B3 - The Literary English


Dec 10, 2001
Ontario, Canada
I'm thinking about a 'theme game'.

Basically it will be a ordinary SG, no variants, no mods. The only thing I ask is that our city names (built or captured) be renamed based on cities/places etc in literature.

In other words every time you found a city, think of a SF/Fantasy book, fairy tale, movie, computer game or whatever, to name it after. Nothing complicated (I don't think I could live up to anything fancy myself) Just say something like I found/rename xx to yy in honouor of the great city of .. in (title) by (author).. easy right? The only rule here is no real (earthly) names unless that town is best known for a story which took place there. (ie Nottingham or Troy may be acceptable, but not New York, Paris or London!)

I think this would make it a more interesting read for others following the thread, rather than the dry turn-by-turn accounts we usually do (well, most of us). Besides, we are playing in 'Stories and Tales' so lets live up to it! :D

We could even pick a character from a book to 'play' as we control the empire, if people are up to it.

The only preset game plan is that we try to build libraries in every city (to expand our literary talents to our competitors, err neighbours) and of course, build the Great Library and Shakespeares Theatre! I'm thinking rush to the GL then build all the libraries we can..

Anyone interested?

I'm thinking the following for game stats:
Regent (Unless a significant number are interested in playing Monarch)

Standard map

England (Only because all the books I've read are in English.. feel free to draw your inspiration from a non-English source, just be prepared to tell us about it!)

Beyond that, just a normal game of Civ3.. play to win however we can. Although Culture would be nice.. :)

If people are interested in Monarch, I wouldn't be opposed to it, but I don't have enough confidence in my civ3 abilities to start a decent game at that level.. If that is the concensus (playing on Monarch) then I may ask the second player to get it started..

EDIT: Rules -
Worker automate is not fair is sucession games - please do not use it.
Also, no long go to orders. Don't fortify ships in the middle of the ocean.

Civ = English
World = Standard, Pangaea
Difficulty = Regent
Barbarians = Restless!
# Civs = 8
24 hours to verify you can play your turn, 48 hours to play.
Your choice, up to 20 turns. You can always play less.
:rolleyes: Uh, what happened to your "break" from civ :rolleyes:

I will have to pass, 8 active games, and 1 starting soon.
Of course, despite that the only thing I played was 20 turns on the BC time frame :(

Wonder why I hogged B1 over the weekend?
Originally posted by lkendter
:rolleyes: Uh, what happened to your "break" from civ :rolleyes:

I will have to pass, 8 active games, and 1 starting soon.
Of course, despite that the only thing I played was 20 turns on the BC time frame :(

Wonder why I hogged B1 over the weekend?


Well, I changed my mind and offered Ex that I would play in EX3 and take my break later ;)

Actually I dont know if this game will get off the ground until easter or later so there's my break :)

You have another one starting soon?

EDIT: Besides, 8 games? Compared to you, I AM taking a break! :lol:
I am in the RBD competition game
Starting after easter - fine by me.

Not sure when the next LK will be.
Welcome aboard both of you!

As mentioned above, I will start on/after the Easter long weekend if you don't mind waiting that long.

I'll look for at least 2 more players, maybe 3.
Sorry, wrote my reply wrong.

The start after easter comment was in reference to the RDB game.

I am NOT signing up for this one.

8 is plenty, to high of a risk for feast night already.
Originally posted by lkendter
Sorry, wrote my reply wrong.

The start after easter comment was in reference to the RDB game.

I am NOT signing up for this one.

8 is plenty, to high of a risk for feast night already.

Yeah I was wondering why you thought your 8 games would be finished by Easter! :)

Thanks anyway..
Might I have a spot in this game? I have not played in a SG before, but I have been playing CIV for a while.
OK here is the list. I think this is enough so this game is closed!
Brian (Me)
Jersey Joe

Thanks for joining! As mentioned before Iwas thinking of waiting until Easter weekend to start the game. I'll see if I can start something sooner if you guys are ready to start playing. I'll post more tonight from home if I am able..

Me ... :whipped: ... the wife.. :D
Beowulf seems fitting to start out the Literary English! The story is the first book written in English and is about a great Danish warrior.

