Barbarian onslaught idea


Oct 15, 2003
The Dream
In civ2 it was very easy, through events, to present such barbarian onslaughts, massive uprisings of peasants etc. You simply scripted the event.
In civ3 it is a bit more tricky, but i wonder if it can happen.
First you would have to have a regular civ, who is in locked war with four other civs (sad that it can only be with four, but what can you do). Then you set them to exist in an area that is either:

1. Surrounded by impassable terrain. Then they get to create hordes of their cheap but strong units, and are around that small place. At some date you set the terrain to become passable (by reloading an "event" ie a save edit).
This solution is simple, but not very elegant since you have to reload.

2. Surrounded by terrain that is not passable to wheeled units, whereas all of the barbarian civs units are wheeled. Then you give them a tech in their tree (easy i think to calculate around which date they will research it) which makes their units upgrade to something non-wheeled. And watch them storm the map.

Any thoughts on this idea? It could be very good with mongol units i think, or turks, or other such savages :mischief:
I do this with the Mongol "Civ" in my 1071 CE mod. They are at perpetual war with Russia, China (intervening Civs), the Turks, and Koreans (and none of these 4 are alligned with any other). It's ... bloody ...


Or say if you were making an ancient Mediterranean mod circa 700 BC, you could have Greece and Assyria and Phoenicia running around doing their own thing, while Persia and Macedon have large stacks of immobile, high defense units, that upgrade to strong, mobile attacking units after they research a certain tech.

Then you can still use the wheeled feature for something else, and there is more a very large civilization. They don't even need to start at war, a strong, level five aggression civilization will attack and destroy on it's own.
I think one way to do it would be to make all of the terrain in the game impassable by wheeled units, and restrict Civ X's ability to build roads until it is ready to enter the game, and allow that Civ to build only wheeled units until that point in the game as well. That could be a different point in the game for each Civ. After that point they could upgrade everything they'd already built. They could still build transport ships and explorers, and workers, since they're not militarily useful.....
Another method, if the time period is before airports, and you want the barbarians to appear in a more random location, rather than coming from one direction, is to isolate them in a similar manner as mentioned above, but then give them the ability to airdrop later on in their tech tree, with a large operational range, so they start dropping into other people's territory at that point. This does has the disadvantage of not letting any other city have an airport style improvement, or else the barbs would be able to airdrop in cities they aren't supposed to, but it might work in a scenario with an older setting.
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