Basileia Rhmain

King of Anshan

aprrentice Worlddominator
Apr 9, 2011
The Netherlands
Rhye’s of Civilization Expanded v1.23

Victory through:
• World domination (25%,40%)
• Culture (13000,35000)
• Spacerace
• Diplomacy
• Wonders

Difficulty: Demigod

Civ: Byzantine Empire

This is my first post and first story, yet.
I always wondered how the world would look like if the Byzantines had survived.
Would they have became one of the European imperialstic nations.
I'll certainly try it; Byzantine Brazil just sounds good.

Chapter 1 : Foundation of the Republic

4000 B.C. Gaius Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus “Constantine”, autocrat of the Romans, looked over the peninsula and smiled.
He could already envision the power and majesty a city there could bring.
The autocrat sacrificed 12 lambs to the Gods, just in case things went wrong, and construction on the city begun.
Constantine also ordered the scholars to look for something to record speech with, he wanted to be immortalized on a monument or something like that.

Constantine grew old and kept on living only to see his city finished.
When the last stone was laid, his spirit left him.
He was succeeded by his son Flavius Iulius Constantius in 3961 B.C.
He would be the one to start training of Byzantine Legionaries for protection of the city.
Not many years later barbarians appeared, calling themselves Turk of Osman. They would be removed from our doorstep.

In 3500 B.C. during the reign of Flavius Claudius Iulianus the Byzantine expeditionary force was raised.
They were tasked to capture some Turkic people for interrogation.

Somehow they took 50 years to find their way, probably because of a chitchat with merchants from a tribe down south called Greeks.
War was declared upon the Turks and two worker bands were captured.

The warriors withdraw to the city to await the counter offensive and the slaves were send to work the vineyard west of Constantinople.
Constantinople started construction of a monument in honour of the first autocrat, Constantine the Great.
Greek traders also was sold mysticism for 47 gold, knowing they would fetch it soon enough.
In 3100 B.C. two Turkish warrior squads appeared before the gates of Constantinople.
One Squad was killed when assaulting the walls and the other started to make a camp.
The First ¨Siege¨ of Constantinople began.(3050 B.C.)
In 2900 the Vineyard was connected to the capitol, work began on mining the hill tops. 50 years later the monument was complete.
Because of the increasing pressure from the Turks autocrat Jovian stated the army must be enlarged, construction on a worker begon.
In 2650 the Turkish besiegers were killed while attacking, and a warrior group was send out scouting.
50 years later peace was signed with the Turks, trading their masonry for our newly discovered Writing skills.
It was called the peace of Valentine, after autocrat Flavius Valentinianus.
Thracian tribes joined our scouting party in the same glorious year.

In 2450 B.C. work begon on a granary to feed the city´s growing population.
Later a scouting party met the Austrian people and traded all out techs in exchange for warrior code, the wheel and a slave to bring it to the City.
In a spark of intellect the autocrat ordered the Greek peninsula blocked to prevent any Greek expansion.

In 1850 B.C. a backward race of barbarians was contacted, our people called them the Germans for no reason in particular.
After the Germans contacts were established with their brethren tribes, the Franks and the Dutch.
One Dutch labourer was sold into Byzantine slavery for Masonry, writing and 30 gp.
And construction begun on a settler.
In 1725 contact was established with the tribes of the tin-islands (the British).
25 years later Scythian horse people thought a scouting party.
It was exchanged with bronze working from the Turks.
Bronze working was traded with the Europeans again, yielding us a Dutch worker and 130 gp.

In 1500 B.C. our western brethren, the Romans of Italy were met. Gifts of bronze working an gold were exchanged.
Fifty years later autocrat Theodosius ordered all kinds of thing to be written down, he called it Theodoture. The rest of the world called it literature.
Spanish and Scandinavian tribes were contacted in the centuries following this invention.
Carthage was traded upon contact known technology for two slave bands and 110 gp.

In 1225 B.C. a settler party set out from the capital the claim new lands in name of the autocrats. Portuguese were met and traded 240 gp for masonry, proving our superior mercantile skills.
In 1150 B.C. Varna was founded at the mouth of the Danube river.

Russia was met in and traded all techs for 110 gp and 2 slave bands.
After training of an archer warband autocrat Arcadius (1024-1051 B.C.) ordered construction of a massive Library to gather all knowledge.
In 845 B.C. an arrogant British ruler, named Boudica, demanded literature.
Autocrat Leo ¨the Thracian¨ refused her arrogant demands and gave her the Finger. Boudica declared war but Leo responded laconic: ¨
You can´t even leave the damn island your upon, so F*CK you!¨
Greeks demanding the same were wise enough not declare to war, fearing the warriors in Epirus.

