August Patch ( is out!


Feb 21, 2002

2K Greg said:
Hey guys,

I'm very happy to bring you the latest version of the patch notes for our upcoming patch to Civilization V.

I'm calling this the "August" patch out of convenience, but until I actually have an ETA for you, please don't assume anything

Without further ado:

Prevent creating duplicate great people by lagging the free great person UI.
Yield modifiers of buildings from policies are now shown in the tooltip of that building in the choose production UI.
Production tooltip in City View now displays the production penalty (usually -10%) for when the player has too many units than they can support.
The checkboxes for the mini-map panel now correctly reflect the state of the options (even if these options were toggled while the panel was hidden).
Unhappiness is now broken down between regular population and population from puppet cities.

Slightly reduce the bias to sneak attack.
"City must not be in Plains" requirement for Stone Works now functions properly.
Killing Barbarians inside a City State's borders with a ranged unit now correctly rewards the player with influence.

Found and corrected a likely cause of having the AI send Great Generals out unescorted to "defend" tiles.
AI will avoid using land units for an operation if they are currently on a different continent than the muster point.
If attacking over land, add extra emphasis to nearby targets (reduce the chance that the AI will bypass closest cities).

Multiple out of sync causes found and fixed.
Add an Invite button on the Staging Room screen for the host.
Add a network message when force-quitting the game. Should eliminate the tedious wait for a network timeout when a player quits like this.
Host can now change the game set-up options in the lobby (except DLC) after a group has been gathered.
Player can now manually save a game while in multiplayer.
Player can now “un-end” their turn in multiplayer. This includes performing any new actions, like giving a unit a new order, opening a city screen, or clicking on the "Please Wait" button after previously ending their turn.
Ping times now displayed in the Player List UI (click the player list to expand, exposing the ping times, and then click again to hide them).
Hot-Seat: City State screens now update properly when switching players.

Pyramids now grant 2 free workers when built instead of 1.
Brandenburg Gate now gives 15 XP to units built in the city in addition to the Great General.
Taj Mahal now gives 4 Happiness in addition to a Golden Age.
Seaport now gives an additional gold on sea resources and increases naval unit production by 15%.
Harbor no longer increases naval production by 15%.
Aristocracy now gives 1 happiness per 10 citizens in a city in addition to 15% production towards wonders.
Landed Elite now gives 2 food and 10% growth in the capital (stacks with Tradition Finisher).
Trade Unions now reduce road/railroad maintenance by 33% (up from 20%) and adds 1 gold to Harbors and Seaports.
Balance tweaks to New World scenario.

Installed Mods panel (in Mod Browser) will now display which mods have updates available online w/ a link to view that entry.

Multiple minor bug fixes.
Looks to me like the type of patch a company does when they've refocused on other projects. Whether that's an expansion, CivWorld, or a new game, who knows.

Not a very big patch but I like all the changes. Can't really complain or disagree with anything in it.
Interesting... MPers should be happy (I guess). I just wish they would make it so that you could play mods in Hot Seat. It can greatly help in testing mods/maps/scenarios. Also, there are mods that I just can't play without (City-State Diplomacy mod... anyone)!

My only question is, why does Firaxis hate Navies?
Harbor no longer increases naval production by 15%.
Interesting... MPers should be happy (I guess). I just wish they would make it so that you could play mods in Hot Seat. It can greatly help in testing mods/maps/scenarios. Also, there are mods that I just can't play without (City-State Diplomacy mod... anyone)!

My only question is, why does Firaxis hate Navies?

Hiding how useless the AI are with them and therefore why there is no point building them.
Aristocracy now gives 1 happiness per 10 citizens in a city in addition to 15% production towards wonders.
Landed Elite now gives 2 food and 10% growth in the capital (stacks with Tradition Finisher).

Will it now be worth it to open with Tradition instead of Liberty?
My only question is, why does Firaxis hate Navies?

Did you notice the change made to seaports? They took the production boost from harbors and gave it to seaports, they didn't do away with it.

I'm over patches that focus so much on balance now-- at this point you should have made the game what you want it to be. So I support patches that are less about game-changing stuff and more about fixing issues like multiplayer and AI oddness. Wouldn't hurt to do more work on city states and perhaps diplo, but as far as diplo goes, I'm still kinda sick of having a different game every few months. The game should be out of beta by now.
Will it now be worth it to open with Tradition instead of Liberty?

