Dilithium Dads Balance Tweaks for Beyond the Sword
Most of these are borrowed from others on the forum and summarized here. These are focused on strengthening weak aspects of the game. You wont find yourself saying, Wow! That would be so cool! because these suggestions are for balancing tweaks, not major modifications. Most of the changes should be readily made by changing the programming code. Changes that would involve changing fundamental coding have been avoided, so far as my limited knowledge of programming allows me to guess.
1. Protective. Widely agreed to be the weakest trait, although it is effective in the hands of the AI. One good fix is to improve the value of walls and castles (see next section on buildings), which are nearly worthless buildings that Protective civs can build for half price. In addition, consider adding half price buildings that come later in the game. Security Bureau is an obvious candidate and highly consistent with the protective theme. Add in half price Intelligence Agencies and Jails and now the Protective trait is starting to look interesting. There is currently no trait that has espionage advantages. Why not make Protective the trait for budding spies? Interesting possible minor bonus: +1 espionage point in capitol city (starts after Alphabet).
2. Imperialistic. Widely agreed to be the second weakest trait. The most obvious fix is to make the 100% production bonus for settlers apply to food and not just hammers. This fix would not even require a change in the Civilopedia! It would make the current entry more accurate: 100% bonus to settler production. Possible secondary bonuses:
a. Colony costs reduced by 50%.
b. Distance city maintenance reduced 25%. (This would be an alternative to reducing colony costs, not in addition).
c. +1 trade route in capitol city.
3. Expansive. A medium-strong trait. A slight fix would be to make the 25% production bonus for workers apply to food and not just hammers. This fix would not even require a change in the Civilopedia! It would make the current entry more accurate: 25% bonus to worker production. Interesting possible minor bonus: +1 food in capitol city.
4. Financial. Many people think this trait is overpowered. Rather than diminishing this trait, it would be preferable to boost the other traits. Interesting possible negative minor bonus: +1 maintenance in capitol city.
Other traits: I like the idea of adding a small bonus that applies only to the capitol city and relates in some way to the trait character. The bonus will have some impact because it accrues throughout the game, but it is unlikely to alter the outcome as it only applies to one city. It would affect the flavor of playing with each trait, and also provides an opportunity for a small balance tweak.
1. Walls. Almost never built, although the AI uses them effectively. Suggested fixes:
a. +1 happiness. This would have a major impact on the early game, and would make sure walls were built in the major cities. Even if it expires with Rifling, this would make building walls worthwhile.
b. +1 culture. Makes wall building a more palatable choice, especially the base price were also reduced by 10 hammers.
2. Castles. Almost never built, although the AI uses them effectively. Suggested fixes:
a. Make castles available with Feudalism. They should be buildable right at the beginning of the Middle Ages.
b. Double the culture and trade route bonuses to +2. Trade routes are seldom worth more than one gold at this stage. Given their limited lifespan, the bonus should be greater.
c. Reduce cost by 10 hammers.
3. Industrial Park. Seldom built, except in National Park city. Given its cost and health downsides, it should give 2 free engineers instead of just one.
4. Laboratory. Marginal even in previous versions, it now comes so late as to be nearly worthless. Severe problem for the Russian unique building version of laboratory, the Research Institute. Suggested fix: +50% Great Person Points. Could lead to an extra late game great person or two. This would synergize with the free scientists in the Russian unique building.
1. Chichen Itza. Seldom built, although the AI benefits from the city defense bonus. An effective fix: Chichen Itza doubles the effect of Theocracy. This would be like an early Pentagon, but only if you are running Theocracy. Effect would obsolete with the defense bonus, at Rifling.
2. Internet. Seldom built, although the AI can benefit. Too late to have an impact. Fix: The Internet also gives +10% commerce in all cities.
3. Space Elevator. Often built, but many feel it comes too late. Only useful for Spaceship victory. Fix: The Space Elevator also gives +10% commerce in all cities, which is helpful to all the victory conditions. (As an alternative, it could give a 100% commerce boost in the city in which it is built, just as in Alpha Centauri)
I think these are done quite well. The only exception is the Explorer, which is considered nearly useless. It should start with Sentry so it could actually be used for recon, and the strength (defend only) should be beefed up to 6 or 8.