In 610 B.C. autocrat Anastasias was informed that Greece and Austria were also building the Great Library.
He decided that literature should be sold now, or it would lose all value.
Two decades later Anastasias was further frustrated in his efforts by his western colleague, they claimed Illyria for themselves!

Scandinavia demanded iron working, successfully.
There were enough problems already.
Autocrat Zeno discovered philosophy and invented a system of government called a republic.
Zeno died three years later without an heir and decided was to become a republic.
Philosophy was sold to other nations in exchange for 1500 gp and a peace treaty, ending the war of the Finger.
In 550 B.C. revolts were quelled and the republic was firmly seated..
In 530 a settler was rushed in Varna. And send northwest.
Intelligence reports of our excellent Byzantine Diplomacy revealed we would be the first to finish a Great Library.

In 450 B.C. Dyrrachium was founded at the Adriatic shore.

Monuments in honour of the republic were commissioned in the new city.
And in 230 B.C. the long feared news came:

“Godsdamned, Godsdamned, Godsdamned! Constantinople needed 6 more turns only! Curse those Arab infidels!”
The eparch, chairman of the senate of Constantinople and supreme head of state, cursed. The conservative party in the senate, long the ruling faction, was greatly weakened by this misfortune.
The populist faction came to power and spread the knowledge of republic in exchange for knowledge of monarchy, a legal system and mathematics.
Next they used the stones of the Great Library to build a set of beautiful Hanging Gardens.
Twenty years later it was completed and the people were enjoying the gardens, proud to be Byzantine!

The populist happily donated knowledge of mathematics to the annoying English.
To mystics started to create one state religion, the twelve Olympian Gods of Greek Polytheism.
It was thought it would unite the people.
In 70 B.C. a Frankish Chief demanded 40 gp in tribute, the populist regime bribed them off. In 30 B.C.
Tanais was founded at the Maotian lake and a Greek settling party invaded Macedonia:

The perfect excuse to invade Greece.
lurker's comment: Welcome to CFC, KoA! [party]

I'll be reading this story. Unfortunately, your pictures confuse me as to where you put them. You put the same exact pic in 3 times at different points.
Welcome from here too! Looking forward to your story. Rhye's is a great mod. Nice writing style.
Chapter 2 : Rise of the Republic

This is Sparta?

Eparch Iustinus stepped upon the speaking platform on the agora. Knowing he would do something without precedent he was fearful…
He took a deep breath and started:
” In name of the senate and the people of Constantinople the following has been decided: Greeks have invaded the theme of Macedonia, we cannot let them go unchecked! We cannot tolerate those barbarians lurking at our doorstep. Greece must be subjugated therefore all men able to bear arms will be summoned into the army. Long live the City!”
The people cheered and demanded Greek blood. Iustinus stepped back and sighed in relief, it didn’t went to bad. Then one senator, old Marcus Porcius, stepped upon the platform and shouted:” By the way, I am of opinion that Athens must be destroyed!” The Eparch sighed for so much stupidity, it would be a waste to destroy the city...

The settler party was captured without casualties on our side and the rest of the army, 1 band of spearman, 1 band of archer and 1 band of horse archers marched upon Athens. Athens was rumored to be defended by 2 bands of palace guards and one of hoplites so it was not enough. In 10 A.D. Athens was besieged. In 90 A.D. Varangian war bands demanded literature which our bibliophiles happily donated. Nothing better to spread our fame then through books, they said.

In 170 A.D. enough reinforcements, 4 bands of horse archers from Scythia, had arrived. General Narses ordered his troops to attack Athens. With the loss of one Horse archer band Athens fell and six bands of slaves were captured. A monument would be erected at the site of the decisive battle. Narses ordered his forces to rest in the citadel and then they would march to Sparta. The Greek tyrant of Sparta feared even his superb Spartan hoplites would be defeated… In 190 A.D. Byzantine traders mastered the art of sailing, at last.

In 210 A.D. British tribes attacked Frankish tribes, the Frankish ruler probably gave his Britisch counterpart the Finger.
In 230 A.D. general Narses finally marched his army to Sparta, he died on the road and his son came in charge of the army. After twenty years of siege Sparta was assaulted...

