Assyrian Horseman Preview

the crest seems to be at a rather odd angle... but over all, its pretty sweet :)
Bee-yoo-tee-ful!:thumbsup: ...It's great, but whatever happened to the Qin Spearman? I was kinda lookin forward to that unit...:)
also, now that I look at it the guy seems VERY small... the assyrians were using cavalry at a time when breeds were just being bred dtrong enough to support a mans weight- the morse needs to be smaller
I think it looks nice, besides the big horse. Though as Steph said, its a pain in the ass to shrink something down in C&P, so just leave it:)

oh and :bday:
Thanks to Yoda and mrtn for my birthday (I start to feel old, I am actually changing groups in the "too old to play" poll today).:o

Steph, thanks for defending me but actually since a copy/paste unit takes a long time and I do it for others to use it I don't take critics badly (even if sometimes I will just walk over them
:p when it is too late, not so important, too hard (pick your choice !). For example I scrapped the Qin spearman once again because many people are not happy with it and I understand it clearly (+ I agree). With the armor he wears it is more a job for master Kinboat actually. Hint, hint ;)

So to the Assyrian horseman eventually (he is just an excuse for chatting anyway, isn't he ? :D ). I have some other units in the works but I change jobs often since it is tedious. Some will be finished (most) some won't (too hard, not good,...) and I thought this one would be a break (until I realized I had to do a crest manually :mad: ). Anyway I will try to finish this one quickly since it seems some people like/want it before going back to finishing my Napoleonic Austrians.

Pbs :
- Crest : point taken, and I agree so I will try my best.
- Size : I think I could increase the size of the rider. Now tell me : 10%, more, less ? It should not be too much of a pb . Xen, I agree with you, these were actually the first horsemen in the area and horses were not the best yet but it would be too hard to change so is it OK if I just change the size of the guy. BTW it is the mounted warrior horse (to have it different from horseman animation ( they should not meet on an earth map) and since other horses have saddles) so its size should be OK compared to other Civ3 units.
- Spear : it could move a little I agree (but remember it will be my first animated default) but before that, do you think the spear is OK ? It is the modified spearman spear (which takes more work than the horseman one) and it might be too big, the horseman one might be better. Any opinion on that ?
- Eyes : I don't see, please explain.

Other ideas, critics welcome before I try to do a version 2 that should be more or less definitive.

And BTW, do you think it looks like an Assyrian raider horseman ?
Originally posted by LouLong

And BTW, do you think it looks like an Assyrian raider horseman ?
What? Do you mean it wasn't a Basque priest armed with a scepter on a camel??

I should read the title of the topic instead of just trying to figure out what the unit could be from the picture ;)
Originally posted by LouLong
...- Spear : it could move a little I agree (but remember it will be my first animated default) but before that, do you think the spear is OK ? ...And BTW, do you think it looks like an Assyrian raider horseman ?
I think the spear looks good as is (with a bit more animation, of course :evil: ), but the problem is I don't know how an Assyrian horseman looks! :cry:
BTW, has he feathers in his hair, or what is that on his head?
Here is a pic of Assyrian raiders


@ Steph : I got myself a scanner for my birtday (not I am too familiar with it yet though !)

@ Louis : his eyes should not be red, I will check at bigger size
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