(Balance) ideas: Please comment

Sure it's more limited in scope and use compared to Fealty & Statecraft which have widely useful bonuses, but I'm not sure that's a bad thing. Authority also limits you to a very specific playstyle: you're going to lose if you aren't constantly fighting. I'd even argue it's more limiting than Artistry.

I'm not saying we shouldn't touch artistry, but I don't think it's as limited in scope as you think it is. Even if it is more limiting compared to the other medieval trees, I'm also not sure that's necessarily a bad thing. To me, it has its clear use, and it's powerful but not broken. Having its drawbacks is probably a good thing too, otherwise civs it synergizes well with would get overpowered.
I think that Artistry has a wider scope of usefulness than Fealty does. Golden Ages give a great boost to culture and production. Culture and production are less niche that food and faith are.
Culture and production are less niche that food and faith

In a vacuum this makes sense.

Artistry has a wider scope of usefulness than Fealty does

I don't believe this follows from your observation about the general usefulness of yields. :c5culture: and :c5production: are very powerful, but as Artistry lacks any infrastructure support whatsoever it needs your empire to have crossed a certain threshold of :c5production: and :c5greatperson: generation combined with civ choice and/or a powerful religion to become useful at all, otherwise it guarantees you will fall behind. So it is a win more tree for (in most cases) a culture heavy civ to ensure the CV. It can't help you catch up, it does not add new mechanics or freedom it's just prioritizing :c5culture: to get more :c5culture:.

@CrazyG How often do you see yourself picking Artistry, and what is your reasoning when you do?
@CrazyG How often do you see yourself picking Artistry, and what is your reasoning when you do?
I pick roughly Artistry 40% of the time, Statecraft 40%, Fealty 20%

I did an analysis for a specific game here, the fourth post down. Fealty has been buffed since then, but a lot of it holds true still.

It depends on your exact situation, but Artistry can have great production. It will almost always have the strongest culture, it has great science.
After the Golden Age change, I think Artistry is much stronger if you play a Golden Age strategy. Before, I can get really consistent perma GA without Artistry, but now it will be impossible without Artistry.
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