Beowulf the Strong, a mighty warrior and leader gathers the English tribes and brings them to the mouth of a mighty river. Desert lands are to the north and a fertile river valley winds up through the desert. To the east are grasslands and to the south, a forbidding jungle. Silk is spotted to the south of Beowulf.

He announces the formation of a village, named after himself.

After many years, English scouts meet a tribe that calls themselves the Seljuk. Their village is not far from Beowulf, near a mountain, on a vast grassy plain. They teach the Englsh people how to make Pottery.

Dyes are spotted to the west, at the edge of the southern Jungles.

The intrepid English scouts charm a barbarian tribe into joining the great English empire!

As the settlers move closer to Beowulf, the scoout presses through the jungle and spots a curious blue line.

A rich picturesque spot is chosen for the second city of this mighty empire. It is at the base of a mighty mountain, near fields of wheat and herds of cattle. The heirs of Beowulf name it Minas Tirith after Tolkiens famous city.

Our scout meets a leader named Mao. His capital of Beijing is south of the great Jungle. He seems greedy, asking for all our gold for the simplest of his technology. We part ways.

Wines are spotted to the north. Luxuries abound in this region and we must secure them for ourselves.

Our people build a palace fit for the heirs of Beowulf.

A tribe called the Magyar has taught us Warrior Code! The Hun tribe has nothing to teach us but shares their maps.

Ivory is spotted to the east! We must spread our influence to include all these rich lands!

A small tribe offers us 25 gold in tribute.

A Vandal tribe teaches us Mysticism!

A fellow named Gibbon stops by to tell us we are the wealtiest nation in the world!

We learn Bronze working and study Alphabet.

We meet the Japanese to the north-west. The offer the Wheel for Mysticism and Alphabet. We agree, as wheeled units would make our nation strong! horses are spotted to the north of Minas Tirith, close to the Japanese.

The Burgundian tribe teaches us Masonry! Beowulf immediately starts on a vast structure he calls the Pyramids.

Another town is founded, called Shannara after the novel "The Elf Stones of Shanarra" by Terry Brooks.

A Gepid village donates 25 gold to our empire.

We meed the Russians to the far east. They are not a threat to our expansion.. yet.

One more city is founded, after the Horse Lords of Algaria, in a series by David Eddings.

There, we are off to a pretty good start I think.. Algaria is close to the Japanese and needs defenders and a temple. We need to secure all the nearby luxuries.

Lots of choices for Wonders. Beowulf can build Pyramids (started already) Oracle or Colossus.

TheMightyZaar is next!

Brian (Me)
TheMightyZaar - Playing
Skilord - On Deck
Jersey Joe
Looks like we are off to a good start, nice job Brian :goodjob:

Building the Colossus will probably trigger our Golden Age. Same is true with building the LIghthouse. I think we should go for the Library. :)

Looks like a side benefit of this is going to be either finding new books to read or being reminded of some older ones. :D :D
Originally posted by Jersey Joe
Looks like we are off to a good start, nice job Brian :goodjob:

Building the Colossus will probably trigger our Golden Age. Same is true with building the LIghthouse. I think we should go for the Library. :)

Looks like a side benefit of this is going to be either finding new books to read or being reminded of some older ones. :D :D

:D I know.. I had to look up a couple of those books myself :)

I agree, our priority should be the Library.. fits the theme ;)

I got really lucky with the start, usually I'm surrounded by desert and/or tundra! :lol:

Zaar, take your time, no rush, you have 2-3 das after posting that you have it.. Good luck!

EDIT: BTW, we have 3 warriors and 4 cities! I'm sure Zaar has realized Military is a priority! :lol:
2390 BC: Great emperor Beowulf was becoming old and feeble, and at an amazing age of 1609 years, passed away. A day of mourning was observed and the next most eligible ruler, Zaar I takes the throne. Production in the poor desert city of Algaria is switched to granary to compensate for the harsh climate. The people of Shannara are ordered to begin construction of a great temple to convert the heathenistic inhabitants. A scouting party climbed to the highest mountaintop and could see more rich, wide open grasslands with wheat and minerals to the north. Emperor Zaar makes a mental note to settle there ASAP. He also introduces himself to the other known civilizations and notes that they are all fairly weak. Scientific research is given increased funding.

