C3C v1.22
Map Parameters: Standard, 60% H2O, pangaea, wet, warm, 5 billion
Civilization: Maya
Opponents: Random (Rome, Arabia, England, The Byzantines, The Celts, Scandinavia, Babylon)
Difficulty Level: Deity
Variant: Always War--trade upon first contact for hard goods only, no embassies, can open diplo screen to spy on techs
It's been a while since I've played Civ, but just recently I hooked up my old Civ computer again and started a game of AWD Standard Pan. These games usually end pretty quickly, so I didn't take any pictures or detailed notes from the beginning, as I didn't think I'd survive long enough for it to be interesting.
Brief(ish) Summary:
In 4000 BC, I settled on the spot and had my worker work the cow. I soon founded a second city that also had a cow nearby, and it became a four-turn settler factory while the capital produced military. Sometime soon, I made contact with Arabia and Rome on the same turn (or they might have been adjacent turns; I don't remember).
My fourth city started a Great Library prebuild, and my research plan was Warrior Code to Alphabet to Writing to Math to Bronze Working to Iron Working to Literature. Arabia was attacking with archers and horses while Rome was attacking with just archers. Chichen Itza was a two turn Jav pump, and other cities were also contributing Javs and cats. It was pretty easy going against spears, archers, and horsies. I was glad to not see any Legionaries. When I researched IW, I found that iron had been just outside their borders for centuries
. I cheerfully took it.
Around this point I made contact with most of the other civs. I was pretty confident with swords and a huge slave army against two weak opponents. But then Literature got known in the AI world, and a wonder cascade beat me to the GL by a couple turns. My plan to conquer Arabia and Rome while hoarding cash was no longer possible. I had to continue to spend my entire economy on research. I self-researched through the rest of the Ancient Times, bee-lining to Monarchy and researching the rest in no particular order, since they were almost all useless (except Construction).
I kept on fighting and even captured the Pyramids from Rome. Before I got to the MA, I finished off the Arabians and the Romans except for one city far away, but other enemies from the East (Btw that pic should be labeled "Eastern Front" not "Western Front") started attacking with greater and greater numbers. There is a semi choke (about 7 tiles thick IIRC) around where Rome was. I put all of my forces there (consisting of cats, swords, and Javs) to hold off the Eastern foes while I filled in the land from where Arabia was.
When I had finished filling in the land, I still had made no progress past the choke. In fact, it just became even harder to not be overrun, let alone expand past it. I was defending against muskets and cavalry with MDIs, swords, Javs, and cats. I realized that there was no way to make any progress, as it required everything I had just to survive, and it was only getting more difficult. So I came up with a plan to research to knights and then to Military Tradition, and if I could survive that stretch, I would make some Cavalry armies and send them to capture the Great Library in Ninevah, a city literally on the other side of the world (but I didn't know where it was at the time). To make a very, very long and stressful story short, I did manage to survive to Chivalry and then to Military Tradition. Knights, trebs, and then cannons were very helpful additions along the way. Before MilTrad, I sent a knight army off to find Ninevah.
After MilTrad, I got some leaders and made four cavalry armies which I sent to catch up with the knight army that had found Ninevah. Ninevah was captured, and it catapulted me to the industrial age. I got Steam Power, Electricity, Nationalism, Fascism, Espionage, and Communism from it. I had some money from stopping researching between MilTrad and capturing the GL, and I used it to plant a spy in England and steal RP. I had rubber but not coal, so I had to steal some from the Byzantines. With infantry, a large number of cavalry armies, railroads, and artillery, I found myself more able to expand beyond the choke, and that's where I am now.
To be continued...
Here are some pictures.
Map Parameters: Standard, 60% H2O, pangaea, wet, warm, 5 billion
Civilization: Maya
Opponents: Random (Rome, Arabia, England, The Byzantines, The Celts, Scandinavia, Babylon)
Difficulty Level: Deity
Variant: Always War--trade upon first contact for hard goods only, no embassies, can open diplo screen to spy on techs
It's been a while since I've played Civ, but just recently I hooked up my old Civ computer again and started a game of AWD Standard Pan. These games usually end pretty quickly, so I didn't take any pictures or detailed notes from the beginning, as I didn't think I'd survive long enough for it to be interesting.
Brief(ish) Summary:
In 4000 BC, I settled on the spot and had my worker work the cow. I soon founded a second city that also had a cow nearby, and it became a four-turn settler factory while the capital produced military. Sometime soon, I made contact with Arabia and Rome on the same turn (or they might have been adjacent turns; I don't remember).
My fourth city started a Great Library prebuild, and my research plan was Warrior Code to Alphabet to Writing to Math to Bronze Working to Iron Working to Literature. Arabia was attacking with archers and horses while Rome was attacking with just archers. Chichen Itza was a two turn Jav pump, and other cities were also contributing Javs and cats. It was pretty easy going against spears, archers, and horsies. I was glad to not see any Legionaries. When I researched IW, I found that iron had been just outside their borders for centuries

Around this point I made contact with most of the other civs. I was pretty confident with swords and a huge slave army against two weak opponents. But then Literature got known in the AI world, and a wonder cascade beat me to the GL by a couple turns. My plan to conquer Arabia and Rome while hoarding cash was no longer possible. I had to continue to spend my entire economy on research. I self-researched through the rest of the Ancient Times, bee-lining to Monarchy and researching the rest in no particular order, since they were almost all useless (except Construction).
I kept on fighting and even captured the Pyramids from Rome. Before I got to the MA, I finished off the Arabians and the Romans except for one city far away, but other enemies from the East (Btw that pic should be labeled "Eastern Front" not "Western Front") started attacking with greater and greater numbers. There is a semi choke (about 7 tiles thick IIRC) around where Rome was. I put all of my forces there (consisting of cats, swords, and Javs) to hold off the Eastern foes while I filled in the land from where Arabia was.
When I had finished filling in the land, I still had made no progress past the choke. In fact, it just became even harder to not be overrun, let alone expand past it. I was defending against muskets and cavalry with MDIs, swords, Javs, and cats. I realized that there was no way to make any progress, as it required everything I had just to survive, and it was only getting more difficult. So I came up with a plan to research to knights and then to Military Tradition, and if I could survive that stretch, I would make some Cavalry armies and send them to capture the Great Library in Ninevah, a city literally on the other side of the world (but I didn't know where it was at the time). To make a very, very long and stressful story short, I did manage to survive to Chivalry and then to Military Tradition. Knights, trebs, and then cannons were very helpful additions along the way. Before MilTrad, I sent a knight army off to find Ninevah.
After MilTrad, I got some leaders and made four cavalry armies which I sent to catch up with the knight army that had found Ninevah. Ninevah was captured, and it catapulted me to the industrial age. I got Steam Power, Electricity, Nationalism, Fascism, Espionage, and Communism from it. I had some money from stopping researching between MilTrad and capturing the GL, and I used it to plant a spy in England and steal RP. I had rubber but not coal, so I had to steal some from the Byzantines. With infantry, a large number of cavalry armies, railroads, and artillery, I found myself more able to expand beyond the choke, and that's where I am now.
To be continued...
Here are some pictures.