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Background to Kaiserreich Universe


Feb 22, 2006
NESing Forums
I have created this thread in order for players to familiarize themselves with the Kaiserreich universe, and the events that happened thereof until now. The thread shall be split into the following sections:

Basic History until Jan. 1936
Americas Countries & Background
African Countries & Background
Asian Countries & Background
European Countries & Background
List of Wars
List of Treaties
Timeline of Events from Jan. 1936 and beyond

Please note that an * next to a nation's name means that this nation no longer exists.
This can also signify a radical change in government, such as OTL Russian Empire and the USSR.

Nation's Historical Format:

Nation Name
General Location/Color
Dates Existing
Type of Government/Current Leader
Important Former Leaders
National Issues and Politics
Important People/People of Interest

Note: "Served" is reserved for military or government leadership positions, and will generally cover the most recent or most important position that a person currently holds.

For now, I will try to post all major events, but please tell me if I miss anything. (DO NOT DO THIS YET. I WILL TELL YOU WHEN YOU SHOULD NOTIFY ME)
The Weltkrieg (1914-1921)

On 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip. In response, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia, which was made deliberately unacceptable to the Serbs. On the 28th of July, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and its ally, Russia. The Weltkrieg (also known as the Great War; in OTL, World War One) officially starts when Germany declares war on Russia and France. On August 4th, the British Empire declares war on Germany after they invade neutral Belgium in order to execute a flanking movement on France. On the Serbian Front, Austro-Hungarian troops are denied a swift victory after being held back by the Serbian Army at the Battle of Cer (August 16-19) The Western Front grinds to a halt after the French successfully stop the German advance to Paris at the Battle of the Marne (September 5-12), and the series of flanking movements known as the "Race to the Sea" culminates in a stalemate. On the Eastern Front, the Germans successfully repulsed the Russian invasion of East Prussia after defeating the Russians at the battles of Tannenberg (August 26-30) and the Masurian Lakes (September 9-14), thanks to the efforts of Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg and General Erich Ludendorff. After a naval dispute with Britain, the Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers in October 1914. Almost all German colonies were occupied before the end of 1914, with the exception of East Africa, where General Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck would conduct guerrilla operations until the end of the war.

The Western Front remains static, although the fighting increase in brutality, particularly with the introduction of chlorine gas in the Second Battle of Ypres (April 22-May 5). On the Eastern Front, the Russians manage to hold onto Galicia, despite being pushed back by the Germans elsewhere. The Allies land troops near Gallipolli in April in order to gain control of the Dardanelles and quickly knock the Ottoman Empire out of the war, but the campaign is a disaster and ends with an Allied withdrawal by the end of the year. On May 7th, a German submarine sinks the RMS Lusitania. Following a severe backlash from the United States, the Germans end their unrestricted submarine warfare campaign, aimed at starving Britain into submission. (This is the Point of Divergence; the Germans never resume unrestricted submarine warfare) In May, Italy joined the Allies and declared war on Austria-Hungary in order to gain territory in Illyria, but the campaign soon bogged down into trench warfare. Bulgaria's entry into the war in October on the side of the Central Powers resulted in the defeat of Serbia by the end of the year.

The German attempt to bleed the French army dry at the Battle of Verdun (February 2-December 18) degenerates into a bloodbath. A similar attempt by the British at the Battle of the Somme (July 1-November 18) has the same outcome; the battle also saw the first use of tanks by the British. On the Eastern Front, the Russians launched the Brusilov Offensive (June 4-September 20), which succeeded at first, but failed to dislodge the Germans from Russian Poland and knock Austria-Hungary out of the war. In August, Romania joins the Allies and tries to capitalize on Austria-Hungarian setbacks by invading Transylvania, but Romania quickly collapses after German Field Marshall August von Mackensen captures Bucharest in December. Meanwhile, the Allies take up positions around Salonika. On the Middle Eastern Front, the British suffered a heavy blow to their prestige when British forces at Kut were forced to surrender to the Ottomans on April 29. The Russians successfully push the Ottomans out of the Caucasus and Armenia by the end of the year. Sherif Hussein bin Ali starts an Arab Revolt against the Ottomans in June with British support. The German Hochseeflotte wins a tactical victory at the First Battle of Jutland (May 31-June 1), but the British won a strategic victory as the Hochseeflotte remains in port until late 1918.

Czar Nicholas II of Russia abdicates on March 15, following the February Revolution. The provisional government formed under Alexander Kerensky is overthrown by Lenin's Bolsheviks in the October Revolution (Actually in November), sparking the Russian Civil War. On the Western Front, enormous casualties suffered at the Second Battle of the Aisne (April 16-May 9) leads to widespread mutinies among French soldiers, which paralyzes the French Army until the end of the year, allowing the Germans to recover from the Brusilov Offensive. German Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg is forced to resign in June and he is replaced by Georg Michaelis, who is seen as a mere puppet for Hindenburg and Ludendorff. Combined German and Austro-Hungarian forces beat the Italians back to the Piave River during the Caporetto Offensive (October 24-November 19), until a last minute defense manages to save Venice from capture. The Ottomans suffer major defeats, losing Baghdad (March 11) and Jerusalem (December 9) to British forces.

In early January, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk is signed between the Germans and Bolsheviks, allowing thousands of German & Austrian soldier to shift from the Eastern Front. The Bolsheviks turn over Finland, the Baltic states, Belarus, and Ukraine to Germany. In the spring, the Allies launch an offensive campaign on the Western Front, aimed at breaking the Germans before eastern reinforcements arrive, which is repulsed with high casualties. The Central Powers launch Operation Teutoburg, aimed at kicking Greece out of the war. Successfully utilizing specialized stormtroopers and so-called "infiltration tactics", the Central Powers pin down the Allies at Salonika and sweep through Greece, capturing Athens on July 3rd and forcing the Greek government to surrender. British General Allenby pulls off the last major Allied victory in the war, by encircling & destroying large parts of the Ottoman Army and capturing Damascus. The last minute arrival of two German divisions in Asia Minor manages to prevent an Allied invasion of Anatolia. The Hochseeflotte, led by Admiral Franz von Hipper, makes a desperate attempt to break the blockade of Germany after heavy U-boat losses. This results in the Second Battle of Jutland, which ends in a tie, but the shock from being assaulting forces the Royal Navy to break the blockade. The end of the blockade and influx of Ukrainian grain ends all fears that Germany will be starved into submission.

Great Offensive


Peace with Honour

Postwar Developments (1919-1935)

Revolution in France

Facing the threat of being surrounded by syndicalist states, Germany intervenes in the Russian Civil War by sending General Wilhelm Groener to support the White Army. Groener successfully drives Nestor Makhno's Black Army out of Ukraine, but fails to rally the Cossacks in support of Kerensky's government. The Cossacks form their own state, the Don-Kuban Union, as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Alash Orda, and Turkestan also secede from Russia. Menshevik remnants in the Caucasus take over Georgia.

Russian Civil War ends

Irish Free State established

Ireland's Prince


British Revolution

China Intervention



Great Depression


United Provinces

Herbert Hoover

Border skirmishes

Great South American War

La Plata formed
Americas Countries and Backgrounds

Central South America/Light Grey
Presidential Republic/President José Luis Tejada Sorzano (Liberal Party)
History: Bolivia has not fared well in terms of her foreign policy. Despite an alliance with Peru, Bolivia lost to Chile in the ‘Saltpeter War’ (1879 – 1883), resulting in the loss of the coastal province of Antofagasta and Bolivia's only access to the sea. In 1903, Bolivia ceded the important rubber-producing province of Acre to Brazil in the Treaty of Petropolis. In 1932, tensions with Paraguay over the Gran Chaco region touched off what would later come to be known as the ‘Great South American War’. Initially, Bolivia was successful against the Paraguayans and quickly overran the country. Unfortunately, the Bolivian occupation of Paraguay prompted Argentinean intervention in 1933 and Argentinean troops quickly liberated Paraguay, settling in for the winter. In 1934, Argentina renewed its offensive and scored several great victories against the Bolivian forces. Bolivia seemed totally defeated, but their hope was rekindled when Brazil chose to intervene on their side. However, the Brazilians focused the thrust of their offensives towards the La Plata River, leaving the Bolivians to look to their own defenses. This error of judgement led to Bolivia's humiliating defeat at the hands of Argentina in late 1934. In the resulting peace Bolivia was forced to accept the independence of Paraguay and relinquish their claims on the Gran Chaco region. After another short campaign by Argentinean forces, Brazil was defeated in 1935 and in the resulting peace Uruguay and Paraguay were ‘federated’ with Argentina to create the Union of La Plata.
National Politics: Bolivians are burning for revenge against 'La Plata' due to their humiliation in the Great South American War, but are also wary of becoming too closely aligned with Brazil. However, closer ties with Brazil may be unavoidable as the government of La Plata further strains relations by asserting claims over parts of Bolivian territory.
Important People:

Eastern South America/Teal
Presidential Republic/President Artur da Silva Bernardes
National Politics:
Important People:

North America/Light Pink
Parliamentary Monarchy/King George V and Prime Minister Mackenzie King
Canada entered the Great War with Britain's declaration of war on Germany in 1914 and sent many volunteers to the Western Front, who later became part of the Canadian Corps. In 1917, Conservative Prime Minister Robert Borden introduced conscription to replenish losses sustained during the Battle of the Somme, which was intensely opposed by French-speaking Quebecois. Canadians were embittered by the dominance of the German Empire after the Peace with Honour accords were signed in 1921. Soon afterwards, the Union Government formed during the war collapsed when the Liberals left the government and rejoined the opposition. With the deaths of former Liberal PM Wilfrid Laurier in 1919 and Robert Borden, Canada entered a period of national malaise, which was greatly exacerbated following the loss of the British Home Islands in the 1925 British Revolution. A large segment of the British populace, mostly made up of nobility, businessmen, the wealthy, and those holding right-wing political views, went into exile in Canada, expecting the purges and radical violence that followed the French Civil War. Elements of the British Army that had not mutinied also arrived with the exiles. In 1926, the Dominion of Newfoundland was incorporated into Canada via referendum.

The arrival of exiles resulted in a great upheaval in Canadian politics. Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King refused to replace Canada's government with that of the British government in exile, which resulted in the replacement of the office of Governor-General and the Senate with King George V and the former British House of Lords. The armed forces of Britain and Canada were merged under mixed Anglo-Canadian leadership. The Progressives were accused of Syndicalist sympathies and the Liberal PM Mackenzie King was blamed for the loss of the Empire to the Germans, Syndicalists, and nationalists. King George V and the British Exiles were accused of interference with Canadian politics, especially after their proposals for rearmament and preparations to reconquer the British Home Islands. The nationalist Liberals, who pushed for independence after the Weltkrieg, were troubled by the Exiles' influence on Canadian politics, and envision Canada as a peacekeeper for the increasingly tumultuous Americas.
National Politics:
Important People:
Max Aitken: (1879-Present)
Max Aitken was born in Ontario, Canada, but moved to England after making a large sum of money under suspicious circumstances in the Canada Cement Scandal. While in England, he began building up a London newspaper empire. In 1911, he was knighted by King George V. During the Great War, Aitken was in charge of creating the Canadian War Records Office in London, and made sure that Canada's contributions in the war were widely published in Canadian and British newspapers. In 1916, he added the London Evening Standard and the Daily Express to his chain of newspapers. In 1917, he was granted peerage as the 1st Baron Beaverbrook. In 1918, he became the first Minister of Information, in charge of allied propaganda in allied and neutral countries. Disagreements with Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour over intelligence material and gradual limitations imposed on him resulted in Beaverbrook's resignation in September 1918 due to "poor health". By this time, he had turned the Daily Express into an appealing and witty journal, and founded the Sunday Express in 1918. Remembered as "the first Baron of Fleet Street" and for Great War propaganda, Beaverbrook was forced to go into exile in Canada, becoming a powerful Lord and one of the more prominent British Exiles. As a press tycoon, he earned the trust of the Royal Family during the press war between King George V and Liberal Prime Minister Mackenzie King. Lord Beaverbrook is widely accepted in Anglo-Canadian political circles as a leading figure of the anti-Syndicalist Conservative faction of the British Exiles and a rabid proponent for reconquest of the British Home Islands, even though some Canadian nationalists regard him as a traitor and a British stooge.

Lieutenant General Ernest Charles Ashton: (1873-Present, Served 1935-Present)
Ernest Ashton served in the Great War as a Commanding Officer for the Canadian Training Brigade and then the 15th Canadian Brigade. He became Quartermaster-General after the war, and served as District Officer between 1930 and 1935. In 1935, he became Chief of the Imperial General Staff of the Royal Canadian Army. One of the major ongoing issues within the Canadian Army is finding a better known and well recognized officer to replace Ashton as head of the Royal Canadian Army.

Richard Bedford Bennett: (1870-Present, Served 1930-1935)

William Avery "Billy" Bishop: (1894-Present)

Ivor John Carnegie Brown: (1891-Present)

Timothy Buck: (1891-Present)

Lieutenant General Adrian Carton de Wiart: (1880-Present, Served )

Raymond Collishaw: (1893-Present)

Henry Duncan Graham "Harry" Crerar: (1888-Present, Served 1935-Present)

Thomas Alexander Crerar: (1876-Present, Served 1935-Present)

Air Vice-Marshal George Mitchell Croil: (1893-Present)
George Croil served in the Royal Flying Corps during the Great War, training pilots at Salonika and in the Middle East, and served as T.E. Lawrence's pilot on desert missions. He was awarded a Mention in Despatches, the Air Force Cross, and the French Croix de Guerre. Croil was appointed to the Canadian Air Board in 1919 and ensured that Canada maintained a flying corps after the Peace with Honour accords were signed. Croil was one of the first officers of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), founded in 1925 under the authority of the Canadian Army after the 1925 British Revolution. Between 1927 and 1931, Wing Commander Croil served as Commanding Officer of the RCAF Camp Borden in Ontario. In 1930, he was appointed Senior Air Officer. As a dedicated advocate of a strong and independent national air force led by Canadian officers, Croil was promoted to Air Vice-Marshal and became Canada's first Chief of Air Staff in 1932. Strict and professional, Croil stood out as an exceptional administrator and successfully elevated the RCAF to an independent and autonomous service, on equal standing with the Navy and Army.

Wilfred Austin "Wilf" Curtis: (1893-Present)

Rear Admiral Henry George "Harry" Dewolf: (1903-Present, Served 1935-Present)

Arthur Conan Doyle: (1859-1930)
Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a Scottish author most known for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which were considered a major innovation in the field of crime fiction, and for the adventures of Professor Challenger. A prolific writer whose works include science fiction, historical novels, plays & romances, poetry, and non-fiction, most of his works are banned in the Union of Britain, although some evidence suggests that a healthy black market for his works exist there. Moving to Canada during the 1925 British Revolution, he died a broken man in the city of Halifax in Nova Scotia.

Isaac Foot: (1880-Present)

Alexander Beaufort Fraser Fraser-Harris: (1893-Present)

Captain Gerald Grosvenor, Duke of Westminister: (1907-Present, Served 1933-Present)

Captain Bertram Meryl "Bert" Hoffmeister: (1907-Present, Served 1934-Present)
Bertram Hoffmeister was born in Vancouver, British Columbia. He was a sales manager with Canadian White Pine Co. Ltd. in Vancouver, and then enlisted with the Non-Permanent Active Militia (the Canadian Army Reserve Force) in 1927. Promoted to Captain in 1934, he is almost unknown to public eyes, but is a well-known proponent for tanks in Canadian military circles.

Joseph Montague Kenworthy (Baron Stabolgi): (1886-Present)

Admiral Roger John Brownlow Keyes: (1872-Present, Served 1934-Present)

Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King: (1874-Present, Served 1925-1930 and 1935-Present)

Archbishop of Canterbury William Cosmo Gordon Lang: (1864-Present, Served 1925-Present)

George Craig Laurence: (1905-Present)
George Craig Laurence was educated at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia and later at Cambridge University in England, where he earned a Ph.D. under the guidance of Ernest Rutherford at the Cavendish Laboratory. Dr. Laurence joined the National Research Council of Canada in 1930 and was involved in the improvement of radiation dosage measurement in cancer treatment and promoting safety from radiation exposure. Military experts have supposedly contacted Dr. Laurence for a top secret military program, but so far such rumors are unsubstantiated with evidence.

Rear Admiral Horatio Nelson Lay: (1903-Present, Served 1935-Present)

Stephen Leacock: (1869-Present)

Princess Mary: (1897-Present)

Clifford Mackay McEwen: (1876-Present, Served 1932-Present)

Arthur Meighen: (1874-Present)
While earning his B.A in mathematics at the University of Toronto, he met and became a rival of future PM William Mackenzie King. Meighen experimented with several professions, before becoming involved in politics as a member of the Conservative Party. Thanks to his debating skills and sharp wit, he was elected to the Canadian House of Commons in 1908 as the representative of Portage la Prairie in Manitoba, being re-elected in 1911 and 1913. He served as Solicitor General from 1913-1917, until he was appointed Minister of Mines and Canada's Secretary of State in August 1917.