And taken without serious Byzantine loss, the city was burned by the Greek Tyrant as a scorched earth tactic. The Tyrant fled and the senate wisely decided peace should now be negotiated:

This concluded the Greco-Byzantine war (30 B.C. - 250 A.D.). Mystrus, son of Narses walked through the ruins of Sparta and questioned:”Is this Sparta?” The Senate ordered him to rebuild the city, the Byzantine way.

In 270 A.D. the Dutch Barbarians joined the league against the British. All the little girls in Constantinople were told to be nice or that they would be attacked by everyone, like the British. In 310 A.D. Athens completed the monument and started construction of the Byzantine fleet. The Athenians had plans for a very special ship they called a dromon. They claimed it would breath fire like a dragon. In 330 A.D. Sparta was refounded and renamed Mystra in honour of the man who took it. A monument in his honour was ordered to be build their.

The road to Manzikert

With the southern front secured the eye’s of the senate turned east. The Turkic tribes had gained knowledge beyond Byzantine comprehension but they had only two cities. In 370 A.D. Eparch Themestius ordered the complete surrender of all of Turkey to the Byzantine Republic. The Turks refused and war was declared. General Komnemnus was commissioned by the senate to take the Turkish capital of Sogut ASAP. He was given command of 5 bands of experienced horse archers.

Sogut fell and was renamed Ancyra, after the Byzantine tribe that had originally inhabited this lands. No Byzantine losses were sustained.
A monument was constructed to celebrate this victory.

In 450 A.D. the Ancyran Army routed 2 bands of Turkic warriors threatening the Ancyran Theme. The Ancyran Army, consisting of 5 bands of horse archers then marched to the Turkish city the Byzantines named Trebizond. Twenty years later the Babylonians were contacted, they were not very advanced.
Two decades there after the Jews were met, they were as advanced as the Babylonians.

In 510 A.D. the feared message was received. Production of the Great Lighthouse was Switched to a temple to the Olympian Gods, Artemis in particular. Heraklion was founded on Crete in the same year. A monument was ordered to commemorate our first successful colonisation attempt overseas.

The temple of Artemis was completed in Constantinople in 530 A.D. It would mark the beginning of the Byzantine Golden Age. Constantinople started on the Statue of the Olympian Zeus. Furthermore the state of Israel decided to commit euthanasia, they allied themselves against the empire.

The Eparch told the people that soon the Levant would feel Byzantine power. Trebizond was taken from the Turks and named accordingly. 3 archer bands were destroyed but at the loss of a horse archer band.

The Empire now held nine cities, and seven themes. Long live the Empire!
Chapter 3 : A new Religion
Searching Redemption

The Senate had gathered in their House, east of the Augusteion hill.
“My dear senators, word has reached me that the last stronghold of the Turks in Anatolia has been conquered.” The Senators cheered at the words of the Eparch. “That was the good news, gentlemen” he continued: “but the bad news is that the Turks convinced David III, lord of Israel, to declare war upon us. Together they might pose a threat so I suggest that peace should be made with the Turkish tribes. This way we can easily take Israel and with Israel, the entire Levant. Everyone in favour of this say: AYE!” The senators rose up an masse and did so. “AYE!” Its sounded from more than 1000 throats. The Eparch left for the Prefect’s Palace, his residence. They all agreed, the fools, he thought, they are so easily to manipulate, so easily to convince. I swear to You, the Omnipotent and Only God, that I will find Your son and save him from death at the hands of the Infidels!

Peace was signed with the Turks in exchange for an annual tribute and knowledge of construction. Our historians marked this the beginning of an new era, the middle ages. They said that we had previously lived in the first era and that after this era one more would follow. After that the calendars stopped counting so they assumed the world would end. Generous donations of knowledge were given to the people of Russia, Babylonia, Germania and even to the foul Greeks. (all scientific) This also brought them in the 2nd age. This also brought them in the 2nd age. This way the Senate and the People of the Byzantine Empire obtained the following:
• Knowledge of Theology
• Knowledge of Feudalism
• Knowledge of Fortification
• 820 Gold pieces
• Twenty times 27 Gold pieces
Or wise ones versed in the art of Theology started to room the land, searching for the Savior. Also contact was established with the republic of Egypt.

