Bad graphics on MUs ?


Retired Wonder Architect
Oct 1, 2003
Tervuren, Belgium
Does anyone know why all of the MUs I try have very bad graphics? They all have like either flickering colors, or are entirely in the civ-specific color (if I play Arabia, some MUs just turn pink from head to toe).
I tried all of these and they all have the same problem:
European Swordsman MU.
Hoplite MF
Legionary MF
MF Longsword
Roman Legion MU
Elven Spearman MU

This never happens on any of the singtle units.
I'm running PTW, 1.27f.


I'm afraid I will not be able to help you on this subject because CIV III palette remains a total mystery for me ... some times it works and sometimes not ....:cry:
I would like to suggest you to test your MF unit with the Flicster program you can find here ... So you can test the unit before putting it in the game ...

:scan: I think it's the wrong forum to post your question ....

I figured it out yesterday, kind of.
It's because I was trying to use 1 of these units as a replacement graph for Army, but the game doesn't like that.
If I remove the "Army" selection from the unit, the colors work fine, but as soon as I put it back on, it seriously messes with the colors (imagine 6 completely pink phalanx running across the screen !). Too bad. I don't suppose anyone has a solution ?

(hope this goes to the right forum now).
Forgive me for taking so long to answer you AK47, but I've been busybusybusy. :)

Yes, I too had the same problem some time ago with making new army figures. See the screenshot here:-

The problem is that each unit has it's own palette, and the army figures have a special palette so that the flag can change with each civ using it.
Therefore it is not possible to just slap a figure into these animations; they must be altered to conform to the army palette.

Anyway, it is not a good idea to have a multi-figure unit as the army animation, as the army figure always stands on the very eastern tip of the tile, no matter which way the stack is moving, so there are overlapping problems with both the tile it stands in and the adjacent tiles.
(Basically, it looks awful!)
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