Most of these are borrowed from others on the forum and summarized here. These are focused on strengthening weak aspects of the game. You wont find yourself saying, Wow! That would be so cool! because these suggestions are for balancing tweaks, not major modifications. Most of the changes should be readily made by changing the programming code. Changes that would involve changing fundamental coding have been avoided, so far as my limited knowledge of programming allows me to guess.
1. Protective. Widely agreed to be the weakest trait, although it is effective in the hands of the AI. One good fix is to improve the value of walls and castles (see next section on buildings), which are nearly worthless buildings that Protective civs can build for half price. In addition, consider adding half price buildings that come later in the game. Security Bureau is an obvious candidate and highly consistent with the protective theme. Add in half price Intelligence Agencies and Jails and now the Protective trait is starting to look interesting. There is currently no trait that has espionage advantages. Why not make Protective the trait for budding spies? Interesting possible minor bonus: +1 espionage point in capitol city (starts after Alphabet).
2. Imperialistic. Widely agreed to be the second weakest trait. The most obvious fix is to make the 100% production bonus for settlers apply to food and not just hammers. This fix would not even require a change in the Civilopedia! It would make the current entry more accurate: 100% bonus to settler production. Possible secondary bonuses:
a. Colony costs reduced by 50%.
b. Distance city maintenance reduced 25%. (This would be an alternative to reducing colony costs, not in addition).
c. +1 trade route in capitol city.
3. Expansive. A medium-strong trait. A slight fix would be to make the 25% production bonus for workers apply to food and not just hammers. This fix would not even require a change in the Civilopedia! It would make the current entry more accurate: 25% bonus to worker production. Interesting possible minor bonus: +1 food in capitol city.
4. Financial. Many people think this trait is overpowered. Rather than diminishing this trait, it would be preferable to boost the other traits. Interesting possible negative minor bonus: +1 maintenance in capitol city.
Other traits: I like the idea of adding a small bonus that applies only to the capitol city and relates in some way to the trait character. The bonus will have some impact because it accrues throughout the game, but it is unlikely to alter the outcome as it only applies to one city. It would affect the flavor of playing with each trait, and also provides an opportunity for a small balance tweak.
1. Walls. Almost never built, although the AI uses them effectively. Suggested fixes:
a. +1 happiness. This would have a major impact on the early game, and would make sure walls were built in the major cities. Even if it expires with Rifling, this would make building walls worthwhile.
b. +1 culture. Makes wall building a more palatable choice, especially the base price were also reduced by 10 hammers.
2. Castles. Almost never built, although the AI uses them effectively. Suggested fixes:
a. Make castles available with Feudalism. They should be buildable right at the beginning of the Middle Ages.
b. Double the culture and trade route bonuses to +2. Trade routes are seldom worth more than one gold at this stage. Given their limited lifespan, the bonus should be greater.
c. Reduce cost by 10 hammers.
3. Industrial Park. Seldom built, except in National Park city. Given its cost and health downsides, it should give 2 free engineers instead of just one.
4. Laboratory. Marginal even in previous versions, it now comes so late as to be nearly worthless. Severe problem for the Russian unique building version of laboratory, the Research Institute. Suggested fix: +50% Great Person Points. Could lead to an extra late game great person or two. This would synergize with the free scientists in the Russian unique building.
1. Chichen Itza. Seldom built, although the AI benefits from the city defense bonus. An effective fix: Chichen Itza doubles the effect of Theocracy. This would be like an early Pentagon, but only if you are running Theocracy. Effect would obsolete with the defense bonus, at Rifling.
2. Internet. Seldom built, although the AI can benefit. Too late to have an impact. Fix: The Internet also gives +10% commerce in all cities.
3. Space Elevator. Often built, but many feel it comes too late. Only useful for Spaceship victory. Fix: The Space Elevator also gives +10% commerce in all cities, which is helpful to all the victory conditions. (As an alternative, it could give a 100% commerce boost in the city in which it is built, just as in Alpha Centauri)
I think these are done quite well. The only exception is the Explorer, which is considered nearly useless. It should start with Sentry so it could actually be used for recon, and the strength (defend only) should be beefed up to 6 or 8.