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I invite everybody to discuss ViSa Expansion Pack 3 balance issues and general likes/dislikes in this thread...not bugs please.
it might just be good/bad luck, depending on your point of view, but the slowest gamespeed (2500 turns, forgot the name) seems to be waaaaay unbalanced. playing on a huge map (pangae) with 7 civs on monarch, 3plot-radius but otherwise pretty much standard rules, i got to build every single wonder except the lighthouse (admittedly I played an industrial nation, but still...), founded 6 out of 7 religions (though neither religious nor scientific) and had everyone either eliminated or as my vassal by 300 BC. by 1 AD my research progress was well past flight and if I can find the motivation to continue this game I'll probably land on alpha centauri before 100 AD.
I think the reason is that city-growth seems to be much too fast (cities with more than 30 pop in the BC-area?). huge populations combined with what I'd consider pretty much the only weak point of VISA - namely an over-abundance of ressources for cheap health/happiness-boosters seems to lead to much fast than expected industrial & technological growth.
anyone experienced something similar?
PS: the AI doesn't seem to do so well under these conditions: no matter what the characteristics of the opposing leaders or which nations they played, all did equally bad, none had the slightest chance to keep up.
might try a deity-level game with these settings - maybe finally a way to stand my ground in one of those![]()
well - I played on monarch(!) and found the game easier than prince-level games - and probably even easier than noble at faster speeds.It might be off a bit, but not that much.
well - I played on monarch(!) and found the game easier than prince-level games - and probably even easier than noble at faster speeds.
If I find the time next week, I might try another one this week, to see if it was just a fluke or if it happens consistently.
@Antittype Cylon: This Strike you are referring to is when you do not have enough income for the units and buildings. It is not ViSa specific. Its regular civ 4 and warlords feature. You just need to make more income to stop the strike. Change your city to make more money and build buildings that increase your money supply.
@santoo, I am currently playing a game on prince level. I have found that i can not keep up with the AI and its research. So i went to war to get the techs i cant research fast enough. What are you finding on monarch level?
may I ask which difficulty you play? I find slower monarch games rather well paced (tanks maybe in the 1800s, but usually not earlier)I almost always find myself with tanks at ca 1500 AD.
i see what you mean - but I'd think it would only be a "problem" if you have rather few cities, as representation only benefits your 6(?) biggest cities. as soon as your empire grows to a certain size, it loses it's effectiveness compared to other civics, so i thought it was a balance-decission to help small civs keep up with bigger ones?There's also the Representation issue I mentioned in the Bugs thread
I really dislike the fact that you cannot build your state religion missionaries under theocracy. To me, Theocracy is the path towards religious victory (dedicating your entire population to one religion) but at the same time you cannot spread your religion anywhere else. I would suggest the ability to still build your state religion missionaries only or Inquisitors can spread religion as well.
I also dislike the fact you can only build cathedral-type religious buildings if you have Hereditary Rule.
I love Urban Planners, starting new cities with a lot of basic buildings and population 4...could this be reflected in Sea Cities as well, give them a bit of a boost in the beginning.
I think the ethnicity of cities is somewhat off...I can start new cities completely within my own borders and it starts off with less than 50% of my civ ethnicity in it. Also, I seem to get lots of unhappiness from "Yearn to join the Motherland" on cities that were always mine (not conquered) nor are under threat from another civ's cultural borders. I know the ethnicity bleeds through trade routes, but it is rather excessive in my opinion.