In 550 A.D. pirates sunk our dromon squadron for the coast of Israel. They captured one noblemen. Their demand for ransom from the Republic was considered by the noblemen to be insufficient for a man of his stature, he said they could have at least double the first demand. The pirates increased the ransom. The senate refused to pay, the nobleman was not worth the price. But the noblemen did get a free swimming lesson.

Twenty years later the (First?) Franco-English war ended.

In 650 A.D. news arrived the Messiah had come, but he was hanged by the Israelites for blasphemy or such. The population of the empire was outraged by this, they demanded revenge. So the senate started to make a plan for the crusades.

Meanwhile Hebron in the Caucasus was attacked by 4 horse archer bands from Trebizond. The city fell without too many losses on the Byzantine side. The city was renamed Nebridius, to honor the Eparch ruling at the moment. A monument was ordered to commemorate this feat.

In the Homeland construction started on the papal states in Constantinople (prebuilt by the statue of Zeus), the statue of Zeus in Athens, the Crusades HQ in Dyrrachium and St. Peters basilica in Varna.

The three horse archer bands under command of general Heraclius were pillaging Jerusalem’s countryside when they saw an Israelic archer band with a group of refugees leaving the city. Knowing that now the city was ill-defended the General gave order for 2 of the bands to attack. They both were victorious, removing the palace guards and halving the cities garrison. Heraclius was invited to return to Constantinople to receive the price of his gambit.

In 690 A.D. the ottomans settled the Suez region, triggering the Turco-Egyptian war, more commonly known as the Suez-Crisis. Furthermore a Maccabee swordsmen band routed our horse archer band and general Heraclius was executed for disobedience.
The two remaining horse archer bands killed the swordsmen and lifted the siege. Also the refugees were intercepted and put to work.

In 710 A.D. the former besiegers of Jerusalem got attacked by two bands of maccabee’s, the horse archers number were halved. Heraclius’ grave was desecrated a few months after the people heard this news.
One Maccabee unit was killed in revenge. A RoP was signed with the Babylonian empire to aid in the struggle with the Israelites.

Centre of the new Faith

In 750 A.D. Constantinople was marked as the capitol of the Christian fate and as the Cultural Capitol of the world. It was the start of the spiritual states of il Papa. The Senate and the People agreed with the pope a new church should be build in the city, the so called Hagia Sophia. In Mesopotamia a maccabee unit killed a Horse archer unit, again. Questions were rising in the senate about the course of the war. Revenge was taken.

In 770 A.D. the statue of in honour of pagan Zeus was created in Athens, the city still was loyal to the old faith.

Twenty years later the senate was rejoiced when they heard the scholars perfected their ways of education, the only problem now was spreading the idea. So the scholars started thinking about presses for paper, a printing press they called it.

In 810 A.D. 4 new horse archer bands started the second siege of Jerusalem, reinforcements were under way. The city would fall soon, Deo volente. In 830 A.D. the attack was opened under general Arianus.

The city fell without further losses to byzantine arms. It became the capitol of the new theme Syria Palestina. A monument to show the supremacy of the republic was ordered to be build.

The Jews were spared in exchange for 32 gold pieces as bribe. (they would respawn like the Greeks anyway)
Furthermore the Byzantine method of Education was shared with the French in exchange for knowledge of Invention and 40 gold pieces.
It was thought to other nations as well, giving the Republic 800gp and 40 gpt more. And Rome and Britannia signed a peace treaty. 6 archer bands were equipped with the new crossbows.

In 890 A.D. Christianity had spread to most other European nations.

Twenty years later the Byzantine Golden Age ended, historians agree this was because of the increasing competition of other nations, the Christian barbarians in the North and West and the Fanatic Muslims in the South and East. All came as moths to the light that glorious Constantinople is, was and has always been.

In 930 A.D. the secrets of the Printing Press was discovered and the knowledge of it was spread to the other nations. Knowledge of Chivalry , two slave bands, 1000 gp and 30 gpt was given in gratitude.

Constantinople was, with the Hagia Sophia and the Papal states, truly the centre of Christian faith. Work now begun with a university.

The Year 1000 A.D. came, people all over the world, fearful of the turning of the Millennium, became afraid of the apocalypse. But nothing happened....they thought.
Chapter 4 : The war of Brothers

Brothers will fight
and kill each other,
sisters' children
will defile kinship.
It is harsh in the world,
whoredom rife
—an axe age, a sword age
—shields are riven—
a wind age, a wolf age—
before the world goes headlong.
No man will have
mercy on another.