Commodore Percy Walker Nelles: (1892-Present, Served 1934-Present)

Lionel Charles Robbins: (1898-Present)

Kenneth Stuart: (1891-Present)

John Ross Taylor: (ca. 1910-Present)

Hugh Monatgue Trenchard: (1873-Present, Served 1930-Present)

King George V of Windsor: (1865-Present, Served 1910-Present)

Prince Edward, Prince of Wales: (1894-Present, Served 1910-Present)

Prince Albert, Duke of York: (1895-Present, Served 1910-Present)

Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester: (1900-Present)

Prince George, Duke of Kent: (1902-Present)

Minister of National Defense Ian Mackenzie: (1890-Present, Served 1935-Present)

Minister of Justice Ernest Lapointe: (1876-Present, Served 1935-Present)

Georges Vanier: (1888-Present, Served 1915-Present)

Caribbean Federation
Caribbean Islands/Dark Brown
Constitutional Monarchy/Governor-General Gordon J. Lethem and Prime Minister Francis Stanley Robinson
History: The 1921 Anglo-German peace treaty left Britain with her colonies, but these colonies were left to themselves after the 1925 British Revolution. Dedicated to security and the restoration of the British Empire, the British Caribbean and South American colonies chose to form a Confederation in order to maintain independence, although they continued to recognize the British Monarch's authority in Canada. The Confederation occupied and incorporated French Guinea after the French government collapsed during the French Civil War. Despite numerous trade agreements with the remaining Entente powers, Brazil, and the United States, the region has experienced limited economic growth due to the lack of industry. The Caribbean Federation remains a minor, but loyal ally to Canada.
National Politics: The Caribbean Federation has several opportunities for economic expansion, ranging from oil extraction to mine construction. However, the Federation does not have funding for all of these projects, which has led to economic dependence on Canada. It remains to be seen whether the Federation can depend on easy credit from Canada or if it has to find additional sources of funding.
Important People:

Central America/Dark Purple
Socialist Republic/President Jorge Ubico Castenada
History: In 1926, the Commune of France and the Union of Britain supported a Syndicalist revolution in the former colony of Belize, which succeeded in overthrowing the colonial government. In 1927, the Guatemalan army attempted to crush Socialist revolts that were spreading throughout the country, but intervention by the Belizean army quickly led to a victorious revolution. Later that year, Belize and Guatemala formed a federation called "Centroamerica" in order to ensure security. In 1928, Centroamerican "expeditions" into El Salvador helped agrarian-socialist revolutionaries topple the government in 1929. El Salvador joined Centroamerica later that year. In 1930, Centroamerica engaged in border skirmishes with Honduras as socialism grew in popularity across Central America. Centroamerican leadership decided to abruptly end further military activity, fearing German or American intervention in a region where they both had trade interests. Between 1930 and 1936, the Centroamerican government has focused on internal development and trade, offering coffee and bananas to a luxury-starved Syndicalist Internationale. Centroamerica seems content to improve working conditions for farmers and laborers, while trading with capitalist countries for security. However, with the prospect of declining German power and the recent turmoil in the United States, Centroamericans hope the time to unite all of Central America under the Syndicalist banner will come soon.
National Politics:
Important People:

South America (West Coastline)/Light Green
Presidential Republic/President Luis Barros Borgono
History: After the 'Saltpeter War' (1879-1883), Chile received the Peruvian saltpeter-producing provinces of Tarapacá and Arica in addition to the Bolivian coastal region of Antofagasta, which gave the country vast copper deposits and allowed its monopolization of the world trade in saltpeter. A phase of economic prosperity was initially supported by the high demand for saltpeter at the beginning of the Weltkrieg. However the chemical processes devised to artificially produce saltpeter during the war rendered Chile's deposits worthless. Worsening economic circumstances and population growth created social crises. Workers and unions gained political influence. President Arturo Alessandri Palma (1920-1925 and 1932-1938) attempted to overcome the social tensions, with some success. A new constitution expanded the president's powers at the cost of the congress' authority.
National Politics: Chile has befriended La Plata, partly due to mutual dislike of Bolivia, and have become closely linked trade partners. Some are worried that such cooperation might encourage La Plata to ignite another war in South America and seek better relations with neighboring countries, while others are keen on some sort of military cooperation, in hopes that a La Plata victory would benefit Chile.
Important People:

South America (Northern)/Brownish-Orange
Presidential Republic/President Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo
History: Since 1850, Colombia had been exporting tobacco; after 1900, coffee and bananas were added (with the aid of U.S. capital) and after 1905, petroleum. Weakened by civil wars, Colombia had to acknowledge the United States' rights of control over the Panama Canal in the Hay-Bunan-Varilla Treaty of 1903, ending the conflict between the two countries about the building of the Canal. When the Colombian Congress refused to ratify the treaty, the United States forced the secession of Panama from Colombia, compensating them between 1921 and 1930 with a payment of a total $25 million. Colombia formally recognized Panama in 1921. The conservatives pursued the modernization of the country expanding the railroad network. The liberals formed a government in 1930, which enacted a land reform dispossessing big landowners and social reforms with economic benefits for the middle class, the working class, and the peasants.
National Politics:
Important People:

Cuba/Light Grey
Semi-Presidential Republic/President José Barnet
History: The explosion of the US warship Maine in the port of Havana in 1898 created a casus belli for the United States to declare war on Spain, colonial masters of the Carribean island. The Treaty of Paris was signed later that year, forcing Spain to cede Cuba and the Philippines to the United States, as well as Puerto Rico, which was put under military administration. Independence was formally declared in 1900, but the Platt Amendment of 1901 restricted Cuba's autonomy by giving the United States the naval bases of Bahia Honda and Guantanamo as well as the right to intervene in the case of internal unrest. In 1902 the United States withdrew from the island, leaving President Tomás Estrada Palma in charge. However between 1906 and 1909, the US intervened on the grounds of the Platt Amendment when the liberals campaigned against President Estrada Palma. Further interventions took place in 1912 and between 1917 and 1919. In 1922, the last American soldiers left the island. US investment in sugarcane plantations brought Cuba rising economic prosperity. Nevertheless, the country became economically dependent of the US and her imports of tobacco and sugar. This agricultural monoculture was prone to crisis, which led to economic disaster during the 1920s, impoverishing large parts of the population. Dictatorial measures taken by President Gerardo Machaldo y Porales (1925-1933) were uneffective.
National Politics: Cuba has started to wean itself from its dependence on the United States, as civil unrest and economic hardship have driven that country into turmoil. Some want to build up stronger economic relationships with Entente members, particularly Canada and the Caribbean Federation, but many wish to retain and expand Cuban sovereignty. Others look towards the Syndicalists for a solution to their economic troubles.
Important People:

Dominican Republic
Hispaniola/Pale Yellow
Semi-Presidential Republic/President Rafael Leonidas Trujillo
National Politics:
Important People:

South America/Olive Green
Presidential Republic/President Federico Paez Chiriboaga
History: Essentially OTL.
National Politics:
Important People:

Hispaniola/Light Purple
Presidential Republic/President Stenio Vincent
National Politics:
Important People:

Central America/The Ocean's Blue
Semi-Presidential Republic/President Tiburcio Carias Andino
National Politics:
Important People:

La Plata
South America/Periwinkle Purple
Presidential Republic/President Hipolito Yrigoyen
National Politics:
Important People:

Central America/Forest Green
Socialist Republic/President Emiliano Zapata
History: In 1917, the successful Mexican Revolution led to the ratification of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, under which Venustiano Carranza served as the first president. In 1920, Emiliano Zapata united revolutionary leaders and was elected President of Mexico. Between 1920 and 1936, Zapata organized the Socialist Party, initiated land reform, and strengthened Mexico's economy during his multiple terms of office. Most foreign and private companies were nationalized in Mexico by 1936, except for the oil industry. With tension rising in Central America, the rising instability in the neighboring United States, and a potential leadership struggle as Zapata's health declines, Mexico's future look uncertain.
National Politics: The most important issue facing Mexico is the succession of leadership after Emiliano Zapata. Chairman of the Socialist Party Vicente Lombardo is Zapata's current choice, but Lombardo has many enemies across the political spectrum. Marshall Arango could also try to seize power in the event of Zapata's death, while other individually weak military leaders might band together in opposition to both Arango and Lombardo.
Important People:
President Emiliano Zapata: (1879-Present, Served 1920-Present)

