Basic native conversion rate with missions.


Aug 17, 2010
Sorry if this is generally known or really basic, but I haven't been able to find this info.

So, obviously I know that Jesuits, the French and certain FFs give a bonus to the conversion rate from missions, but what is the basic rate? What else affects the rate at which converted natives are created? What other effects, if any, do missions have?

Thanks in advance.
Also, while I'm on the subject, what are some of the factors that determine how long it takes a native village to train a specialist? I've noticed that if you make the mistake of giving two units to a village for training at the same time, it seems to take considerably more than twice as long to get anything back. Aside from that, I really have no idea what affects the training rate. Thanks again.
As for the first part. I am also interested in the answer to this question. In particular, does the size of the settlement effect how fast natives are spawned? I can offer a bit of help from this article I read:

Basically, missions each grant 250 religious FF points.

As for native villages, that's a good question as well. The only thing I've noticed is they are similar to colleges in that the more you use them, the longer any subsequent training takes. As for exact numbers I hope someone else will answer that.

I've also noticed that sending 2 colonists to train at a village at the same time takes longer for the first to be done than if you just sent 1, but I think overall the 2 are finished faster than if you sent them 1 at a time. I hope someone else can add more to this.
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