must be free slots in the said province)
Don't not post anything before I say "GO ahead and post ol' chap"
Before I start..I should warn you that this is going to be FREAKING AWESOME!So if you can't handle that,don't read on.
You will start with one province.That province will be a level 2 province for taxing purposes.From this you will build a massive empire and kill things!WOOHOO YAY yeah boy,boy yeah!**** yeah!
Economy is divided by tax level and province level.Each province will have a level based on it's population,basically.As the population level rises,the amount of taxes you can generate from this province will increase.I will provide a table for this below.
Tax level will be determined by the level.They are as follows:Light,Moderate,Heavy.If you control no law in your province,light taxes will be the only way to keep your people happy.However the more law you control,the heavier the taxes you can get away with.If you control half of the law within the province,you can tax moderately without any drawback.Finally,with all the law controlled in your province owned by you,you can tax heavy with no drawback.
Prov. Lev./Light/Moderate/Heavy
Each level a province is,there is an equal number of slots available for holdings of different types.
Law:This is the holding in which players excert their influence directly on the people,through police action and whatnot.The more law you control in a province,the more people of that province are directly influenced by what you say.
Guild:This holding is basically the trade center of the province.The higher this level,the more people use your trade center for their goods,and services.This is a source of additional income to your taxes.
Temple/Church(Whatever religious ground you want):This is the holding that has to do with the religion of the populace.If you have 1/3 of the temples in a province,you control the religion of 1/3 of the people.This is also an additional source of income,as donations and everything will fall into your temple's coffers.
I shall try to make a suitable table to show how much guild and temple holdings will add to one's income....
Prov Holding Rating (Guild/temples)
If you have law in the land,you can contest gold that is gained through other peoples' temples and guilds in your land,provided that there are some foreign owned guilds or temples in your land.I will dictate the amount of gold confiscated through law if the option is used.
Your character,along with your lieutenants and other player characters will have an effect on how your country is ran,how your battles are fought,and how well you can influence other countries.Each player will have a set of attributes.These attributes will be as follows:Leadership(For commanding men) War(For fighting duels) Politics(For the growth of land/holdings) Intrigue (For the tampering of others' lands and the contesting of holdings) Pioneersmanship(How well this officer can settle a new province).These atributes will be on a 1-10 scale.The number of each attribute for everyone will be determined by myself,looking at your country and what style of rule is being played with it. (For instance,if a country is playing very peacefully and just isolatedly growing itself from the inside,it might produce a lieutenant who has high politics,but low war and intrigue.A country who is war battered would produce lieutenants with high war, etc...).You can recruit lieutenants by promoting a captain from your army,doing searches throughout your country for talented people,hiring relatives,etc...You make a story depicting the way the lieutenant is hired,and I'll put him as a lieutenant and give him some stats.(Your story will also have a direct influence on what the stats would be..."Amon Savag held a tournament within his army,and whoever won would be made a lieutenant in his army" would produce a warrior-type lieutenant,even if your country style may not be a war-state...But even then,it may not have HIGH war,just higher war than others...)
The reason for having lieutenants,is that later on you will not have enough time yourself to rule over the whole of your lands.Each ruler is allowed 2 "domain actions" per turn.Such as ruling a province to raise it a level,or creating a castle.A list of domain actions will be presented below.In addition to these 2 domain actions,you can have your lieutenants do a domain action for you.Each lieutenant can do 1 domain action.
Domain actions
Agitate-Increase or decrease target province loyalty one grade
Contest-Contests a holding or province.
Create Holding-Creates a level 0 holding in a province.
Espionage-Reveals troop movements/positions, investigates plots and intrigues, launches assassinations, etc...
Fortify-Creates or improves castle
Lieutenant-Hires lieutenant
Rule-Increases the level of a province or holding.
Settle-Makes a new settlement and produces a level 0 province for you to rule.
Trade route-Creates a trade route
Unconventional warfare.The sending of agents into your own,or someone else's province to disrupt or improve loyalty conditions.The success rate will be determined by the amount of intrigue the agitator has and, of course, how much gold you pour into it.You will say in your orders whether you wanted to raise loyalty or lower it.(The success is really 50%+5% per intrigue score+5% per gold spent-10% per gold spent in counter-espionage in that province)
This is used to further your holdings when there are no slots open because of someone else taking up the free slots.If there is a level 5 province and you own a level 4 guild in it,and someone else owns a level 1 guild in it,you may not rule the holding to raise it a level.You would have to get rid of the level 1 holding first.If you succeed in contesting a holding,it is titled "Contested" and does not gain any gold for it's owner untill it is successfully ruled by that player.If you successfully contest a "contested" holding,it is destroyed.You must have at least a level 0 holding in the province in question to contest it.(The success is 0+5% per intrigue stat+5% per additional gold spent on the contest-10% per gold per gold left back by the contestee as "insurance")
Provinces can also be contested,if someone else owns law in the land and has the ambition to do so.If a province is contested,it does not get "contested" status like holdings,they just switch over to the new ruler's rule.No holdings are touched in the government switch,but you
Create Holding
This is used to create a level 0 holding of your own.The success is 50%+5% per politic stat+5% per additional gold spent on the creation of the said holding.Creating a holding costs 1 gold.