Central America/Grayish-Purple
Presidential Republic/President Harmodio Arias de la Madrid
National Politics:
Important People:

South America/Pale Yellow
Republic under Military Junta/"President" Oscar Benavides Larrea
National Politics:
Important People:

United Provinces of America (UPA)
Central America/Sea Green
Presidential Republic/President Juan Bautista Sacasa
History: The United Provinces of America was a union formed in 1931 between the republics of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, in order to protect their democratic regimes from the extremist influences of Syndicalism and National Populism. In 1934, the United States tried to scale down direct involvement in Central America by encouraging an alliance between Panama and the UPA, which ultimately succeeded.
National Politics: The state's industry is divided mainly into US-dominated banana production and German-dominated coffee production. However, with the United States losing its influence in Central America, Germany seems poised to dominate the UPA. The United Provinces of America must decide in the near future how to deal with growing German and Syndicalist influence in the region.
Important People:

United States of America
United States/Blue
Federal Constitutional Republic/President Herbert Hoover (1932-1936)
Irvine Lenroot (1927-1932), Leonard Wood (1921-1927)
National Politics:
Important People:
President Herbert Hoover (Republican): (1874-Present, Served 1928-Present)

Vice President Charles Curtis (Republican): (1860-Present, Served 1928-Present)

Louisiana Senator Huey Long (AFUP):

Socialist Writer Jack Reed (Syndicalist): (1887-Present)

Film Director Orson Welles (Syndicalist): (1915-Present)

Folk Musician Woody Guthrie (Syndicalist): (1912-Present)

Presidential Candidate James W. Ford (Syndicalist): (1893-Present)

Air Force Advisor Amelia Earheart (Syndicalist): (1897-Present)

Political Activist Emma Goldman (Anarcho-Syndicalist): (1869-Present)

Writer & Major General Ernest Hemingway (Syndicalist): (1899-Present)

Mafia Boss Joe Steele/Joseph Dzhugashvili/Stalin (Syndicalist): (1878-Present)
Joseph Dzhugashvili was born in Gori, now part of Georgia, in 1878. He was the third child of an Ossetian cobbler and Georgian serf, and had attended the Tiflis (Tbilsi) Seminary. He was rejected for his socialist opinions and had joined the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party. Joseph joined Lenin when the party split between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. Under the name Koba, Joseph planned bank robberies throughout the Caucasus in order to raise funds for the Bolsheviks. He had little role in the October Revolution, and was appointed People's Commissar for Nationalities' Affairs during the Russian Civil War, before fleeing from Russia after the Soviet defeat at Tsaritsyn.
Joseph emigrated to the United States in 1925, after the French Revolution. He apparently was able to receive his American citizenship despite his revolutionary past, because the US Bureau of Immigration could not access information about Joseph due to the anarchy in Russia at the time. He arrived in Chicago as a worker, joined and rose through the ranks of the Industrial Workers of the World organization, and distinguished himself with his violence against right-wing opposition. He received the nickname Joe Steele, referring to his first name and his supposed alternative name of Stalin as a Bolshevik militant. (Stalin means Man of Steel)
When the Syndicalist movements of the United States banded together, Steele's violence became a problem and he was officially kicked from the party. Steele then became a gangster, opposed the Italian American Mafia, and supposedly gave the CSA underground funding, which had been officially denied by the party. By intimidating other mobsters with his cold-blooded violence, Steele eliminated other Mafia bosses such as Al Capone and installed himself as the master of the Chicago underground, and rallied it to the Syndicalist cause. The CSA has denied any links with Steele, but the FBI has identified many CSA polling station employees as Steele's henchmen.
(Most Information supplied by a John Edgar Hoover FBI Investigation with cooperation by the Georgian government)

Politician & Economist Lawrence Dennis (AFUP): (1893-Present)

Former New York Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Democrat): (1882-1935, Served 1928-1935)

Quentin Roosevelt: (1897-Present)

Former President Theodore Roosevelt: (1858-1919, Served 1901-1908)

Politician Fritz Julius Kuhn (AFUP): (1896-Present)

Father Charles Coughlin (AFUP): (1891-Present)

General Douglas MacArthur: (1880-Present, Served 1930-Present)

Former President Woodrow Wilson: (1856-1924, Served 1913-1920)

Former President Leonard Wood: (1860-1927, Served 1920-1927)

South America/Even Paler Yellow
Presidential Republic/President Juan Bautista Pérez
History: Essentially OTL.
National Politics:
Important People:
African & Middle Eastern Countries and Backgrounds

Ethiopia/Olive Green
Autocratic Monarchy/Negus (King) Haile Selassie I
National Politics:
Important People:
Desta Damtew: (1898-Present, Served 1933-Present)

Iyasu V: (1895-??, Served 1913-1916)

Ras Mulugueta: (??-Present, Served 1931-Present)

Halie Selassie I: (1892-Present, Served 1930-Present)

Halie Selassie Gugsa: (1907-Present, Served 1932-Present)

Ras Seyum: (1897-Present, Served 1921-Present)

Egypt-Sudan/Vermilion Red
Autocratic Monarchy/King Fuad I
National Politics:
Important People:

Saudi Arabia/Very Pale Yellow
Autocratic Monarchy/Sheikh Abdul Aziz al Saud
History: During the Weltkrieg, the region of Hejaz was provoked into an Arabian nationalist rebellion against the Ottoman Empire by Britain's T.E. Lawrence ("of Arabia"), and Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Makkah (Mecca), declared the Kingdom of Hejaz's independence in 1916. When the Germans sent support to the Ottomans in 1920, the Arabs and British soldiers were pushed out of Mesopotamia. Thus, the Arabs decided to make their last stand at Ryad, the capital of the region of Nejd. The weary Ottomans were unable overcome the Arab fighters and an armistice was signed, which recognized the Kingdoms of Hejaz and Nejd as independent states. However, Hussein bin Ali was able to gain control over Nejd and annexed it into Hejaz in 1922. Thanks to Egyptian protection, Hejaz was able to stay independent from the Ottomans, and there are rumors that they seek to free the Arabs still living under Ottoman rule.
National Politics:
Important People:
Colonel T.E. Lawrence: (1888-Present)

Western Africa/White
Presidential Republic/President Edwin J. Barclay
History: Since 1822, Liberia has maintained close relations with the United States due to its unique nature as a country populated primarily of native peoples ruled by repatriated former African-American slaves. In 1877, the True Whig party monopolized political power in Liberia. In 1926, Liberia granted a large concession to the American-run Firestone Plantation Company, used for the collection of rubber. However, in 1929, a controversy over the use of forced labor in this economic concession led to the forced resignation of then-president Charles King. Under the leadership of the reformist Edwin Barclay, Liberia continues to enjoy outstanding relations with the United States and is a key provider of rubber to North America. However, internal unrest has started to mount as the opportunistic Charles King advocates closer relations with Germany in order to preserve Liberian sovereignty against the Nationalist French and the progressive Momolu Dukuly wishes for an end to one-party rule and advocates closer relations with the Syndicalist nations in order to preserve Liberian sovereignty against both the Nationalist French and Germans, as well as ending American dominance in Liberia. Liberia's independence may also be in danger as Mittelafrika, under the leadership of Hermann Goering, is starting to look for areas of possible expansion.

