[BTS] Assert Failed crashes

buck beach

Dec 2, 2001
Upland, California
Plagued with this error and game crash throughout my current game under the latest version (I think it the latest, hovering over my flag doesn't reveal what version I am playing). Error occured when I would change civics during the turn when a new civic option became available. If I waited a turn I could choose the new civic without a crash. Previously when this crash occurred I just picked up the from the last Saved Game.

I am now at turn 319 in 1898 and I get the following Assert Failed message and can't go forward with a reload of the most current Saved Game.

Assert Failed

File: CvTeam.cpp
Line: 2145
Expression: !(AI_isSneakAttackPreparing((TeamTypes)iI))

Note the of the buttons available at the bottom of this screen function.

Went back two saves and now get this error:
Assert Failed

File: CvUnit.cpp
Line: 1331
Expression: getCombatUnit() && getCombatUnit()->getAttackPlot() == NULL

Again, as always, the buttons at the bottom of the error screen have no functionality.
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Did you build the DLL yourself? Or is that the version karadoc uploaded?
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