BAR: Beyond All Reason (Total Annihilation like RTS game)


CFC Mod Archivist & Social Media Helper
Super Moderator
Sep 24, 2016
Since retro RTS games have been all the talk here lately I figured I'd mention this little gem as many still don't know about it!

If like me you loved playing Total Annihilation back in the day and were sad to see how Cavedog collapsed and the series didn't continue (other than the medieval fantasy spinoff and the spiritual sequels like Supreme Commander and Planetary Annihilation) then this new game will definitely interest you! It’s called BAR, Beyond All Reason and it’s basically an extended remake/reimagining of Total Annihilation that's completely free and has been in open public beta for a few years now and will eventually end up on steam. Here's a couple of recent matches I played with some mates (Disclaimer: We're not good players, we just casually meet up ever 3 or so months and have a go and usually forget everything in-between lol).

Can download their latest build from their site here:

A regular multiplayer PvE match against a bunch of AIs.

A crazy survive against alien chicken raptors match!

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