North Africa/Myrtle

Autocratic Monarchy/King Idris I al-Senussi
National Politics:
Important People:

Huge Purple Blob in Central Africa
Autonomous Colonial Free State/Staathalter Hermann Göring
National Politics:
Important People:
Hermann Detzner: (1892-Present, Served ??-Present)

Hermann Wilhelm Goering: (1893-Present, Served 1934-Present)

Theodore von Hippel: (??-Present, Served 1934-Present)

Ernst Junger: (1895-Present, Served 1932-Present)

Max von Looff: (1874-Present, Served ??-Present)

Joachim von Ribbentrop: (1893-Present, Served 1933-Present)

Erich Schultz-Ewerth: (1870-Present, Served 1934-Present)

National France
Huge electric Blue Blob in North Africa
Republic under Military junta/"President" Philippe Pétain
National Politics:
Important People:

Arabian Peninsula/Extremely Dark Gray

Autocratic Monarchy/Sheikh Said ibn Timur
National Politics:
Important People:

Ottoman Empire
Turkey-Arabia/Islamic green (Actual Color)
Autocratic Monarchy/Kalif Abdul Mejid II
National Politics:
Important People:

Iran/Flax Yellow

Parliamentary Monarchy/Shah Ahmad Qajar and Prime Minister Prince Firuz Nosrat ed-Dowleh
National Politics:
Important People:

South Africa
Southern Africa/Light Pink
Semi-Presidential Republic/President Jan Smuts
National Politics:
Important People:
Asian Countries and Backgrounds

Central Asia/White
Autocratic Monarchy/Shah Mohammed Zaher (1933-Present)
Nadir Shah (1927-1933)
History: Ever since the 'Great Game' of the 19th century between Russia and Britain, every attempt to fully conquer and annex Afghanistan met with fierce resistance and failure. However in 1880, the Afghani emir finally granted Britain control over Afghanistan's foreign affairs. However, after the German victories in Europe during the Great War, the emir was assassinated and his son waged another war with Britain, until the now war-weary British agreed to withdraw. In 1921, Afghanistan was finally granted complete independence due to a cease-fire. In 1923, a constitution was drafted and modernization began. However, tribal leaders angry with the new King's decision to do away with centuries old traditions led to his disposition. The new king, Nadir Shah was the replacement, and kept reformation at a more acceptable pace. During the Indian Civil War, Nadir Shah managed to grab several provinces of former British India. ON November 8, 1933, Nadir Shah was assassinated. His son, Mohammed Zaher inherited the throne. While there is still some tensions with tribal leaders, there is no reason to doubt Afghanistan's stability at this time.
National Politics: The current government's goal is to avoid foreign subjugation of the Afghani nation, and to carry out the modernization of the nation at a pace which is acceptable to the tribal leaders and the masses.

Alash Orda

National Politics:
Important People:

Allgemeine Ostasiatische Gesellschaft (AOG)
Southern China/Bluish-Purple
Autonomous Colonial Division/AOG Board of Directors headed by Governor General Alexander von Falkenhausen
National Politics:
Important People:
Max Hermann Bauer: (1875-Present)
Max Bauer joined the German army in 1890 and was appointed to the general staff in 1905. As an expert in artillery tactics, he helped destroy the Liege fort in Belgium in 1914 during the first few months of the Great War. He was awarded the Pour le Merite in December 1916, with oak leaves added in 1918. He worked as a military consultant for several years in German Indochina. During the German intervention in China in 1926, he

Governor-General Alexander von Falkenhausen: (1878-Present, Served 1932-Present)

He Fengshan: (1901-Present)

Admiral Hellmuth von Mucke: (1881-Present, Served )

Gunther Pluschow: (1886-Present, Served )

John Rabe: (1882-Present, Served 1931-Present)
John Rabe was born in Hamburg as the son of a sea captain. He pursued a business career and eventually worked for Siemens AG's Chinese branch beginning in 1910. He supported German expansionism and the German intervention in China in 1926. After direct German administration was established in southern China, John Rabe became chairman of the newly established Siemens Ostasien and became a member of the powerful Board of Directors, which led the new country. In 1931, then Governor-General Hans von Seeckt appointed John Rabe as Secretary for Economic Relations with Germany, entrusted with AOG's industrial development and protection of German interests in China. He retained this position when Alexander von Falkenhausen became Governor-General. John Rabe has refused to exploit Chinese natives and stopped the deprivation of human rights for that group, despite vocal opposition from German businessmen, who see such exploitation as necessary for Germany to compete with other economic powers in the Asian region.

Caucasus, East of Ottoman Empire/Purple
Semi-independent Pashaluk/Pasha Drastamat Kanayan

Australasian Confederation
Australia/Dark Blue
Parliamentary Monarchy/Governor-General Stanley Bruce and Prime Minister Billy Hughes
History: The resolution of Weltkrieg had severely hampered British domination of the Pacific and forced the secession of British New Guinea to Germany, although several steadfast defenders absolutely refused to give up the strategic Port Moresby, and thus Germany left it under British control. The British monarchy in exile resorted to extreme measures in order to preserve the remnants of its empire. The end result of these measures was the Emergency Protocols Act of 1922, which had effectively dissolved the Australian and New Zealand parliaments. The Consolidation of Resources Act of 1924 resulted in merging of Australia, New Zealand, Port Moresby, and the Fiji Islands into the Australasian Confederation. After the 1925 British Revolution, Governor-General Stanley Bruce introduced conscription and forced through his proposals on industrialization and a national transport system, which culminated in a general strike in 1929. King George V made concessions, slowing down reforms, in order to prevent an uprising.
National Politics:
Important People:
Governor-General Stanley Bruce: (1883-Present, Served 1924-Present)
Stanley Bruce served as a captain during the Weltkrieg, becoming a decorated hero during the Gallipoli campaign. He returned to Melbourne in 1917 and was involved in Australia's recruitment campaigns for the rest of the war. He caught the attention of the Nationalist Party with his public speaking and was elected as a member of the House of Representatives for Flinders, Victoria. He was appointed Treasurer in 1921 by Prime Minister Billy Hughes. Bruce exploited public fear of syndicalism and militant trade unions by appealing for law & order against strikes and "foreign agitators", which he blamed for lower wages and rising prices. He sought out experts that could increase the efficiency and productivity of Australian industry and tried to create a national transport system by standardizing railway gauges and funding the construction of roads. King George V appointed Stanley Bruce as Attorney-General after the Emergency Protocols Act of 1922 cancelled the scheduled elections. Bruce was an able administrator, but didn't get along with Prime Minister Billy Hughes. Bruce was then appointed Governor-General after the Australasian Confederation was established in 1924. The reforms he pushed through after the 1925 British Revolution

Prime Minister Billy Hughes: (1862-Present, Served 1915-1916, 1916-1924, and 1931-Present)

Charles Vyner Brooke: (1874-Present, Served 1917-1925)

Caucasus/Heliotrope Purple-Pink
Semi-Presidential Republic/President Rajib Kulbenzhian and Prime Minister Suleyman Rustam

Eastern India/Dark Red-Maroon
Socialist Republic/President Rajendra Prasad
National Politics:
Important People:

Himalayas/Greyish Blue
Autocratic Monarchy/King Jigme Wangchuk
No Important Historical Leaders

Southeast Asia/Very Pale Green
Presidential Republic/President Sao Yang Wen Pin
No Historical Leaders Worth Mentioning
History: After the Syndicalist British Revolution of 1925, the old colonial empire and its framework crumbled. Nearby India had been separated before, by their three ideologies and thus those factions were more or less permanent. However, Burma's fate would be unclear, as they contained not only native Burmese and British loyalists, but also Bengals, Chinese, and Siamese. All these factions in Burma had created more or less a mini-China, a 'country' made up of mostly warlords and a very weak 'legitimate' government. The British loyalists were quickly defeated however, due to their few numbers and the fact they were mainly centered in Rangoon and Mandalay.
All three Indian factions had forces fighting within Burma, until German and AOG mediation ended that war in 1929. In the German-led treaty, Eastern Burma was seceded to Siam, while Yunnan and Bengal received some minor territory in Burma. This peace didn't last, as fleeing Chinese warlords from the Qing's crackdown on cliques and Long Yun's Yunnan crackdown settled in Burma. There was also much fighting among the Burmese princes. This division was further worsened by the fact that most of Burma's military is only loyal to the elite classes and not to the government. Bengal meanwhile, has started to export ideas of peasant revolution in Burma. Burma is now one of the biggest bases for pirates and bandits in the world. The political division still runs deep, and it is unknown if Burma's government can handle all these problems...

Western India/Teal
Parliamentary Monarchy/Governor-General Mohammed Shuja ul-Mulk and Prime Minister John Edward Golightly
National Politics:
Important People:

Don-Kuban Union
Caucasus/Vomit-Looking Yellow
Presidential Republic/Hetman Petr Krasnov
National Politics:
Important People:

Fengtien Republic
Manchuria/Pale Yellow
Semi-Presidential Republic (Under Japanese authority)/President Zhang Xueliang
National Politics:
Important People:

Socialist Republic/President Candide Charkviani and Chairman of the Central Committee of the Menshevik Party Lavrentiy Beria
National Politics:
Important People:

Parliamentary Monarchy/Emperor Hirohito and Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi
National Politics:
Important People:
General Sadao Araki: (1877-Present, Served )

Emperor Hirohito: (1901-Present, Served 1926-Present)

Admiral Mineo Osumi: (1876-Present, Served )

Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi: (1855-Present, Served 1931-Present)

General Kazushige Ugaki: (1868-Present, Served )

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto: (1884-Present, Served )

Kenkichi Yoshizawa: (1874-Present, Served 1932-Present)

Legation Cities
Along the Coast of China/Spring Green
Independent Union of Economic Concessions/Governor-General Cecil Clementi and Prime Minister Stirling Fessenden
History: Following the German Intervention in China in 1926 and the Treaty of Nanjing signed that year, the richest cities along the Chinese coastline were left under the join control of world powers with interests in the region in order to facilitate foreign trade. The independence of these cities is guaranteed by various powers, including Japan, Germany, AOG, the Qing Empire, the United States, Canada, and Australasia. Thanks to foreign trade and smuggling into the Qing Empire and the AOG, the Legation Cities have flourished. Unfortunately, the rise in smuggling has also created secret criminal fraternities and a rise in corruption.
National Politics:
Important People:

Northern China/Gamboge Orange
1911-Present (Independent from Qing Empire)
Absolute Monarchy/Baron Khan Roman Ungern Von Sternberg
No Historical Leaders Worth Mentioning
National Politics:
Important People:
Ruler Roman Ungern Von Sternberg: (1886-Present, Served )

Himalayas/Light Pink
Absolute Monarchy/King Tribhuvana
No Historical Leaders Worth Mentioning
History: After the British Withdrawal from India due to the British Revolution; Nepal's Rana Family, who dominated Nepalese politics for the past centuries, were subject to national criticism. Without British support, Prime Minister Chandra Shamsher was unable to control the teenage King Tribhuvana. The King had decided to free himself from his childhood of imprisonment and blackmail; and used the Nepalese Sena, or Army; to storm the Narayanhiti Palace in Kathmandu and kill the Rana Family, as well as capturing anybody related to the Rana who still were loyal to Chandra. The new King executed the senior Rana family members and Chandra, and used the military to hold the country together. Soon afterwards, the Nepalese Sena occupied a large portion of the Ganges-Yamuna basin. An alliance with the Bhutan and Sikkin kingdoms have made Nepal an important power in post-British India.
National Politics: King Tribhuvana wishes to break the traditional isolationist and feudal society of Nepal to destroy its historical poverty and usher in a new age of Nepalese prosperity. The current Nepalese cabinet include the royal family and disillusioned British politicians who lost their faith in the Entente governments.

Philippines/Flamingo Pink
Semi-Presidential Republic (Under USA authority)/President Manuel Quezon
National Politics:
Important People:

Princely Federation
Southern India/Orange
Federation of Free Principalities/Provisional Rajadhiraja Bahadur Bathram of Maler Kotla and Chairman of the Council of Principalties Mohammed Iqbal
National Politics:
Important People:

Qing Empire
Northeast China/Blue
1616-1912 & 1927-Present
Autocratic Monarchy/Emperor Pu Yi
National Politics:
Important People:
Emperor Pu Yi: (1906-Present, Served 1908-1912 & 1927-Present. Ceremonial Figure from 1912-1924)

Prime Minister Xu Shichang

Foreign Minister Wang Zuanxu: (1885-Present, Served 1929-Present)
A Sichuan-born Chinese General who originally joined the Kuomintang and commanded the army in Chengdu & Sichuan before the German Intervention in China. He soon joined the Qing cause and entered the Imperial Council, where he now works as the Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs. He doesn't have a lots of work, because the Emperor Pu Yi directs most foreign policy work and most foreign relations work is with Germany.

War Minister & Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force Fu Zuoyi:
Minister of Intelligence Shang Zhen:

Commander-in-Chief of the Army Wu Peifu:

Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Otto Ciliax:

Republic of China*
Formerly Qing Empire & AOG
1912-1915 & 1916-1926
Former Republic/Xu Shichang (Last Leader, 1925-1926)
Sun Yat-Sen (1912-1915 & 1916-1925)

Shangqing Tianguo
Central China/Orange
Theocracy/Great Teacher Zhang Tianran
National Politics:
Important People:

Southeast Asia/Pale Yellow
Autocratic Monarchy/King Rama VIII
History: Siam decided to support Germany during the Weltkrieg and was rewarded by the Kaiser after Germany's victory. Siam received lands previously stolen by the French after France was forced to cede Indochina to Germany. During the 1925 British Revolution, Siam was allowed to occupy parts of British Malaysia. Germany's imposed treaty on Burma forced it to cede eastern Burma to Siam in 1929. Between 1917 and 1936, Siam has become a peaceful and stable country thanks in part to the peaceful acquisition of neighboring territories. However, many Siamese believe that the country should start strengthening its defenses, as Germany's apparent decline may lead to a Syndicalist uprising or provoke invasion by Yunnan or Burma.
National Politics:
Important People:

Tibetan Plateau/Light Grey
Theocracy/Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
National Politics:
Important People:

Southern Katmanchatka (Next to Russia & Manchuria)/Light Blue
Presidential Republic (Under Japan's authority)/"Supreme Ruler of All Russia" Alexander Kolchak
National Politics:
Important People:
Admiral Alexander Kolchak (1874-Present, Served )

South of Alash Orda/Brownish-Orange

Autocratic and Theocratic Monarchy/Kalif Mohammed Alim Khan
National Politics:
Important People:

Xibei San Ma
Northwestern China/Colombia Blue
Loose Coalition of Warlord States/Warlord Ma Hongkui
National Politics:
Important People:

Southwestern China/Burnt Umber Brown
Loose Coalition of Warlord States/Warlord Long Yun
National Politics:
Important People:
European Nations & Backgrounds Part One

Balkans/Bole Brown
Autocratic Monarchy/Prince Wilhelm I and Prime Minister Ahmet Zogu
History: During the Weltkrieg, Austria-Hungary demanded that Albania would contribute soldiers to their offensives in Greece. When Prince Wilhelm I refused on the basis of the 1913 Treaty of London, his renumeration was cut off and his regime collapsed. When the Peace with Honour agreement was signed, Albania was restored under Prince Wilhelm I, although it would now be a vassal of the Ottoman Empire rather than under Austrian influence. Ottoman support has helped Prince Wilhelm I maintain control, but the Ottomans also control Albania's internal politics.
National Politics:
Important People:
Prince Wilhelm I (Skanderbeg II) zu Wied: (1876-Present, Served 1914-Present)

Prime Minister and Director of Secret Police Ahmet Bey Zogu: (1895-Present, Served 1921-Present)

Central Europe/Olive Green

Parliamentary Monarchy/Emperor Otto I von Habsburg and Minister-President Albert von Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein
National Politics:
Important People:
Count Albert von Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein: (1861-Present, Served 1922-Present)

Emperor Otto I von Habsburg-Lothringen: (1912-Present, Served 1922-Present)

Central-Eastern Europe/Forest Green
Parliamentary Monarchy/Governor Felix zu Schwarzenberg and Minister-President Jan Syrov
History: After the Weltkrieg, rising Czech nationalism and ethnic tensions between Germans and Czechs led to violent riots, which almost brought the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the brink of civil war. German mediation during the renegotiation of Ausgleich in 1927 led to the autonomy of Bohemia as a constituent part of the Austria-Hungary, although it remained mainly under the control of the Austrian Crown. As the Ausgleich negotiations of 1937 approach, Austria will probably try to assert its authority over Bohemia. However, a power struggle between Austria and Hungary might result in the expansion of Bohemia into the realms of Slovakia.
National Politics:
Important People:

Balkans/Dark Forest Green
Parliamentary Monarchy/Governor Georg Dragicevic and Minister-President Osman Zulfikarpasic
History: The annexation of Bosnia by Austria-Hungary in 1908 resulted in rising Bosnian nationalism, which culminated in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914, sparking the Weltkrieg. Bosnia itself managed to escape the war mostly unscathed. German mediation during the renegotiation of Ausgliech in 1927 put Bosnia under the direct administration of the Austrian Crown. As the Ausgleich negotiations of 1937 approach, Bosnia's future remains uncertain, with Austria possibly enforcing its authority or ceding its control to Hungary or Croatia.
National Politics:
Important People:

Union of Britain
British Isles/Crimson Red
Socialist Republic/Chairman of the Trade Union Congress Philipp Snowden and General Secretary Arthur Horner
National Politics:
Important People:
Fred Copeman: (1907-Present, Served )

John Edward Christopher Hill: (1912-Present, Served )

General Secretary Arthur Horner: (1894-Present, Served )

Commissary for the Exchequer Oswald Mosley: (1896-Present, Served 1933-Present)

