Avast! Pirate Ideas

Jan 14, 2009
1. Make Tortuga part of the new world. So instead of having the pirate King chase you down, you have to try to conquer the Tortuga. It would be a nice change from the regular game.
2. Make it a secondary goal. Conquering Tortuga should not mean a win. Instead of winning you get 0% tax rate, 50% crosses needed and direct trade with Europe, X2 plunder rate.
3. Give us a reason to kiss the King's ring.... :crazyeye:
4. Allow us capture ships. Instead of building Sols to attack the Pirate king, you have to capture em. Any ship captured has a 50% becomes a privateer. It still retains it ship type but now can attack! Go merchantman of doom!
5. Defeating the Pirate King makes you the new pirate King.
6. Make a downside for declaring war on pirates.
7. Allow people to hire you for services. They can bribe you to go away or to attack their enemies. Allow contact with European Kings too (but only after Independence.)
8. Give pirates the amphibious bonus instead of a settlement attack bonus.
9. Give us some from of great generals...
10. Let pirates walk on water! :goodjob: Ok this may be too much....
The Lanun Civ in FfH may have some pirate graphics that can be put to use such as coves and boarding parties.
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