Coming soon at Civfanatics...
Chapter 4 : The war of Brothers

“Esteemed Senators, men of Noble birth, a thousand years have passed since the revelation of the Lord. Off course I do not think that anyone of us believes this nonsense about the end of the world. And if it does, we are good Christians, we shall be rewarded. Long ago there was on tribe, led by two brothers. Twins. One day they dreamed they should settle and build a city to rule the world. The Oldest of the twins, Romulus, said the people should go West, to settle where the sun dies. The Youngest of the two Remus, or Byzas as he was later called, did not agree. He said the people should go to the birth of the sun, as there empires were born. They should not go to the west as there empires die. The people split in half. Romulus went to the Occident, to Italy, and Byzas came here in the Orient. Now that our brothers in the West are occupied with internal prolems, we should strike. Our people have been separated for too long already. Long live the Republic!”

- Eparch Adelphopolemos (961-1026)


War was declared and under the leadership of general Basil 8 units of horse archers and one unit of crossbow man entered Italian Illyria.

After a ten year siege Veii was taken and renamed Ratiara.

The Italians lost 2 Legions, 2 bands of Crossbowman and one Spearman unit. Byzantine losses were low with only one horse archer unit killed. General Basil was to be honoured with a monument in the city. The Italics were stunned by this great victory. To get to Italy, Austrian territory needed to be crossed. After years of negotiation and with the use of assassins at the right moment the Austrians agreed. Two more squadrons of Dromon’s were rush build in Athens and Heraklion to raid Sicily.

A decade after the victory at Ratiara (Veii) the Italics showed up at Tanais with a band of spearmen. They were crushed by a unit of Cataphracts in situ. Also the city of Varna stopped building the St. Peters and put the material into an Intelligence Agency which was rapidly completed.

In 1030 an Italian fleet was approaching Crete, one troop transport and one escort were destroyed by the Byzantine navy but the other troop transport managed to slip through. Meanwhile the treaty with Austria was rounded down and an army of seven horse archer bands and one unit of Cataphracts, led by general Genuos, crossed into Italy. Genuos promptly defeated two legions guarding the gateway to Italy. Few byzantine casualties were sustained. The pope gave his blessing to the Italian enterprise, even proclaiming it a Crusade when visiting Dyrrachium.

In 1040 the Italic junk was sunk by the navy but 3/5 of the legion it transported managed to land on Crete. Precautions were taken.
Meanwhile Genuos ordered the attack upon Pisae. Without Byzantine casualties the Italic garrison of one legion and two crossbow-bands was slaughtered. Two bands of slaves were taken out of the populace and put to work.

The city was renamed after the victorious general; Genua. Construction started on a monument in greater glory of the Byzantine republic.
The stranded legionaries on Heraklion were killed when they desperately attacked the city garrison. The scientist of the empire hadn’t been idle either. They had exchanged with the Dutch knowledge of printing for knowledge of siege craft. Also they philosophised that perhaps humans are the best the world has. This movement they called Humanism. Knowledge of it was traded for banking-lore and in total almost 2000 gold pieces. The scholars could be satisfied with their achievements. They could lay down wholes days laying in the sun beneath the apple trees. Watching apples fall. The common people kept a healthy distance from them.

In 1050 a marauding Italian crossbowband was ambushed by our cataphracts and routed. Varangians demanded 54 gold pieces from the senate. The senate had no Von Schieffenplan so it bowed to the barbarians will.

In 1070 an army composed of seven horse archer bands and two cataphracts units marched to Rome. For two decades peace negotiations were held, but to no avail.

In 1090 general Michael ordered the attack.

With naval support from two dromon squadrons, the city was besieged and taken. The Italian army composed of 2 legions, an equal amount of crossbow man, two units of palace guards and one urban militia fought bravely. But at the cost of one band of horse archers the Italian army was annihilated. The Italian senate fled to Sicily, but Rome had fallen. The rebellious Roman population was gathered and would be forcefully resettled on Sardinia.

Two decades later Caralis on Sicily was founded. In both Rome and Caralis monuments were being constructed to “celebrate” this victory. The laws of Physica were written down by our apple-watching scholars. The secrets were traded with others, yielding the republic knowledge of Alchemy, 100 gold pieces, and 90 more for the coming two centuries. Our scientist started focusing upon the strange rocks that attracted iron. Thinking that with the new laws they could explain it.
Also the oppressed city of Lagos (renamed Atil) revolted against their Portuguese overlords and was given the requested Byzantine protection.

