Barbarians in Conquest?

Quinn Dexter

Jan 4, 2003
In PTW my little Mod had plenty of Barbs roaming about, but under C3C (I converted the Mod) my Barbs don't seem to increase nor are they very aggressive. In fact I got out of the first era without seeing a Barb at all!

So checked in debug mode, my single Barb camp (I’ve only ever started with one camp on the map) the Barb camp did not increase above 2 in about 30+ turn and only one Barb moved out to fortify its self in the next square...

My Barbs are set at restless, I could increase this... but it was ok before?

This is not normal for my mod under PTW what has changed?

HELP please
I find the fact that barbs don't attack but instead stay in the city area quite smart, Before a barb would come to your city and make your regular spearmam a veteran now it just stays there, you can't send your worker out, nor leave the city in case of something, you have to send some to kill him, meaning you have to spend precious turns building a warrior instead of using your worker to help the city build a settler.
barbs never take ricks any more, and it makes me mad, thay need to atack regarless of the odds, unless odds are VERY bad
In my last game, I set the barbs on Rampaging. They pretty much stayed in their camps, although a lot of the camps had 3 or more barbs in them (made it tough to take them on with a warrior). Then when the first AI got to the Medieval Era, the Barbarian Uprising was something to see. One of my outlying cities that I had intentionally garrisoned heavily, knowing there were barb camps nearby, got hit with two different stacks of 18 barb horsemen each. So much for my treasury.
In my current game, I've got them set on Roaming and they're behaving about as I would expect from PTW experience.
Hmm... Thank for the replies.

As I said in PTW with only one Barb camp on map and Barbs set to restless would cause Barb camps to appear in any unexplored area and you would very soon have plenty of Barbs roaming about. Just before era change this would trigger very large stacks to be created which caused some very interesting problems!

Now I seem to have no Barb activity at all!

I'm going to give it a try on raging see if it’s any better.

Do Barb camps still spring up every where as in PTW ...or do I now need to place them all manually?

Many Thanks.
I don't mod anything, and my experience with c3c barbs is that they're much the same as PTW barbs, with a few exceptions:

In some of the Conquests, the barb warriors are 2.1.1 and their horsemen are 3.2.2 (argh!!!)

Their behavior toward cities seems different. They seem a bit more intelligent, or else just more random. They don't always beeline to the nearest city anymore and throw themselves onto it en masse. For example, in an epic game, I just saw a stack go around the back of a city to avoid attacking over a river! That wouldn't've happened before, would it?

I just finished the Mesopotamia Conquest as Egypt, and the big stack I expected to come sweeping out of the desert, didn't. I went and found them sitting peacefully (all 16 horse and two warriors!) on their camp, and they stayed there the entire game, even when my guys walked up and stood beside them. Weird. I was so grateful to be spared the aggravation that I left them alone; but it did make the victory easier.

I'll bet, though, that next time I depend on them to sit still, they'll swoop down on my cities, like in the old days...
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