European Nations & Backgrounds Part One
Balkans/Bole Brown
Autocratic Monarchy/Prince Wilhelm I and Prime Minister Ahmet Zogu
History: During the Weltkrieg, Austria-Hungary demanded that Albania would contribute soldiers to their offensives in Greece. When Prince Wilhelm I refused on the basis of the 1913 Treaty of London, his renumeration was cut off and his regime collapsed. When the Peace with Honour agreement was signed, Albania was restored under Prince Wilhelm I, although it would now be a vassal of the Ottoman Empire rather than under Austrian influence. Ottoman support has helped Prince Wilhelm I maintain control, but the Ottomans also control Albania's internal politics.
National Politics:
Important People:
Prince Wilhelm I (Skanderbeg II) zu Wied: (1876-Present, Served 1914-Present)
Prime Minister and Director of Secret Police Ahmet Bey Zogu: (1895-Present, Served 1921-Present)
Central Europe/Olive Green
Parliamentary Monarchy/Emperor Otto I von Habsburg and Minister-President Albert von Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein
National Politics:
Important People:
Count Albert von Mensdorff-Pouilly-Dietrichstein: (1861-Present, Served 1922-Present)
Emperor Otto I von Habsburg-Lothringen: (1912-Present, Served 1922-Present)
Central-Eastern Europe/Forest Green
Parliamentary Monarchy/Governor Felix zu Schwarzenberg and Minister-President Jan Syrov
History: After the Weltkrieg, rising Czech nationalism and ethnic tensions between Germans and Czechs led to violent riots, which almost brought the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the brink of civil war. German mediation during the renegotiation of Ausgleich in 1927 led to the autonomy of Bohemia as a constituent part of the Austria-Hungary, although it remained mainly under the control of the Austrian Crown. As the Ausgleich negotiations of 1937 approach, Austria will probably try to assert its authority over Bohemia. However, a power struggle between Austria and Hungary might result in the expansion of Bohemia into the realms of Slovakia.
National Politics:
Important People:
Balkans/Dark Forest Green
Parliamentary Monarchy/Governor Georg Dragicevic and Minister-President Osman Zulfikarpasic
History: The annexation of Bosnia by Austria-Hungary in 1908 resulted in rising Bosnian nationalism, which culminated in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914, sparking the Weltkrieg. Bosnia itself managed to escape the war mostly unscathed. German mediation during the renegotiation of Ausgliech in 1927 put Bosnia under the direct administration of the Austrian Crown. As the Ausgleich negotiations of 1937 approach, Bosnia's future remains uncertain, with Austria possibly enforcing its authority or ceding its control to Hungary or Croatia.
National Politics:
Important People:
Union of Britain
British Isles/Crimson Red
Socialist Republic/Chairman of the Trade Union Congress Philipp Snowden and General Secretary Arthur Horner
National Politics:
Important People:
Fred Copeman: (1907-Present, Served )
John Edward Christopher Hill: (1912-Present, Served )
General Secretary Arthur Horner: (1894-Present, Served )
Commissary for the Exchequer Oswald Mosley: (1896-Present, Served 1933-Present)
Thomas Evan Nicholas (Niclas y Glais): (1879-Present, Served )
Chairman of the CTU Philip Snowden: (1864-Present, Served )
Thomas Henry (Tom) Wintringham: (1898-Present, Served )
Balkans/Sea Green
Parliamentary Monarchy/Tsar Boris III and Prime Minister Bogdan Filov
National Politics:
Important People:
Tsar Boris III von Saxe-Coburg-Gotha:
Prime Minister Bogdan Filov:
Balkans/Dark Orange
Parliamentary Monarchy/Governor Alojzije Stepinac and Minister-President Vladimir Laxa
History: During the Weltkrieg, although Croatia itself was not the site of any battles, Croatian soldiers participated in the brutal winter battles of the Eastern Front, resulting in tens of thousands of casualties. Croatia's struggle for increased independence within the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary was interrupted by the Weltkrieg, although the renegotiation of Ausgliech in 1927 significantly increased Croatia's territory with Austria ceding Dalmatia. However, Hungary's growing power and nationalism is perceived as a threat by Croats, who fear having to make concessions in the approaching Ausgliech negotiations in 1937.
National Politics:
Important People:
Northern Europe/Peach
~8th century-Present
Parliamentary Monarchy/King Christian X of Oldenburg and Prime Minister Thorvald Stauning
No Historical Leaders Worth Mentioning
History: During the Great War, Denmark was a strictly neutral nation, trading with both sides during the war. Soon after the Great War ended, Denmark prospered as trade flourished throughout the North Sea. However, the Danish economy was now dependent on Germany and German economic prosperity. By 1925, Denmark's economy was booming.
After the Syndicalist British Revolution, Christian X was concerned that what happened to the British royalty might happen to him, and thus in 1926, he tried to pass several restrictive laws against a possible rebellion. The Danish government headed by Neergard resisted the ratification of this law, seen by many as an overreaction. Christian dissolved the government due to his anger and forced the laws through. Riots and protests soon followed in Denmark, which was to be followed by a near-revolution. Christian was forced to stand down and then in 1928, Christian and Neergard managed to work out a compromise in order to prevent Syndicalist revolution from sweeping the country. By 1930, prosperity and stability had returned.
Now however, the economic woes of Germany were going to be problematic as vast sectors of the Danish economy now depended on Germany's economic well being. The Danish government is considering radical actions, but would it be enough to stem the tide or will Denmark fall with Europe?
Scandinavia/Light Grey
Parliamentary Monarchy/King Fredrik Kaarle I von Hessen and Prime Minister Vihtori Kosola
National Politics:
Important People:
King Fredrik Kaarle I (Friedrich Karl Ludwig Konstantin): (1868-Present, Served 1918-Present)
Western Europe, North of France/Mustard Yellow
Parliamentary Monarchy/King Adalbert I von Hohenzollern and Prime Minister August Borms
National Politics:
Important People:
King Adalbert von Hohenzollern: (1884-Present, Served 1922-Present)
Commune of France
Western Europe/Dark Blue
Socialist Republic/President of the Commune of Paris Sébastien Faure and Chairman of the Comité de Salut Public Marceau Pivert
National Politics:
Important People:
Marcel Bucard: (1895-Present)
General Jacques Doriot: (1898-Present, Served 1935-Present)
Cardinal Achille Lienart: (1884-Present, Served 1930-Present)
Georges Valois: (1878-Present)
Leader of the Sorelians and Journalist Georges Valois: (1878-Present, Served 1911-Present)
Eastern Europe, North of Hungary/Bright Yellow
Parliamentary Monarchy/Governor Karl-Stephen von Habsburg and Minister-President Wojciech Korfanty
National Politics:
Important People:
Central Europe/Dark Grey
Constitutional Monarchy/Imperial Chancellor Franz von Papen (1934-Present)
Oskar von Hutier (1930-1934), Alfred von Tirpitz (1924-1930), Georg von Hertling (1917-1924), Georg Michaelis (1917), Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg (1909-1917), Bernhard von Bülow (1900-1909), Chlodwig von Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (1894-1900), Leo von Caprivi (1890-1894), Otto von Bismarck (1888-1890)
National Politics:
Important People:
Emperor Wilhelm II von Hohenzollern: (1859-Present, Served 1888-Present)
Chancellor Franz von Papen: (1879-Present, Served 1934-Present)
Secretary of Foreign Affairs Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg: (1875-Present)
Secretary of Financa Hjalmar Schaht: (1877-Present)
Secretary of the Interior Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff: (1862-Present)
Chief of the General Staff Field Marshal Hans von Seeckt: (1866-Present)
Army Commander Field Marshal August von Mackensen: (1849-Present)
Navy Commander Admiral Ludwig von Reuter: (1869-Present)
Air Force Commander Manfred von Richthofen: (1892-Present)
Former Chancellor Otto von Bismarck: (1815-1898, Served 1862-1890)
Former Kaiser Wilhelm I: (1797-1888, Served 1861-1888)
Former Kaiser Friedrich III: (1831-1888, Served 1888)
Former Admiral & Chancellor Alfred von Tirpitz: (1849-1930, Served as Admiral 1897-1916, Chancellor 1924-1930)
Former General & Chancellor Oskar von Hutier: (1857-1934, Served in Military Service 1914-1921, Chancellor 1930-1934)
Theosophic Brotherhood Secretary Heinrich Himmler: (1900-Present)
Potsdam War Academy Director Erwin Rommel: (1891-Present)
Naval Captain Karl Donitz: (1891-Present)
Former Soldier Adolf Hitler: (1889-1920)
Theoretical Physicist Albert Einstein (FVP): (1879-Present)
General Gerd von Rundstedt: (1875-Present, Served 1893-Present)
GDVP Chairman Ernest Rohm: (1887-Present)
Carl Eduard von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha: (1884-Present, Served 1900-Present)
Central-Eastern Europe/Saffron
Parliamentary Monarchy/King Otto II von Habsburg and Minister-President Karl Daranyi de Pusztaszentgyörgyi
National Politics:
Important People:
British Isles/Pale Yellow
Semi-Presidential Republic/President Michael Collins and Taoiseach Eoin o'Duffy
National Politics:
Important People:
Italian Federation
Italian Peninsula/Light Green
Theocracy/Pope Pius XI and President of Council Stefano Jacini
National Politics:
Important People:
Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa: (1872-Present, Served 1933-Present)
Prime Minister Stefano Jacini: (1886-Present, Served 1935-Present)
Josef von Osterreich-Toskana: (1872-Present, Served )
Camerlengo Eugenio Pacelli: (1876-Present, Served 1930-Present)
Pope Pius XI: (1857-Present, Served 1922-Present)
Prefect Theodor Innitzer: (1875-Present, Served 1934-Present)
Eastern Europe/Amber
Parliamentary Monarchy/King Mindaugas III von Urach and Prime Minister Juonas Ambrazevicius
National Politics:
Important People:
King Mindaugas II (William Charles Florestan Gero Crescentius): (1864-1928, Served 1918-1928)
King Mindaugas III (Karl Gero Albrecht Joseph Wilhelm Anton Maria of Urach): (1899-Present, Served 1928-Present)
Formerly Western Europe
Former Grand Duchy/Charlotte, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (Last Leader)
History: Charlotte had supported Germany during the Great War, which had been looked upon with favor in Berlin. At the end of the Great War in Europe, Luxembourg was incorporated as a federal state into the German Reich. However, Charlotte was allowed to head the federal state of Luxembourg, much like the other states of Bavaria and Wurttemberg. This was due to her loyalty to Germany and due to Luxembourg popular opinion. She still heads the federal state to this day.
Northwest Europe/Orange
Parliamentary Monarchy/Queen Wilhelmina and President of Council Hendricus Coljin
History: During the First Great War, the Netherlands maintained their neutrality while stabilizing itself internally. In 1917, universal and equal suffrage was introduced. After the war, the Netherlands became a valuable economic partner with Germany, although it remained politically neutral and did not join Mitteleuropa. Recent German economic problems have caused a worried atmosphere in the Netherlands, which is beginning to doubt its economic vitality.
National Politics: The socialist Social Democratic Workers' Party (SDAP) was founded in 1894 and was focused on governmental reforms, rather than revolutions. The SDAP has recently proposed a
Plan for Labour, which would nationalize vital industries, increase employment, and implement a system of unemployment benefits.
Parliamentary Monarchy/King Haakon VII of Oldenburg and Prime Minster Johan Nygaardsvold
National Politics:
Important People:
King Haarkon VII: (1872-Present, Served 1905-Present)
Central-Eastern Europe/Buff Yellow (Brownish-yellow)
Parliamentary Monarchy/Regent Janusz Radziwill and Prime Minister Zdizlaw Lubormirski
National Politics:
Important People:
Iberian Peninsula (Southwest Europe)/Light Green
Semi-Presidential Republic/President Antonio da Fragosa Carmona and President of Council Antonio da Oliveira Salazar
National Politics:
Important People:
Iron Guard Romania
East of Hungary/Peach
Presidential Republic/Conducător Corneliu Zelea Codreanu and Prime Minister Horia Sima
National Politics:
Important People:
Conducator Corneliu Zelea Codreanu: (1899-Present, Served 1929-Present)
Huge Green Blob in Europe/Asia
Parliamentary Republic/President Alexander Kerensky and President of Council Pavel Milyukov
National Politics:
Important People:
Nikolai Bukharin: (1888-Present)
Anton Denikin: (1872-Present, Served 1921-Present)
President Alexander Kerensky: (1881-Present, Served 1921-Present)
Prime Minister Pavel Milyukov: (1859-Present, Served )
Vladimir Purishkevich (1870-Present)
Leon Trotsky: (1879-Unknown)
Mikhail Tukhachevsky: (1893-Present)
Field Marshal Petr Wrangel: (1878-Present, Served 1921-Present)
Balkans/Hot Pink
Republic under Military Junta/"President" Milutin Nedic and Chairman Dragisa Cvetkovic
National Politics:
Important People:
Socialist Republic of Italy
Southern Italian Peninsula/Red
Socialist Republic/President Palmiro Togliatti and Chairman of the House of Commons Antonio Gramsci
National Politics:
Important People:
President Palmiro Togliatti: (1893-Present, Served 1921-Present)
Chairman of the House of Commons Antonio Gramsci: (1891-Present, Served 1921-Present)
Benito Mussolini: (1883-Present)
Iberian Peninsula (Southwest Europe)/Orange
Parliamentary Monarchy/King Alfonso XIII de Borbon and President José Maria Gil Robles Quinones
National Politics:
Important People:
Parliamentary Monarchy/King Gustaf V Bernadotte and Prime Minister Axel Pehrsson-Bramstorp
National Politics:
Important People:
Central-Western Europe/Light Pink
1848-Present (Current Constitution)
Federal Council/President Albert Meyer
No Historical Leaders Worth Mentioning
History: During the Great War, Switzerland was mostly neutral during the conflict. In case of foreign invasion, they had a highly trained and proficient civilian militia and army to protect themselves. This armed neutrality has continued until this day. This did not bar out Switzerland being affected by the Great War, however. Switzerland is a diverse country, with French, Italians, Germans, and Romansh. (Ethnic Swiss)
The French region of Romandie had strongly supported the Entente, after Germany's invasion of Belgium. The German cantons (states of Switzerland) supported the Central Powers. In 1914, Conrad Ulrich Sigmund Wille, a German related to the Kaiser, was proclaimed general. This shocked the Romands, for now the Swiss military and federal council were headed by Swiss-German officers and politicians.
Then, in 1917, the French and Syndicalists decided to act, by proclaiming the 'Bloody Strike'. The Swiss Army fired upon 250,000 protesters after provocation, which the Syndicalists claimed killed 1000 civilians. (The precise number was 3) After this, unions and their armed workers were forcefully dissolved. Syndicalists were allowed to stay, because they were deemed less dangerous by the government. Since then however, the Swiss government has mostly been run by the FDP (Free Democratic Party of Switzerland, left-wing). Unions have been allowed to form once more, but in this new political climate, the Bloody Strike may well happen again...
Eastern Europe/Azure Blue
Parliamentary Monarchy/King Vasyl I Vyshyvanyi von Habsburg and Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky
National Politics:
Important People:
Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky:
King Vasyl I Vyshyvanyi (Wilhelm Franz von Habsburg-Lothringen): (1895-Present, Served )
United Baltic Duchy
Baltic Region/Cordovan Brown
Autonomous Duchy/Duke Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg and Governor Karlis Ulmanis
National Politics:
Important People:
Duke Adolf Friedrich: (1873-Present, Served 1918-Present)
Reinhard Heydrich: (1904-Present)
Air General Bruno Loerzer: (1891-Present, Served 1929-Present)
Alfred Rosenburg: (1893-Present, Served )
Admiral Alexander von Salza: (1885-Present, Served )
White Ruthenia
Eastern Europe, East of Lithuania/Zinnwaldite Brown-Red
Parliamentary Monarchy/King Vladimir I von Hohenzollern and Prime Minister Pyotr Krecheuski
National Politics:
Important People:
Prince Wilhelm Sigismund von Hohenzollhern: (1896-Present, Served 1929-Present)
King Vladimir von Hohenzollern: (1889-Present, Served 1929-Present)