Ten years later a fleet composed of three Dromon sqaudrons set the port of Brunsdisium ablaze, destroying one Italic junk. General Rhegius ordered he attack and the Italic garrison of one legion and two crossbowbands was defeated without grave losses on the good side. The city was renamed Rhegium in honour of the general who took it, and a monument was build to this glorious victory. Peace was signed with the now homeless Italics. The senate ordered spies to be send to Austria and Egypt, the two next potential victims. Their world maps were copied and send to the motherland.

The Republic of Constantinople,
The Byzantine republic,
The Byzantine empire,
The Eastern Roman Empire,
The Imperium Romanum,
The Basileia Rhōmaiōn,
possessed 3% of the world area and 14% of the world population in 1130 A.D.

It was divided in 10 themes, each sending an equal amount of senators to the senate in Constantinople. The 11th theme, the capitol area send twice as many senators. The amount of senators totaled 2400, 200 for each theme and 400 for the Byzantium area. A theme was lead by a strategos (general) chosen by, and elected from, the senate. The Byzantium area was under direct senatorial rule. The Eparch (urban prefect) was the head of the senate, the chairman. He was the Primus inter Pares (first among equals) and had no official power. The Eparch was chosen by the senate for life.

The eleven themes in 1130 A.D.
1. The capitol-theme of Byzantium
2. The theme of Thrace
3. The theme of Illyria
4. The theme of Scythia
5. The theme of Achaea
6. The theme of Anatolia
7. The theme of the Caucasus
8. The theme of Syria-Palestina
9. The theme of Italy
10. The theme of Sicilia Magna
11. The theme of Sardinia
Chapter 5 : The granary of the empire

As the chariots neared the finish, tension increased. The Blue team
(Venetoi) was closing in on the Greens (Prasinoi). The Blues were sponsored by the Populist faction of the senate. The Conservative faction, the opponents of the Populists, sponsored the Greens. The Reds (Rousioi) and the Whites (Leukoi), sponsored by the Socialist and Imperialist factions, were miles behind. In the Senate as well as in the Hippodrome. The Blues and Greens raced towards the final turn. Suddenly the Greens´ chariot slipped and crashed into the Blues chariot. The crowd was infuriated now that both favourites had been knocked out of the race. Some senators already left their front row seats, fearing a riot. Suddenly the crowd Ohh´d. The White team had seen it´s opportunity. It was heading straight to the finish, chased by the Reds and some not-crashed chariots of the Blue and Green teams. Despite the efforts from the competition the White Imperialist-faction finished first. A massive political upheaval was about to strike the Republic of Constantinople. No longer would senate politics be dominated by either Conservatism or Populism...

After the Chariot race of 15 September 1132 A.D. neither the Conservative nor the Populist faction had a majority in the senate. The increased influence of the Imperialist faction paved the way for more compromise-based politics. The Imperialist formed a coalition with the Conservatives. They started to make plans to invade heathen Egypt and to capture the Suez region in the process: Operation ¨Cleopatra¨ (v66)

In 1160 A.D. our scholars gave the barbarian Vikings 130 gp for receiving their knowledge of magnetism. The scholars started to look at the stars, wondering about the secrets they possessed. The knowledge was sold to get back the 130 gp.

In 1200 A.D. the Republic started a new branch of Physics: Astronomy.
Astronomy was traded for more than 300 gold pieces and another 50 gold pieces for the coming centuries, and a lot of maps the barbarians had made. The senate ordered the scientists to do something useful, developing a system to protect our economy or something like that.

A decade later Eparch Palpatina send a letter to the armies: ¨Execute order 66!¨ War was declared on the Suez-Turks living in Yenisehir. Fase 1 of operation Cleopatra was started.

In 1220 A.D. a caravel left Athens with a group of settlers and an army consisting one band of Crusaders and a Crossbow band. They were send West to find either new land to settle or new people to christian/conquer.

The Battle of Suez was so fierce general Justinian showed up in person to chop the enemy to pieces. But to no avail. General Justinian sounded the retreat, even though the Turks had lost many man. Two full bands of horse archers were dead against 4 Turkish crossbowbands. The army had been decimated. Humiliated the Byzantines withdraw to Syria-Palestina. Intelligence rapports had shown that the city was defended by 3 bands of crossbowman and one of archers. But at least double those numbers were found. The head of the B.I.A. was castrated because of his failure.

