Baba yetu yetu!


Sep 27, 2010
Our Meier, Sid, who art in New York. Amen!
Our Meier, Sid, Hallowed be thy name!

Give us this day our daily CiV
Forgive our devestating use of siege weapons against dumbwitted AIs,
As we forgive other AI who use open borders to surround our cities with units.

Lead us not into false hope with the hype,
but deliver us a patch, and finish the game.

Your cash flow come, your modding be done,
On my CPU as it is on Yours. (Sidmen!)
isnt it in Discussion.

For all those not in the know, Baba Yetu Yetu, is the opening song for CIV.

Translated, it is essentially the Lords Prayer.
People seem to misunderstand the concept of a Discussion Forum
This is what happens when people come from :):):):):) and the forums that have no moderation.

Oh wow the name of that website is censored, haha
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