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Assorted Adventures

Dem Taqat

Nov 1, 2010
War. Peace. Love. Hate. Money. Power. Religion. Politics. Discovery. Necessity. These are but a handful of the concepts that drive adventure, taking people from a night in a haunted house to an expedition beyond the stars. There are many adventures, and many adventurers, more than even the great annals of history can record. This is a place for but a few of them, glimpses into the lives of those who are engaged in extraordinary events. This is an Assortment of Adventures.

It's DT! It's AC! It's not a DTAC? :confused: Well, sort of. This is the thread for one-off sessions, the potential for which has been postulated for a month or two now. I can't really say much more about these, since there is a fairly eclectic mix of ideas in the bag already, and the bag is still growing.

Basic Rules:
[Generic anti-troll rules]
As the GM I reserve the right to do anything in the game, up to and including tossing players for poor grammar. Hypocritical yes, but there are somethings up with which I will not put. :nono:

Usually I would follow this up with Character Creation and Mission times, but these things will be slightly more fluid than usual, given the variance between sessions. Each adventure will have self-contained character creation and be run at whatever time is most feasible for the greatest number of people, with the plan being to run each one within a week of its being posted in this thread. Feel free to contact me via CFC or the regular chatroom if you have questions, and I am always open to suggestions for adventures, though I shall give no promises I will make use of them.

The Chatroom is Here.

[Anything I missed will be added here when I remember it.]

Laying the Groundwork:hammer:
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This post is reserved. You know, in case I ever need admin stuff. I might as well throw a few thoughts into it though: my plan is to mostly use the FATE character creation system, but given the characters it creates will only be in use for a short time and that it can be quite demanding to produce them, I'm thinking of cutting them down slightly. The first adventure will use only 3 regular aspects, without high concepts or troubles, only 2 stunts, and I considered cutting out average level skills as well. I'd appreciate feedback on what people think of using this sort of cut-down character sheet, what might be changed and whether or not I should vary it between adventures. Obviously the skills available for picking will change each time; that should go without saying, but some adventures might be less straightforward than others and so have more room for aspects to shine, and for instance stunts might be more useful for portraying magic or superpowers. Let me know what you think.

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Trebia Trailblazers

The year is 218 BC, the place is the Po River Valley, in Modern Day Italy. Hannibal's Carthaginian army, a diverse collection of Libyans, Numidians, Spaniards, Gauls, and other mercenaries, has just completed one of the most famous marches of military history; crossing the Alps in the dead of winter to begin an invasion of Roman holdings in Italy. Tired, hungry, and with more than half the army lost to desertion or death on the trail, the survivors struggle to find reinforcements and supplies before the Romans arrive to bring them to battle.

You are a patrol of scouts, ranging ahead of the army on horseback to observe what lies upon the road. The sun is sinking low in the sky, but the last people you encountered had rumours of an army approaching, and it brings an added impetuous to your mission. You resolve to see for yourself, learn what you can, and then report back your findings to the main force. Of course, if you fail to return, that will be a message to the generals as well, in its own way...

Character Creation
: You probably know by now how this goes; just fill out the sheet below.

Spoiler For Character Sheet :

Physical: 1[] 2[]
Morale: 1[] 2[]


Great (+4):
Good (+3):
Fair (+2):
Average (+1):


Spoiler For Character Sheet in more depth :
Name: Their name. Duh.
Description: You know, draw us a picture of the character with your words.
Bio: Strictly speaking this isn't neccesary, but a few words on what you're doing in the army might be nice if nothing else.

FATE: You start with 3. There is obviously no need for refresh.
Physical: 1[] 2[]
Morale: 1[] 2[]

Aspect: You know the drill by now.
Aspect: Try to consider what scenarios might actually come up.
Aspect: An aspect about political prowess is probably wasted here.

Skills: Not all skills are created equal, some are only there because I know that if they aren't you'll find a way to need them. The list is below.

Spoiler For Skills List :
Athletics - Your characters general physical fitness and agility.
Burglary - Your characters ability to break into places and steal things.
Crafts - Your characters ability to work with machinery, building and fixing things.
Empathy - Your characters capacity to read other people and their moods.
Fight - Your characters skill in melee combat.
Investigate - Your characters proficiency in discovering things through intense or prolonged observation or research.
Lore - Your characters knowledge of the world and the events and people within it.
Notice - Your characters ability to spot things at a glance.
Physique - Your characters strength and endurance. Fair gives an extra physical slot and Great gives another one.
Ride - Your characters affinity for horses and skill at riding and caring for them.
Shoot - Your characters skill at ranged combat, with javelins or other weapons.
Social - Your characters ability to get what they want by words and persuasion of all sorts.
Stealth - Your characters proficiency at remaining hidden and moving around unseen.
Will - Your characters state of mental fortitude, concentration and determination. Fair gives an extra moral slot, and Great gives another one.

Great (+4): You get one.
Good (+3): You get two.
Fair (+2): You get three.
Average (+1): You get four.

Stunts: You only have two stunts in this adventure, though as always you may get more by sacrificing your starting FATE.

My plan for when we run this is to snatch up the Sunday slot at the regular time, given the previous discussions of time, but let me know if that doesn't work for anybody.

Scenario Aspect: Winter War in Contested Cisalpina
Scenario Aspect: Haggard Horses

Already Questioning :undecide:
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Name: Juba

Physical: 1[] 2[] 3[]
Morale: 1[] 2[]

Aspect: Working For Adventure, Not Coin
Aspect: Horse-whisperer
Aspect: One Good Eye

Great (+4): Ride
Good (+3): Shoot, Notice
Fair (+2): Empathy, Athletics, Physique
Average (+1): Lore, Will, Social, Stealth

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Name: Artair Abesias
Description: Big, blonde, burly, bearded.
Bio: A warrior from southern Gaul who join Hannibal's army.

Physical: 1[] 2[] 3[] 4[]
Morale: 1[] 2[] 3[]

Aspect: I'll Do Anything For Coin
Aspect: Brawn, Not Brains
Aspect: Brutal Barbarian

Great (+4): Physique
Good (+3): Athletics, Fight
Fair (+2): Burglary, Ride, Will
Average (+1): Notice, Shoot, Stealth, Crafts

-Dazing Counter: When you succeed with style on a defend action against an opponent’s Fight roll, you automatically counter with some sort of nerve punch or stunning blow. You get to attach the Dazed situation aspect to your opponent with a free invoke, instead of just a boost.
-Knockback: When you succeed with style on an attack with Fight, you may choose to reduce the value of your hit by one in order to knock your opponent back, provided there are no situation aspects impeding this movement.
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