reverend oats
I just had one of the most fun armageddon experiences ever. Playing as Hyborem (who else?), I was merrily conquering my way through most of the opposition, and nearly the whole world was following the Ashen Veil. Of course, the Horsemen and Avatar spawn in quick succession, but mostly away from me, in the Baelseraph lands. Now, I've gotten to this AC level a few times before, and so was surprised to see, every few turns, a message stating that a major city of Keelyns had been captured by the barbs. This is even more of a shock considering that Keelyn is (was) the #2 civ with Deity-level boni vs barbs. Eventually I surpass the Keelyn's score by enough so that the barbs declare war on me. Then the fun really starts...
I gate up my highly promoted Rosier, Hyborem, and lightly-promoted Madero to deal with all the units now wandering through my territory. Still, I was lulled into complacence by the ease by which Ars was killed, requiring only a single Beast of Ageres to eliminate. However, I faced a rude awakening when my Combat 5, Drill 4 Rosier was taken out by a lone Ira! And then the Avatar came into play. Much to my dismay, I realized I could go for my usual "cannon fodder" method of taking down high-level enemies, due to the Avatar turning defeated foes into Ira. So had had to wait for him to get wounded enough by fortified-Beasts for him to be within reasonable striking distance for Hyborem. Even then, it was a nail-biting ~75% battle, which Hyborem fortunately won (but got no xp for, because he already had over 100. The guy takes down the incarnation of all the anger and hate in the entire world, and doesn't learn a thing?! )
Still, I was feelin' pretty good. The Avatar was the toughest of them all, right? Wrong. Stephanos and Buboes (plague-guy) were heading my way, and both were combat 5 +loads of other stuff thanks to destroying the entire Baelseraph nation single-handed. Luckily they came one-at-time, but even then, they were a pain. They took down 3-4 Beasts and Eidonion(sp)per turn without taking a scratch! Even Hyborem and Madero got around 15% odds against them, even when I had taken them down to 20 strength. Finally, Stephanos was hurt enough that Madero could slay him, in another nail-biter battle. Buboes was killed a lot more anti-climatically, blitzing himself to death on fortified Eilodions. Still, these guys alone gave me more challenge than every other AI combined.
Anyway, this long story is just a way of saying how truly great Armageddon is. I don't know if it has been changed recently, but it really felt like the end of the world. The most powerful nation on Erebus, with scores of demonic legions at its command, had to struggle to survive. Great job, FFH II team!
One thing- I was never able to complete Meshabber. Despite giving every single mane to the AV holy city, he would still have taken 100+ turns to complete, normal speed. Is there any chance you might lower his (and the Golem's) price?
I gate up my highly promoted Rosier, Hyborem, and lightly-promoted Madero to deal with all the units now wandering through my territory. Still, I was lulled into complacence by the ease by which Ars was killed, requiring only a single Beast of Ageres to eliminate. However, I faced a rude awakening when my Combat 5, Drill 4 Rosier was taken out by a lone Ira! And then the Avatar came into play. Much to my dismay, I realized I could go for my usual "cannon fodder" method of taking down high-level enemies, due to the Avatar turning defeated foes into Ira. So had had to wait for him to get wounded enough by fortified-Beasts for him to be within reasonable striking distance for Hyborem. Even then, it was a nail-biting ~75% battle, which Hyborem fortunately won (but got no xp for, because he already had over 100. The guy takes down the incarnation of all the anger and hate in the entire world, and doesn't learn a thing?! )
Still, I was feelin' pretty good. The Avatar was the toughest of them all, right? Wrong. Stephanos and Buboes (plague-guy) were heading my way, and both were combat 5 +loads of other stuff thanks to destroying the entire Baelseraph nation single-handed. Luckily they came one-at-time, but even then, they were a pain. They took down 3-4 Beasts and Eidonion(sp)per turn without taking a scratch! Even Hyborem and Madero got around 15% odds against them, even when I had taken them down to 20 strength. Finally, Stephanos was hurt enough that Madero could slay him, in another nail-biter battle. Buboes was killed a lot more anti-climatically, blitzing himself to death on fortified Eilodions. Still, these guys alone gave me more challenge than every other AI combined.
Anyway, this long story is just a way of saying how truly great Armageddon is. I don't know if it has been changed recently, but it really felt like the end of the world. The most powerful nation on Erebus, with scores of demonic legions at its command, had to struggle to survive. Great job, FFH II team!
One thing- I was never able to complete Meshabber. Despite giving every single mane to the AV holy city, he would still have taken 100+ turns to complete, normal speed. Is there any chance you might lower his (and the Golem's) price?