In your orders,tell me what type of holding you're wanting to create,and what province to create it in.
This action is used to send spies and informants over to another ruler's provinces to gain information about the troops and troop movements in a province.You can also launch assassinations or anything else,really.You can be creative with your espionage.Just tell me what you wish to accomplish,and who is going to do it,and with how much gold the said character has to accomplish the espionage with,and I will tell you in a PM what happened.If your espionage is a failure,I will notify both parties involved.(I will tell the person you tried to accomplish espionage against that they have caught spies in their lands from so and so country").You can spend gold on counter-espionage.This is a free action,thus you can do this without having someone actually committed to it.Remember that both espionage and counter-espionage is province based.You cannot spy on the whole of a country,nor can you counter spies against the whole country (Unless you spend gold on counter-espionage for every province in your land)
This creates a castle in a province of yours.Castles cost 10 gold per level.You can make a castle equal to the level of your province.The benefits of having a castle will be further explained later.Castles will be constructed at a 5 gold per turn rate.So if you created a castle level 1,it would take 2 turns to finish.If you created a castle level 5,it would take 10 turns to finish,and etc...!
This hires a lieutenant.The success rate is 100% because there's always someone who wants to make his way up the social ladder.A lieutenant cannot hire a lieutenant.
This raises the level of a province or holding.(The success rate of this is 50%+5% per politic stat+5% per gold spent on it-5% per level of the province or holding).Remember,for you to raise the level of a holding,there must be empty slots for the said holding in the said province.(A level 5 province has 5 slots.If a player owns a level 3 guild and another player owns a level 2 guild in the same province,there are no free slots.Therefore,one must go for the contest option,or create a holding somewhere else)
Also,I forgot to put this in earlier...The "rule" option costs 1 gold more than the level of the holding/province.It would cost 3 gold to rule a level 2 province,or holding,for instance.
This sends an expeditionary party to settle a new province for your country.The success rate is unknown to all but myself,and will be modified by both the amount of gold spent by the party sending the expedition,and the pioneermanship of the lieutenant/ruler going on the expedition.Just tell me who is being sent with how much gold and which province he's being sent to.
Trade route
This creates a trade route between 2 provinces.The provinces in question must both have guilds owned by the trade maker.You do not have to own the provinces to ply trade between them.The amount of revenue gained by trade is the average of the 2 province levels.(If you have a trade route between a level 6 and level 2 province,the amount of gold generated would be 4 per turn,because of their average together).A max of 3 trade routes per province is allowed.Success is never lower than 100%.It is subject to brigands or even the armies of one of the rulers of the said provinces.
Maintaining an army
The ability to muster armies and move your troops are simple.Just say so,and it happens.It takes no domain action.These are free actions and should be taken advantage of.The rules of maintaining an army is simple.You must have gold to buy troops,and you must have gold to pay their wages.The key to raising an army is in your holdings.You must have so high of a law holding in your province to recruite certain types of troops.You can also hire troops through other holdings,but they must usually be higher level of a holding.(And certain units are only able to be recruited through certain holdings).You can only train as many units in one province as the level of that province.
Levy(Law 0) (Temple 2) (0 to hire,1 upkeep)
Irregular(Law 1) (Guild 2) (1 to hire,1 upkeep)
Infantry(Law 2) (2 to hire,1 upkeep)
Bowman(Law 2) (Guild 3) (3 to hire,1 upkeep)
Scouts(Law2) (Guild 3) (2 to hire,1 upkeep)
Pikemen(Law 2) (3 to hire,1 upkeep)
Cavalry(Law 3) (4 to hire,2 upkeep)
Elite Infantry(Law 4) (6 to hire,2 upkeep)
Knights(Law 4) (8 to hire,2 upkeep)
Mercinary Infantry(Guild 3) (3 to hire,2 upkeep)
Mercinary Pikemen(Guild 3) (4 to hire,2 upkeep)
Mercinary Cavalry(Only at opportune times)(A matter for my disgression)
Siege engineers(Law 5) (6 to hire,2 upkeep)
The acquisition of troops need not be by BOTH holdings in question.The stat may say (Law 1)(Guild 2):This means that you must have,in order to recruite this unit,EITHER a level 1 law in the questioned province,OR a level 2 guild.You do not need both!
You could imagine what the job of each of these units are,but I will give a description anyways.
Levy -Militia.If you draft the maximum amount of these that you can in one turn,the population level will decrease.However,if you end up disbanding them without more than half of them dieing,that level will come back.
Irregulars -Equipped militia.These are men that would be throne together by a cheap ruler at a last desperate hope for victory.
Infantry -Professional soldiers.These men have trained and been equipped to deal with an enemy.
