Base game loose ends left by Rise & Fall


Nahtanoj the Magnificent
Feb 15, 2006
Christchurch, New Zealand
So it appears that Rise and Fall will do away with ceding or demanding cities back; and the occupied status that irks so many of us when we got the relevant Civ to cede the city in negotiations. Kinda sad...cos I liked that as an idea if it had actually worked.
Bygones....what about Vanilla users who do not buy R&F? Is that "you occupy my city" bug to remain, never to be addressed in the base game? That doesn't seem right. I'm hoping that the patch will do something about this bug.
I cannot agree that only supporting those who continue to upgrade their game with the expansions is good enough.
There are two types of players: those who play the game and those who do not. If someone plays the game, they will buy the expansion, same for do not - will not. I know, people will jump in with 'Iwontbuyunlessai' posts, but the reality is either of the above.
Uh huh.

And everyone who bought the game on sale for $12 recently -- which, I can assure you, is not an insubstantial amount of people -- is just going to pony up thrice what they paid for the expansion within any reasonable period of time. Yeah. Yep yep. Course. They'll buy it eventually, probably, if they liked it, but almost certainly not anytime soon, and if the publisher follows your line of thought they'd be providing them with a pretty good reason to keep waiting.
What a ridiculously false statements. Do you really find it that difficult to believe that other people have different opinions to you?

I play the game, have done from the start and have some 50,000 downloads on my mods. But I'm not buying R&F until it's had at least one major patch and I know I'll have the time to play it. I simply have been so disappointed by the support the devs have given to the game since release (few patches which broke almost as much as they fixed) that I'm not taking the risk of giving them more money.[/Q

I’m a bit more optimistic about the game. From my perspective without including R&F the patches till now made the game much more playable. A big jump has been made from launch. I’m hoping the devs will keep improving existing stuff and not focus on including more and more content.

There are still many loose ends that needs to be fixed and improved. I’m hoping we will see more work done on combat AI and irrational diplomatic behavior. Turn times on latest era’s could need some help as well.
Not everyone is rich, especially those who are still young and may be struggling with school costs. My financial status is good, and I am thankful for that (thank you Capitalism), but not everyone can say the same thing. I grew up dirt poor, and sometimes you can't help the situation you are born into.

As for the base game, I don't see problems with it, it's still a fun game, and nothing is stopping people from playing the base game going forward. I just started a game yesterday (I know I said I wouldn't start another game, but I had nothing to do yesterday) as England, and I'm going to miss those double trade routes. Pretty sweet.

And who is saying the AI won't still demand their cities back? I'm pretty sure I seen in Let's Plays they will still want their cities back. That's assuming you conquered them outright and not conquer them after they flip to free city status.
I'm pretty sure the whole 'ceding' thing is dissapearing in R&F. maybe I'm wrong lol.

In 15:33 of this video. Ceding is still there. And sadly, it seems to be just as un-intuitive as before.

Best part of the video is after Ghandi says thank you friend after having his cities nuked and taken over. Take that Ghandi.
It's a great long as a Civ who has ceded their city actually realises that they have!
Do you really find it that difficult to believe that other people have different opinions to you?

In case you mean different from mine, no, it is easy to believe. Sale statistics among players with game expansions do not really care for it though. Among active players, there is a rough 10% who keeps playing with an original game only, a rough 75% who buys it on/before/shortly after release, and a rough 15% who waits for a discount. That is, if the expansion is not a drop in quality and its price does not exceed that of the original game.

People on this forum are the vast minority in many respects, the thin gray line in a black and white world. Also, when you say you will buy it only if you have time, consider the meaning of the expression 'active player'...

About the price, the expansion costs 30 Usd/Euros, I live in Eastern Europe, and here if anyone can afford a computer that can run games decently, it is really cheap.
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In case you mean different from mine, no, it is easy to believe. Sale statistics among players with game expansions do not really care for it though. Among active players, there is a rough 10% who keeps playing with an original game only, a rough 75% who buys it on/before/shortly after release, and a rough 15% who waits for a discount. That is, if the expansion is not a drop in quality and its price does not exceed that of the original game.

People on this forum are the vast minority in many respects, the thin gray line in a black and white world. Also, when you say you will buy it only if you have time, consider the meaning of the expression 'active player'...

About the price, the expansion costs 30 Usd/Euros, I live in Eastern Europe, and here if anyone can afford a computer that can run games decently, it is really cheap.
I do have to say that I was surprised that the expansion was 30 instead of 40.
I do have to say that I was surprised that the expansion was 30 instead of 40.

Indeed. After Firaxis chanced their arm at putting the XCOM2 expansion at the same price as the base game, I expected R&F to be more expensive than it is.

Just going off of leaders alone; we're getting 9 in the expansion for less than the combined price of all of the DLC which only gave us 7.
Indeed. After Firaxis chanced their arm at putting the XCOM2 expansion at the same price as the base game, I expected R&F to be more expensive than it is.

Just going off of leaders alone; we're getting 9 in the expansion for less than the combined price of all of the DLC which only gave us 7.

In defense of the developers. War of the chosen was like 3 expansions in one. The higher price was justified for large amount of content.
I haven't bought full priced expansions since IV when they were the same price as vanilla I'm sure, so I see R&F as a great deal :D
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