Avatar: The Last Airbender is an animated show on Nickelodeon. Unlike most Nick shows, this one is actually good, and has four different nations: the Air Nomads, the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and the Water Tribe. This map has all four of these civilizations (even if the air nomads are pretty much extinct in the show).
For more information on Avatar, click here:
This map is based on the world map seen in the show:
And here are some screenshots of my map:

This is my first map that I've ever created in Civilizations 4. I've tried my best to decorate the areas explored in the show, as well as those not shown. Balance-wise, I find that the game favors the Earth Kingdom (they got the HUGE continent in the east) and playing as the Water Nation can be a challenge (you start in the North Pole, with nothing but Ice tiles!). There is also a Barbarian city (called Merchant's Pier) on the west coast of the eastern Earth Kingdom Continent. The barbs expand pretty quickly, and could almost be considered a fifth civilization in their own right
Each nation consists of a leader from the show. They are:
Air Nomads: Senior Councilor Pasang
Earth Kingdom: Earth King Kuei
Fire Nation: Fire Lord Ozai
Water Tribes: Chief Arnook
I would add an extra leader choice for all the nations (minus the Air Nomads), but I don't know how to. If you do know, I'd love to add King Bumi to the Earth Kingdom, Fire Lord Sozin for the Fire Nation, and Chief Hakoda for the Water Tribes, and re-upload the map file.
Anyways, please give feedback. I have been thinking real hard lately on an Avatar mod for Civilizations 4, and this map would definitely be a part of it.
UPDATE: Version 1.2 is here! Go to the link below to download it:
For more information on Avatar, click here:
This map is based on the world map seen in the show:

And here are some screenshots of my map:

This is my first map that I've ever created in Civilizations 4. I've tried my best to decorate the areas explored in the show, as well as those not shown. Balance-wise, I find that the game favors the Earth Kingdom (they got the HUGE continent in the east) and playing as the Water Nation can be a challenge (you start in the North Pole, with nothing but Ice tiles!). There is also a Barbarian city (called Merchant's Pier) on the west coast of the eastern Earth Kingdom Continent. The barbs expand pretty quickly, and could almost be considered a fifth civilization in their own right

Each nation consists of a leader from the show. They are:
Air Nomads: Senior Councilor Pasang
Earth Kingdom: Earth King Kuei
Fire Nation: Fire Lord Ozai
Water Tribes: Chief Arnook
I would add an extra leader choice for all the nations (minus the Air Nomads), but I don't know how to. If you do know, I'd love to add King Bumi to the Earth Kingdom, Fire Lord Sozin for the Fire Nation, and Chief Hakoda for the Water Tribes, and re-upload the map file.
Anyways, please give feedback. I have been thinking real hard lately on an Avatar mod for Civilizations 4, and this map would definitely be a part of it.
UPDATE: Version 1.2 is here! Go to the link below to download it: