Bactra, Khorsabad, Penguin 940AD


Settler from None
Feb 14, 2002
Ohio, GMT-4
Jayne has posted in 2 threads about redeploying a South Polar Dip to help Bactra. Please see her comments in Turn 940AD and New City Names.

The Trireme near Khors South needs a mission. Unfortify GG Warrior in Khorsabad E S. Caraval S, pickup Dip (abandon Polar scan), back North to pick up the GG Warrior. Sail to Bactra. Caravel & Dip then ... ?

Warrior occupy fortified Hill? Do not attack, of course! What if the Persians grumble that we are then on THEIR Hill?

Bactra IPRB=10 $11, then after one turn IPRB=20 $22? Or two turns $19? Then $25?

To disband Khorsabad: Food 14/20 shrinking.
Khorsabad Settler: Clear.Orders and give up on irrigating, move North and pray it makes it in one move. Next turn, found the city, Khors.North and immediately Rush Buy the Khors Settler. It will be supported by Khors.South, probably ok, and can begin a life helping serfs.

Penguin Flats: Elvis into ocean, Celebrate. Fourth serf to Forest, finish Settler quickly. Then start another Diplomat, or an Explorer?
Dip and Caravel could start to map out coastline of Bactra Island. Do we want to use the dip to establish and embassy? Or bribe another city? Or continue to explore? I think discover as much about the land immediately around Bactra as we can, then set up an embassy. Keep the Bactra dip as a guard.
I'd rather subvert a city than establishing an embassy. If we get marco's that dip would be in vain. And we an allways build a new dip in the subverted city to establish an embassy with.
by GaryNemo
give up on irrigating, move North and pray it makes it in one move.
Is the Khorsabad situation so desperate that the settler should be put at risk? I'd say make sure the settler can found the city.
Aye, Subversion, not er,...Embassion (?). We can judge the science race from the tech we will or wont get after they 'see the light'
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