Thomas Evan Nicholas (Niclas y Glais): (1879-Present, Served )

Chairman of the CTU Philip Snowden: (1864-Present, Served )

Thomas Henry (Tom) Wintringham: (1898-Present, Served )

Balkans/Sea Green

Parliamentary Monarchy/Tsar Boris III and Prime Minister Bogdan Filov
National Politics:
Important People:
Tsar Boris III von Saxe-Coburg-Gotha:

Prime Minister Bogdan Filov:

Balkans/Dark Orange

Parliamentary Monarchy/Governor Alojzije Stepinac and Minister-President Vladimir Laxa
History: During the Weltkrieg, although Croatia itself was not the site of any battles, Croatian soldiers participated in the brutal winter battles of the Eastern Front, resulting in tens of thousands of casualties. Croatia's struggle for increased independence within the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary was interrupted by the Weltkrieg, although the renegotiation of Ausgliech in 1927 significantly increased Croatia's territory with Austria ceding Dalmatia. However, Hungary's growing power and nationalism is perceived as a threat by Croats, who fear having to make concessions in the approaching Ausgliech negotiations in 1937.
National Politics:
Important People:

Northern Europe/Peach
~8th century-Present
Parliamentary Monarchy/King Christian X of Oldenburg and Prime Minister Thorvald Stauning
No Historical Leaders Worth Mentioning
History: During the Great War, Denmark was a strictly neutral nation, trading with both sides during the war. Soon after the Great War ended, Denmark prospered as trade flourished throughout the North Sea. However, the Danish economy was now dependent on Germany and German economic prosperity. By 1925, Denmark's economy was booming.
After the Syndicalist British Revolution, Christian X was concerned that what happened to the British royalty might happen to him, and thus in 1926, he tried to pass several restrictive laws against a possible rebellion. The Danish government headed by Neergard resisted the ratification of this law, seen by many as an overreaction. Christian dissolved the government due to his anger and forced the laws through. Riots and protests soon followed in Denmark, which was to be followed by a near-revolution. Christian was forced to stand down and then in 1928, Christian and Neergard managed to work out a compromise in order to prevent Syndicalist revolution from sweeping the country. By 1930, prosperity and stability had returned.
Now however, the economic woes of Germany were going to be problematic as vast sectors of the Danish economy now depended on Germany's economic well being. The Danish government is considering radical actions, but would it be enough to stem the tide or will Denmark fall with Europe?

Scandinavia/Light Grey

Parliamentary Monarchy/King Fredrik Kaarle I von Hessen and Prime Minister Vihtori Kosola
National Politics:
Important People:
King Fredrik Kaarle I (Friedrich Karl Ludwig Konstantin): (1868-Present, Served 1918-Present)

Western Europe, North of France/Mustard Yellow

Parliamentary Monarchy/King Adalbert I von Hohenzollern and Prime Minister August Borms
National Politics:
Important People:
King Adalbert von Hohenzollern: (1884-Present, Served 1922-Present)

Commune of France
Western Europe/Dark Blue
Socialist Republic/President of the Commune of Paris Sébastien Faure and Chairman of the Comité de Salut Public Marceau Pivert
National Politics:
Important People:
Marcel Bucard: (1895-Present)

General Jacques Doriot: (1898-Present, Served 1935-Present)

Cardinal Achille Lienart: (1884-Present, Served 1930-Present)

Georges Valois: (1878-Present)

Leader of the Sorelians and Journalist Georges Valois: (1878-Present, Served 1911-Present)

Eastern Europe, North of Hungary/Bright Yellow

Parliamentary Monarchy/Governor Karl-Stephen von Habsburg and Minister-President Wojciech Korfanty
National Politics:
Important People:

Central Europe/Dark Grey
Constitutional Monarchy/Imperial Chancellor Franz von Papen (1934-Present)
Oskar von Hutier (1930-1934), Alfred von Tirpitz (1924-1930), Georg von Hertling (1917-1924), Georg Michaelis (1917), Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg (1909-1917), Bernhard von Bülow (1900-1909), Chlodwig von Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (1894-1900), Leo von Caprivi (1890-1894), Otto von Bismarck (1888-1890)
National Politics:
Important People:
Emperor Wilhelm II von Hohenzollern: (1859-Present, Served 1888-Present)

Chancellor Franz von Papen: (1879-Present, Served 1934-Present)

Secretary of Foreign Affairs Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg: (1875-Present)

Secretary of Financa Hjalmar Schaht: (1877-Present)

Secretary of the Interior Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff: (1862-Present)

Chief of the General Staff Field Marshal Hans von Seeckt: (1866-Present)

Army Commander Field Marshal August von Mackensen: (1849-Present)

Navy Commander Admiral Ludwig von Reuter: (1869-Present)

Air Force Commander Manfred von Richthofen: (1892-Present)

Former Chancellor Otto von Bismarck: (1815-1898, Served 1862-1890)

Former Kaiser Wilhelm I: (1797-1888, Served 1861-1888)

Former Kaiser Friedrich III: (1831-1888, Served 1888)

Former Admiral & Chancellor Alfred von Tirpitz: (1849-1930, Served as Admiral 1897-1916, Chancellor 1924-1930)

Former General & Chancellor Oskar von Hutier: (1857-1934, Served in Military Service 1914-1921, Chancellor 1930-1934)

Theosophic Brotherhood Secretary Heinrich Himmler: (1900-Present)

Potsdam War Academy Director Erwin Rommel: (1891-Present)

Naval Captain Karl Donitz: (1891-Present)

Former Soldier Adolf Hitler: (1889-1920)

Theoretical Physicist Albert Einstein (FVP): (1879-Present)

General Gerd von Rundstedt: (1875-Present, Served 1893-Present)

GDVP Chairman Ernest Rohm: (1887-Present)

Carl Eduard von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha: (1884-Present, Served 1900-Present)

Central-Eastern Europe/Saffron

Parliamentary Monarchy/King Otto II von Habsburg and Minister-President Karl Daranyi de Pusztaszentgyörgyi
National Politics:
Important People:

British Isles/Pale Yellow

Semi-Presidential Republic/President Michael Collins and Taoiseach Eoin o'Duffy
National Politics:
Important People:

Italian Federation
Italian Peninsula/Light Green

Theocracy/Pope Pius XI and President of Council Stefano Jacini
National Politics:
Important People:
Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa: (1872-Present, Served 1933-Present)

Prime Minister Stefano Jacini: (1886-Present, Served 1935-Present)

Josef von Osterreich-Toskana: (1872-Present, Served )

Camerlengo Eugenio Pacelli: (1876-Present, Served 1930-Present)

Pope Pius XI: (1857-Present, Served 1922-Present)

Prefect Theodor Innitzer: (1875-Present, Served 1934-Present)

Eastern Europe/Amber

Parliamentary Monarchy/King Mindaugas III von Urach and Prime Minister Juonas Ambrazevicius
National Politics:
Important People:
King Mindaugas II (William Charles Florestan Gero Crescentius): (1864-1928, Served 1918-1928)

King Mindaugas III (Karl Gero Albrecht Joseph Wilhelm Anton Maria of Urach): (1899-Present, Served 1928-Present)

Formerly Western Europe
Former Grand Duchy/Charlotte, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (Last Leader)
History: Charlotte had supported Germany during the Great War, which had been looked upon with favor in Berlin. At the end of the Great War in Europe, Luxembourg was incorporated as a federal state into the German Reich. However, Charlotte was allowed to head the federal state of Luxembourg, much like the other states of Bavaria and Wurttemberg. This was due to her loyalty to Germany and due to Luxembourg popular opinion. She still heads the federal state to this day.

Northwest Europe/Orange
Parliamentary Monarchy/Queen Wilhelmina and President of Council Hendricus Coljin
History: During the First Great War, the Netherlands maintained their neutrality while stabilizing itself internally. In 1917, universal and equal suffrage was introduced. After the war, the Netherlands became a valuable economic partner with Germany, although it remained politically neutral and did not join Mitteleuropa. Recent German economic problems have caused a worried atmosphere in the Netherlands, which is beginning to doubt its economic vitality.
National Politics: The socialist Social Democratic Workers' Party (SDAP) was founded in 1894 and was focused on governmental reforms, rather than revolutions. The SDAP has recently proposed a Plan for Labour, which would nationalize vital industries, increase employment, and implement a system of unemployment benefits.