In 1230 A.D. Justinian organises his forces into well organised body. He calls it the Magna Strateia. The defeated army withdraws to Jerusalem for healing. A crusader-party destroy a Turkish settler party, three bands of slaves are captured. Also an explorer is send East to contact Serikon (lands of Silk; the far Eastern civ’s). And a(nother) crusader-party is killed by a Turkish swordsmen-band. revenge was sworn.

A decade later the crusader-party is avenged by a unit of Cataphracts. Also general Justinian orders his army to march to Yenisehir, again.The Magna Strateia, composed of veteran Cataphracts, 4 units of horse archers, 2 of Cataphracts and 2 of crossbowman. Revenge will be taken.
And the expedition westwards spotted new land:

The land was named Hespera; the evening land. As it was the place where the sun went in the evening.

Constantinople is also enriched with one extra crazy scientist, an Italian called Leonardo da Vinci set up his workshop in the city.

In 1260 A.D. the settler party west sails south parallel to the shores of Hespera, searching a good settling position. Also Justinian the Elder, general for more than fifty years for the republic, assaulted the city of Yenisehir.

Thanks to the Magna Strateia the Turks were utterly crushed, they would never plague the people of the world again. General Justinian killed the Turkish Bey of the city. It was the last thing he would do. With his task completed, life fled him. The Senate ordered the poets of Athens to honour him with a Heroic epic. Fase 1 of operation Cleopatra was completed, but not acccording to plans. Also Byzantine scholars came up with the idea of Mercantilism to protect our economy from barbarian influences. The scholars were then ordered to do something artistic, freely.

In 1270 A.D. Byzantines set foot ashore upon the coast of Hespera.

Knowledge of firearms and a wealth of gold was obtained in trade for our theory of mercantilism. Immediately 11 units of crossbowman were equipped with the new weapon. Fase 2 of operation Cleopatra was started with a declaration of war to pharao Psimpsampset I. Spies revealed Memphis was defended by only 3 bands of archers, the attack was ordered.

The city was taken without much Byzantine loss.

Ten years after the sack of Memphis the city of Nova Roma, the New Rome, was founded in Hespera. The city started to prepare an exploration party.

Meanwhile in the north of the continent the civilizations of the Maya and the USA were contacted. The USA gave the exploration force 3000gp in exchange for some simple knowledge that was known to the Byzantines for over five centuries. the eastern exploration party had some minor successes as well. After much ceremonial they gave the Chinese knowledge of the Galaxy in exchange for some gold. The Besiegers of Alexandria killed an archer band and a squad of Elephant riders. A garrison of ½ archer band remains.

In 1290 A.D. another settler-crusader party leaves the motherland to explore the new world. Also Byzantine exploration parties contact Korea, India and the Aztec empire. In the Egyptian theatre Alexandria was taken by the small Byzantine force in Libya.

In 1300 A.D. fase 4 of operation Cleopatra started. The race against the Nile started.

A decade later the attack upon Thebes was opened. Intelligence reports had revealed it was garrisoned with 3 crossbowman bands and 1 archer band. Thebes and the Pyramids were taken but at the cost of 2 units of Cataphracts. Again this was not according to plan.

On the other side of the Nile an elite Cataphract unit routed a band of Egyptian elephant riders. The senate gave the unit the honorary title Elephantius. The Captain of the unit, named Belisarius, was promoted to general (great leader) and ordered to go to Hespera to build the empire there. Heliopolis was reported to be garrison with only a handful of unit. An army consisting of three bands of Horse archers and 2 cataphract units was send to siege it. The university of Constantinople came with the idea of Free Artistry. The senate questioned the practic use of it.

In1320 A.D. the teachers of the university exported the idea of free artistry and got back knowledge about metallurgy, more maps of the world and lots of money.
The Senate said they would be very *very* pleased if the university could come up with something useful like a military tradition to fuel future conquests. Half the Byzantine budget went to research so it would be no more than appropriate to get back something useful.

The Egyptian garrison of Heliopolis was slain and one band of workfolk was enslaved. Demoralised by this defeats the Egyptians surrendered all their holdings except their fortress in Puntland.

The senate operation Cleopatra had a difficult beginning but the last fases of the operation were executed faster than anticipated. Six major population centres were occupied and the Republic now controlled the waterways between the Red sea and the Mediterranean.