2350 BC: The slaves inch closer to connecting the two cities of Shannara and Beowulf. Our scouts to the far east spot a roaming barbarian tribe and venture around them as they are ill-equipped to handle them. The scouts to the north continue to investigate the fertile valley.

2310 BC: Another small valley rich in minerals is spotted far to the east. A hun tribe near the Russians agress us to teach us horseback riding in exchange for freedom from the Russians' oppression. We direct them back to our cities.

2270 BC: Another barbarian tribe is spotted to the northeast of Shannara. The townsmen prepare crude defenses in preperation for an attack.

2230 BC: A townswoman noticed a lot of Chinese activity beyond the forests to the south. Apparently they're working on a new settlement. Our slaves are delayed on their progress to wait for the barbarians to pass. More silk is found in the forests to the far, far northeast.

2190 BC: The barbarian tribe finally reached Shannara and was defeated by the townsmen, although they took heavy losses. Our scouts venture farther into the eastern jungles and discover tons and tons more silk.

2150 BC: People go about their daily lives without much event.

2110 BC: One of our scouting parties is ambushed by barbarians deep inside Russian territory! The people greive for their losses, and not much else happens.

2070 BC: A great period of learning and invention, people celebrate new innovations such as the toothpick and hairbrush. Not much goes on in a bigger sense, however.

2030 BC: The groundbreaking ceremony is held for the completion of the new road connecting Shannara and Beowulf.

1990 BC: Our scientists have finally developed a system of inscribing our ideas onto paper we like to call 'writing.' The people are so fascinated they urge scientists to carry this one step farther and develop literature.

1950 BC: Scouts have determined that the eastern land has a small peninsula to the south with even more silk.

1910 BC: More barbarians sighted to the west of Minas Tirith. Townspeople again prepare to defend their beloved homestead. Even more barbarians are sighted hiding in the mountains potentially trying to ambush our remaining scout party. They wisely attempt to avoid him. It is decided that Minas Tirith would be more useful if it were to produce settlers instead of a temple, alas, it is too late to change it.

1870 BC: Roads to bring in grapes to make wine are almost complete.

1830 BC: Barbarians reach Minas Tirith and are disposed of with even greater efficiency than they were in Shannara. Our scouts also spot a probable source of the barbarian invasions far to the southeast.

1790 BC: Nothing of great significance occurs.

1750 BC: Insence is sighted south and slightly east of the Russians.

1710 BC: The great industrial towns of Beowulf and Minas Tirith have each finally hit the enourmous population of 100,000 citizens each. The people, tired of living in such cramped and menial conditions, rise up and begin protesting in the streets! A small portion of income is set aside for entertainment of the people to take their minds of it until we can construct temples in the cities for them to worship. Elsewhere, our slaves finally completed another road to bring in grapes to make wine. The slaves immediately start a colony there to gather the grapes, and the plan to spend money to entertain the citizens is scrapped in favor of giving them wine.

1700 BC: The rioters have calmed down and returned to their daily routine, appeased by the new wine being brought into the empire. Scouts discover a large useless desert directly south of the Russians.

1675 BC: The raving madmen Japanese confronted the emperor today and demanded to know the location of the Chinese. His envoy is laughed at and sent out wearing a large sign reading 'jackass' on his back. It is noticed that our treasury has built up over 200 gold, and envoys are sent to find if any other civilizations have anything of worth to trade. All we find is that the Russians have discovered iron working, and we get it from them for contact with the japanese, the alphabet, and a few gold. Unfortuneately, the great ruler Zaar I contracted a disease from one of his concubines and is unfit to rule the empire further. A search begins for a new ruler.

A memo was found on his desk with the following notes:

- Barbarians are rampant in the eastern part of the continent. It may be a good idea to build up extra defense in that general direction.

- If our larger towns grow any larger they'll riot again.

- Zoning laws are becoming more and more strict. By the time literature is discovered, I have a feeling we may need to tear down the pyramids and use the materials to build a great library instead.

- Always use protection. Ouch.
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