Bowmen -These men have bows.They shoot at things.Use at your disgression.
Scouts -These men are hired hands that will find out the enemy positions and numbers,before a battle is fought.They also carry light weapons and bows,so they are slightly combat effective.(Not as effective at long range as a bowman,and about as effective as irregulars at close quarters combat)
Pikemen-These are equipped with anti-medievil-tank weapons.They are quite effective against cavalry.
Cavalry -Light cavalry.Used mostly for skirmishing,or in the persuite of enemies,but they can be dangerous in the brunt of battle if used correctly.
Elite Infantry -These men are very professional,very well equipped men who can stand up to anything short a knight charge.
KnightsWell...The name explains it.If you're a ******,ask me on AIM or MSN and I'll give you the full description.
Mercinary Infantry -These are treated as better equipped and more skilled than regular infantry,just because they have veterans among them who have amassed enough wealth to buy better equipment for themselves,and of course veterans are better than green men.
Mercinary Pikemen -Same rule as Mercinary Infantry,but with pikes.
Mercinary Cavalry -Second sons of nobles,or just soldiers of fortune.These are usually no less than knights on the battlefield.But they are hard to keep in line,because they have usually been through many battles,and have gained everything they have through sweat and blood,so they usually believe themselves to be the general's equals on the battlefield.If these are hired,do not expect unwavering loyalty out of them,just expect extra hands in battle.
Other units will come along as time goes on and people start making a personality for their countries and whatnot.Feel free to contact me about a unit you might want to make,and I may create rules pertaining to it for your country.
Try to think of 1 unit as 200 men.
I will be keeping track of everyone's armies OFF template,on a notepad.You must keep track of your troops,and what provinces they are in.If you do not,you are at a loss.This is for the sake of waging effective war.Noone will know where your troops are unless they successfully complete an espionage against one of your provinces or if,in war, the enemy has scouts in your lands.
This is the awesome part of every NES.When you wage war,you may attack the enemy's provinces!Cavalry,scouts,and knights may move 2 provinces per turn.Every other unit may only move 1 province per turn.(Unless there are roads...Which will be explained later)When you attack someone else's province,you clearly put in your orders "Send so and so troops to so and so province,bruthuh" and then I have to make it happen,because it is my duty as the mod.The success of your troops will be determined by a number of things.Tactics of the battle being one,and who you sent as a general being the another,as well as the troops sent.
A castle can garrison an equal amount of units to the level of the castle in question (A level 5 castle can house up to 5 units at any one time).All other troops in the said province are stationed outside the castle and are subject to enemy harassment,should they invade.If someone invades a province with a castle,and takes the field,the defenders may retreat to the castle.The attackers will then besiege the castle.
The rules of the siege are this...You must have a number of units equal to the castle's level at the start of the siege.Each turn that the castle in question is still under siege by a number of units equal to the level the castle was at the begining of the siege,the castle in question will drop a level.If at any time the amount of besieging troops fall below the level of the castle at the begining of the siege,the castle will regain all of it's strength,and the siege will be declared "Broken".
Keep in mind,that when the castle goes lower due to siege damage and there are too many troops in the castle,a unit,chosen by me,will die.I will probably send the cheapest units to die first,unless specific orders are given by the sieged player for a certain type of unit to die.
If you own siege engineers and are the sieging party,you may attempt to storm the castle.The success is hamper,of course,by the fact that you are storming a rock with enemies on top trying to kill you as you make the attempt.
Also,should your army have stomped an enemy army in their own province,and your army become forced to lay siege to the castle,you control their province for taxation purposes.
Free actions
Anything that I have said takes a domain action,takes a domain action.Anything else does not,thus you can do it as many times as your little heart desires.
The normal troop movement is not taken into account when there are roads between provinces.Should you run into a castle,though,you are automatically stopped.Exception being any castle of your own,or any allied castles.
Province occupation
At any time you may decide to occupy a province you own to destroy holdings that you decide are not suitable for your land.Doing so will have a detrimental effect on the public mood in the province in question.
Independant(Or non-independant) holding rulers
You may decide that ruling a country is gay.So you can just start a business of your own and rule holdings.The rules are basically the same.You can hire lieutenants and everything.You cannot build roads haha.You cannot build castles.For the above actions,you would have to own land.You can launch settlement expeditions,however,and gain your own province that way.At one time or another,there will be no provinces left to own by players,and any new player would have to join as a holding ruler or nothing.
For a landed character
Ruler's name(Please provide a surname as well,for your family.)
(Leadership-1 War-2 Politics-1 Intrigue-1)
Country name
Startout province number:
Name given to the said province:
For a non-landed character
Ruler's name(Please provide a surname as well,for your family.)
(Leadership-1 War-1 Politics-2 Intrigue-1)
Business name
Headquartered province:
Holdings-1(Type of holding/Province the holding is at..Remember,there must be free slots in the said province)
Don't not post anything before I say "GO ahead and post ol' chap"