Avatar: The Last Airbender World Map (72x70)


Jan 4, 2006
Maryland, USA
Avatar: The Last Airbender is an animated show on Nickelodeon. Unlike most Nick shows, this one is actually good, and has four different nations: the Air Nomads, the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and the Water Tribe. This map has all four of these civilizations (even if the air nomads are pretty much extinct in the show).

For more information on Avatar, click here:

This map is based on the world map seen in the show:


And here are some screenshots of my map:

This is my first map that I've ever created in Civilizations 4. I've tried my best to decorate the areas explored in the show, as well as those not shown. Balance-wise, I find that the game favors the Earth Kingdom (they got the HUGE continent in the east) and playing as the Water Nation can be a challenge (you start in the North Pole, with nothing but Ice tiles!). There is also a Barbarian city (called Merchant's Pier) on the west coast of the eastern Earth Kingdom Continent. The barbs expand pretty quickly, and could almost be considered a fifth civilization in their own right :lol:

Each nation consists of a leader from the show. They are:
Air Nomads: Senior Councilor Pasang
Earth Kingdom: Earth King Kuei
Fire Nation: Fire Lord Ozai
Water Tribes: Chief Arnook

I would add an extra leader choice for all the nations (minus the Air Nomads), but I don't know how to. If you do know, I'd love to add King Bumi to the Earth Kingdom, Fire Lord Sozin for the Fire Nation, and Chief Hakoda for the Water Tribes, and re-upload the map file.

Anyways, please give feedback. I have been thinking real hard lately on an Avatar mod for Civilizations 4, and this map would definitely be a part of it.

UPDATE: Version 1.2 is here! Go to the link below to download it:

Very nice. Good job. :goodjob:

I don't usually like to watch too many cartoons with my kids but we always make it a point to be in front of the TV together on Friday nights for this one.

I'll give it a try and I encourage you to do more work on an Avatar mod. That could be cool.
Very nice. Good job. :goodjob:

I don't usually like to watch too many cartoons with my kids but we always make it a point to be in front of the TV together on Friday nights for this one.

I'll give it a try and I encourage you to do more work on an Avatar mod. That could be cool.
Thanks for the support :)

I'm trying to actually mod the tech tree, but I'm having a tough time with it :sad:

I'll keep trying my best though. I'd rather not present a thread to the community until I have actually have something to present.

if you are going to mod the game, why not go and give the water nation +1 :food: +1 :hammers: on the ice tiles? they may need some sort of bonus given such a bad starting position. or at least put more sea resources and more strategic resources on the island

if you are going to mod the game, why not go and give the water nation +1 :food: +1 :hammers: on the ice tiles? they may need some sort of bonus given such a bad starting position. or at least put more sea resources and more strategic resources on the island
I'm really starting to doubt the whole idea of a mod, since the person I was going to be modding with hasnt responded to me in over 2 weeks now (and I know I'm too busy to do all the coding alone) :(

As for the Water Tribes: I was sure to give them quite a few Fish, Whale, 3 Goody Huts, and the oasis to help them out. It is imperative that you trying teching to Caravels as quickly as you can if you play them, and then start colonizing the northern Earth Kingdom continent. Don't worry, its possible to win as Water Tribes, just REALLY tough! :crazyeye:

Now if I WAS to mod this game, then yes, I would give the snow tiles some bonuses. If you feel that I should give them more Food-related resources (like more fish along the coast) to help them out, then please tell me. I've been thinking of working on an improved version of this map. All input will be looked upon and noted :goodjob:
:goodjob:nice map, and thank you for meeting the request. i can't wait to see what else you come up with:)
ps. can u send me the file? my computer crashed recently, and i came back to download the map again but the URL isn't working
I'd really like to play this map, but the link doesn't work. Can I get a copy please?
Nice, would like to try it though, download does not work.

I wonder why you decided on the North Water Tribe instead of the Southern?

Isn't the Southern still somewhat of an actual civilization?

The north doesn't even number over a 100 people.
Hey if u need some help im here for u man i love avatar and i have some great ideas to contribute and im in it for the entire way. Contact me ill check the thread everyday even though i am not really good at modding maybe u could teach me and i could give you some ideas. C ya later
Nice, would like to try it though, download does not work.

I wonder why you decided on the North Water Tribe instead of the Southern?

Isn't the Southern still somewhat of an actual civilization?

The north doesn't even number over a 100 people.

I believe you've got them switched. Southern Water Tribe = Katara and Sokka.
Northern Water Tribe is what we saw towards the end of Book One.
The Southern Water Tribe (as well as the waterbenders of the Swamp) originally came from the Northern Water Tribe. That's why only the Northern Tribe appears originally; because this map starts out in ancient history.
o ok didnt know it was ancient map
Well the fact that everyone (not just the Water Tribe) starts only at their capitals leads me to that conclusion. There are other explanations, but it makes sense regardless that both Water Tribes should be one civilization, and by extension that they should start in one place like the other civilizations.
Well the fact that everyone (not just the Water Tribe) starts only at their capitals leads me to that conclusion. There are other explanations, but it makes sense regardless that both Water Tribes should be one civilization, and by extension that they should start in one place like the other civilizations.

Problem, though.
The nations seem to be divided up into city-states. Well, maybe not all of them.

Fire Nation = unified monarchy
Earth Nation = -Seemed- like a bunch of city states
Air Nation = Not sure, but I figure since they're monks they would be somewhere between theocracy and simply autonomous monks.
Water Nation = Two seperate nations that are in a permanent alliance.
Problem, though.
The nations seem to be divided up into city-states. Well, maybe not all of them.

Fire Nation = unified monarchy
Earth Nation = -Seemed- like a bunch of city states
Air Nation = Not sure, but I figure since they're monks they would be somewhere between theocracy and simply autonomous monks.
Water Nation = Two seperate nations that are in a permanent alliance.
Is that really so much of a problem? There are a bunch of iffy civilizations in the game already. The Earth Kingdom isn't really any less cohesive than the Holy Roman Empire or, probably more intentionally, feudal China. The Southern Water Tribe is really a colony of the Northern. While geographic issues are dealt with on the show, they don't really translate to the game. Why force them?
I really like the map and look forward to it being a mod

Water bending started at the north pole
Earth bending was taught to a couple from 2 fueding villages by Badgermoles, the two fueding cities were later compined to form Omashu, yet the Earth Kingdom Capitol was Ba Sing Sa.
I don't know the origins of Fire Bending adn Air bending.
Here's a link to the Avatar homepage http://www.nick.com/shows/avatar/index.jhtml, but you do have to click on 1 or 2 at the top of the map to get out of hte FN map
You should add a metal near Ba Singe Se.
You should place coal in the FN.
Barbs should be in the Great Divide.
It would be really cool if you added unique units, but more than one. Fire Nation with Seige or Dragon Riders or obviously benders.
Wonders like Wall of Ba Singe Se.
Congrats, though You beat me to it though, I was going to get around to doing this! As many others have said, I'd be glad to try to help I know a little on modding and alot on the show.
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