For me... Honor all the way! Then maybe Liberty!

Hiding how useless the AI are with them and therefore why there is no point building them.

Did you notice the change made to seaports? They took the production boost from harbors and gave it to seaports, they didn't do away with it.

Yeah, they took from one and put it in another. Other types, like mounted, get XP bonuses as early as Ancient period. Now, you have to wait even longer to "power-up" your navy! Personally, I don't care whether AI knows how to use it. Maybe it would if your Navy could actually be something useful!

I'm over patches that focus so much on balance now-- at this point you should have made the game what you want it to be. So I support patches that are less about game-changing stuff and more about fixing issues like multiplayer and AI oddness. Wouldn't hurt to do more work on city states and perhaps diplo, but as far as diplo goes, I'm still kinda sick of having a different game every few months. The game should be out of beta by now.

Game-balance is a never ending job. When Civ V is finally "out of BETA" Civ IV will be getting released ...if T2 doesn't decide to change the Civilization franchise into a FPS, that is!
I'm over patches that focus so much on balance now-- at this point you should have made the game what you want it to be. So I support patches that are less about game-changing stuff and more about fixing issues like multiplayer and AI oddness. Wouldn't hurt to do more work on city states and perhaps diplo, but as far as diplo goes, I'm still kinda sick of having a different game every few months. The game should be out of beta by now.

I don't play WoW, but aren't they still balancing that years later? Seems like they wouldn't be doing their jobs if they didn't.
this is exactly the type of patch i'm looking for - not completely huge untested changes but small tweaks and bug fixes.

glad they made the completely worthless landed elite into a freebie with aristocracy.

the new landed elite is interesting. with that and the new wonder i guess tenochtitlan will now be able to get up to +80% excess food

the harbor / seaport adjustments are positive, seaport is worth building now. there are a couple old threads about the seaport but i won't dig them up, i'll just say i told you so here =p

they pyramids boost seems unnecessary, the worker speed + one worker was enough.

the brandenburg gate is interesting as well, units can start with 3 promotions without the total war policy.
I don't play WoW, but aren't they still balancing that years later? Seems like they wouldn't be doing their jobs if they didn't.

WoW adds a lot more content in each of their patches then Civ. A lot of new content=new things to constantly rebalance. If Civ came with a $15 a month subscription fee, I'd hope they added a lot more content to the point where they had to rebalance constantly too.

they pyramids boost seems unnecessary, the worker speed + one worker was enough.

the brandenburg gate is interesting as well, units can start with 3 promotions without the total war policy.

Frankly, I often skip Pyramids but this won't change that. I never have a problem of not enough workers and sometimes find myself disbanding workers in the late B.C.s to save GPT, depending on how many I've managed to capture from Barbs/conquest.

Love the Brandenburg Gate change. I might actually build it now.
2K Greg said:
Landed Elite now gives 2 food and 10% growth in the capital (stacks with Tradition Finisher).


Will it now be worth it to open with Tradition instead of Liberty?

Under certain conditions.

That helps a little. I still don't see why anyone going wide would skip Liberty and why anyone going tall would skip Tradition.

Honestly, Tradition scales better if you go wide due to the finisher. Liberty quick starts you and solves some mid-game :c5happy: problems with the GE, but otherwise isn't huge for a wide game unless you're gunning for 30 SPs.

they pyramids boost seems unnecessary, the worker speed + one worker was enough.

It's the Wonder we never build, so something did need to change. I'm not sure that's the way to do it, though. The opportunity cost on early Worker turns lost while you plow :c5production: into big stone tombs (instead of building the Workers) is enormous. Delaying hooking up luxuries and strategics while the AIs have cash is rarely a good thing.

Give the Pyramids another GE point and I bet people start building it.
Honestly, Tradition scales better if you go wide due to the finisher. Liberty quick starts you and solves some mid-game :c5happy: problems with the GE, but otherwise isn't huge for a wide game.

Growth is never a problem for me when I go wide. My growth in wide games is never limited by food, but by happiness. The boosts of the Tradition finisher get a huge slash when you're in unhappiness.
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