Parliamentary Monarchy/King Haakon VII of Oldenburg and Prime Minster Johan Nygaardsvold
National Politics:
Important People:
King Haarkon VII: (1872-Present, Served 1905-Present)

Central-Eastern Europe/Buff Yellow (Brownish-yellow)

Parliamentary Monarchy/Regent Janusz Radziwill and Prime Minister Zdizlaw Lubormirski
National Politics:
Important People:

Iberian Peninsula (Southwest Europe)/Light Green

Semi-Presidential Republic/President Antonio da Fragosa Carmona and President of Council Antonio da Oliveira Salazar
National Politics:
Important People:

Iron Guard Romania
East of Hungary/Peach

Presidential Republic/Conducător Corneliu Zelea Codreanu and Prime Minister Horia Sima
National Politics:
Important People:
Conducator Corneliu Zelea Codreanu: (1899-Present, Served 1929-Present)

Huge Green Blob in Europe/Asia

Parliamentary Republic/President Alexander Kerensky and President of Council Pavel Milyukov
National Politics:
Important People:
Nikolai Bukharin: (1888-Present)

Anton Denikin: (1872-Present, Served 1921-Present)

President Alexander Kerensky: (1881-Present, Served 1921-Present)

Prime Minister Pavel Milyukov: (1859-Present, Served )

Vladimir Purishkevich (1870-Present)

Leon Trotsky: (1879-Unknown)

Mikhail Tukhachevsky: (1893-Present)

Field Marshal Petr Wrangel: (1878-Present, Served 1921-Present)

Balkans/Hot Pink

Republic under Military Junta/"President" Milutin Nedic and Chairman Dragisa Cvetkovic
National Politics:
Important People:

Socialist Republic of Italy
Southern Italian Peninsula/Red

Socialist Republic/President Palmiro Togliatti and Chairman of the House of Commons Antonio Gramsci
National Politics:
Important People:
President Palmiro Togliatti: (1893-Present, Served 1921-Present)

Chairman of the House of Commons Antonio Gramsci: (1891-Present, Served 1921-Present)

Benito Mussolini: (1883-Present)

Iberian Peninsula (Southwest Europe)/Orange

Parliamentary Monarchy/King Alfonso XIII de Borbon and President José Maria Gil Robles Quinones
National Politics:
Important People:


Parliamentary Monarchy/King Gustaf V Bernadotte and Prime Minister Axel Pehrsson-Bramstorp
National Politics:
Important People:

Central-Western Europe/Light Pink
1848-Present (Current Constitution)
Federal Council/President Albert Meyer
No Historical Leaders Worth Mentioning
History: During the Great War, Switzerland was mostly neutral during the conflict. In case of foreign invasion, they had a highly trained and proficient civilian militia and army to protect themselves. This armed neutrality has continued until this day. This did not bar out Switzerland being affected by the Great War, however. Switzerland is a diverse country, with French, Italians, Germans, and Romansh. (Ethnic Swiss)
The French region of Romandie had strongly supported the Entente, after Germany's invasion of Belgium. The German cantons (states of Switzerland) supported the Central Powers. In 1914, Conrad Ulrich Sigmund Wille, a German related to the Kaiser, was proclaimed general. This shocked the Romands, for now the Swiss military and federal council were headed by Swiss-German officers and politicians.
Then, in 1917, the French and Syndicalists decided to act, by proclaiming the 'Bloody Strike'. The Swiss Army fired upon 250,000 protesters after provocation, which the Syndicalists claimed killed 1000 civilians. (The precise number was 3) After this, unions and their armed workers were forcefully dissolved. Syndicalists were allowed to stay, because they were deemed less dangerous by the government. Since then however, the Swiss government has mostly been run by the FDP (Free Democratic Party of Switzerland, left-wing). Unions have been allowed to form once more, but in this new political climate, the Bloody Strike may well happen again...

Eastern Europe/Azure Blue

Parliamentary Monarchy/King Vasyl I Vyshyvanyi von Habsburg and Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky
National Politics:
Important People:
Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky:

King Vasyl I Vyshyvanyi (Wilhelm Franz von Habsburg-Lothringen): (1895-Present, Served )

United Baltic Duchy
Baltic Region/Cordovan Brown

Autonomous Duchy/Duke Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg and Governor Karlis Ulmanis
National Politics:
Important People:
Duke Adolf Friedrich: (1873-Present, Served 1918-Present)

Reinhard Heydrich: (1904-Present)

Air General Bruno Loerzer: (1891-Present, Served 1929-Present)

Alfred Rosenburg: (1893-Present, Served )

Admiral Alexander von Salza: (1885-Present, Served )

White Ruthenia
Eastern Europe, East of Lithuania/Zinnwaldite Brown-Red

Parliamentary Monarchy/King Vladimir I von Hohenzollern and Prime Minister Pyotr Krecheuski
National Politics:
Important People:
Prince Wilhelm Sigismund von Hohenzollhern: (1896-Present, Served 1929-Present)

King Vladimir von Hohenzollern: (1889-Present, Served 1929-Present)
1936 Overview:
January: Russia's Alexander Kerensky Assassinated & Petr Wrangel Seizes Office; Internationale Commune Invades Italian Federation; King George V Dies, Edward VIII New King; Mongolia Claims Inner Mongolia; Revolts in the United States.
February: Black Monday & Berlin Stock Market Crash; Carlist Oviedo Rebellion; Germany Advances into France; International Community Condemns Syndicalists; Attempted Assassination of Edward VIII; US Compromise Deal; Mongolia-Tibet Alliance; AOG Head Office Arson.
March: Black Monday Fallout; Continued Spanish Rebellions; Swedish-Danish Alliance; Union of Britain Lend-Lease; Stalemate in Italy; Naval Battles in Mediterranean & Atlantic; Germans Almost Encircled; Parsley War Begins; US Begins Reforms; Reformations in China; Australia's Stanley Bruce Dies, Replaced by John McEwen.
April: Escalating Spanish Violence; France Advances into Italy; Tactical Problems in Southern Italy; Germans Defeat Encirclement, but pocketed; Submarine Commercial Raiding; Surprise Attack on Scapa Flow; Dominican Aggression in the Caribbean; Panama's President Assassinated; Mexican President Dies in Office; Russian & Chinese Governmental Reforms; Bengal Land Reform; Mongolians Invade Xibei San Ma; Japan Invades Mongolia
Dood there's the Kaiserreich wiki, right? And everything that happened after canon Kaiserreich is IN YOUR UPDATES? WHAT IS THIS THREAD FOR???
Surely the universe of Kaiserreich would have multiple planets with intelligent life to talk of, right?
Well, the main thing is, the Kaiserreich Wiki is currently incomplete. Which is why I put this up, to help inform people of the Kaiserreich universe.

And if that answer doesn't satisfy you, this thread is also to be used to store some information for future reference.

EDIT: Also, it is very confusing for the player to search up everything on this universe and try to piece it together. The only person who should go through this is the mod.
Yey for me now being able to put together a correct story...
I have a question about the Kaisereich universe-- What were the conditions of German victory, and Japan fought for the Allies in WWI, so why would they benefit?
Well, I will put this up, but to answer your question:

In this timeline, Germany never sank the Lusitania, and therefore the United States never was a belligerent, although they did supply the Allies with war material, which caused the Great Depression for the US during the 20s. Russia was forced out of the war due to the Bolshevik Revolution, but it was crushed. The German High Seas Fleet broke out of the British blockade in sheer desperation, and scored a moderate victory.

In 1918, the Western Allies tried a major offensive on the Western Front, but failed with the exception of British at Lille. Then, the Germans beat the Allies in Greece.

In 1919, the German offensive began with storm trooper tactics, where small units infiltrated enemy lines. The Germans broke out of the St. Mihel salient and managed to outflank the Allies at Rheims. Eventually, German forces encircled Paris. Around the same time, the German offensive in Italy pushed them far back, and the Germans were sieging Venice. Soon, Rome fell and the Italians surrendered to the Germans to avoid a brutal Austrian treaty. Soon, France surrendered as well. British forces successfully evacuated. The rest of the war was fought in the Middle East, where the British held at the Suez Canal.

Japan benefited mainly because they held out on their own and were basically victors in Asia and the Pacific. Due to the peace treaties, the Allies forfeited most of their Pacific Island possessions and such.
this is great, keep up the good work!
Thanks, Burma, Afghanistan, and Switzerland are now up. Hopefully, they will be at least slightly interesting to read. (Yeah, Afghanistan has a really bloody past. :p)

I will most likely finish Africa and the Middle East first, with the exception of the huge history of the Ottoman Empire, National France, and Mittelafrika.
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