In 1320 A.D. the Republic of Constantinople ruled 4% of the earth’s landmass’ and 18%of the world population. It controls 24 cities divided in 15 themes and one exarchate. The new world was a dangerous place, not to mention far from the homeland. To make sure the settlement would survive and grow all military and civil power was laid in the hand of one perso., the exarch. The exarch of Nova Roma at that time was the only person with that position. An exarchate was not represented in the senate. Now with new lands at the horizon eyes of the imperialist faction turned West, to yet untapped resources.

(N.B. the blue in south Africa is a respawned Greece)
Chapter 6 : Conquest of the Eveningland

As the Eparch stepped upon the platform, whispering from the senators slowly stopped. Eparch Aurelianus, the fifth eparch from the White party, gave a quick look to the ranks of the senators and started to speak:
“High-esteemed senators of our Grand Republic, a new land has opened for us. New riches lie there. Long ago, in the time of our pagan ancestors, the time of the Twelve of the Olympos, there was a legend.” Purely for the dramatical impact the Eparch waited, he took a deep breath and continued. “There was a legend about a land west of the Oceanus. The greatest hero of our people, Hercules, had ventured to that land. He was ordered by the Gods to complete twelve tasks, the Labors of Hercules. His eleventh task was to fetch the golden apples of the Hesprides. Now it is rumoured through the streets that we have found the garden of the Hesprides. Natives of the lands of Hespera told our explorers stories of a city made of gold. I suggest we colonise these lands. I suggest that we bring the light of civilization to those dark pools of barbarianism. I suggest we spread the word of the Lord is to every corner of the new land. Long live the Republic!” The Eparch stepped back and the voting started...


In 1330 A.D. the Vikings landed a band of pikemen upon the isle of Sardinia. It was clear the Normans wanted more land and wealth to call their own. Precautions were ordered to be taken by the senate. Also the eastern exploration party made contact with the shogunate of Japan, receiving maps and money in exchange for teaching the Japanese to be more Humane. The senate proved to be right about the Varangian intentions:

The pikemen on Sardinia got slaughtered while attacking the city-garrison of Caralis. The Vikings send two Bands of Berserkers to Varna.
The senate questioned itself this aggression at the hands of the Vikings. Apparently the Viking nation had no Byzantine Embassy. This probably caused the war, the senate figured out. The senate concluded that good relations with other nations were necessary to retain Byzantine Hegemony across the globe. Ambassadors were send to every nation.

Ten years later the Byzantine Mediterranean navy, composed of 2 squadrons of galleasses, destroyed 2 Viking squadrons, half longships and half galleasse, south of the Baleares.The Magna Strateia was send to Viking occupied Theveste, at the Atlantic shore. Also a band of Viking warriors was destroyed by the garrison of Trebizond.

In 1350 A.D. the dromon squadron send east through the Suez canal destroyed a flotilla of barbarian Junks before the west coast of Madagascar. (The Intelligence Agency of)Varna (B.I.A.) set up a spy network in Britain. After 3 failed attempts the colonist of Coventry in the new world were convinced by Byzantine propaganda to join the exarchate of Hespera.

Coventry was renamed Kallipolis, the nice city. Everyone his flavour, I guess. The Varangians put up a colony just north of Kallipolis, they called it Molde.

Crusader parties in Hespera set sail to the city of Molde after preparing for ten years. Also gold was discovered in Hespera, the city of Aurea Horta was founded nearby.

The two Berseker bands near Varna were vanquished. And the university of Constantinople came up with a military tradition and started to take a look a naval tactics and strategies. On the cultural area the Poets of Athens finished their heroic epic; The Epic of Justinian. It would inspire many of the youth to be as Justinian.

In 1370 A.D. the idea of the military tradition was spread getting in return 150 gp and almost 100 for the coming centuries.

A decade later the heir of captain Belisarius of the battle of Thebes arrived in Aurea Horta and quickly ordered construction of a massive palace (FP). Aurea Horta would become the new capitol of the exarchate of Hespera.
From Alexandria a squadron of galleons left to Hespera. On board were three parties of Egyptian settlers who wanted to free to express their Islamic religion. The senate agreed that they would be left alone as long as they remained loyal to the republic.

In 1390 A.D. the Exarchal palace was finished in Area Horta.

The Byzantine Oceanus navy rounded Cape Horn and also contacted the last major barbaric nation in the world, the Iroquois.

In 1400 A.D. the Magna Strateia took Theveste, killing 2 varangian crossbowbands. The general, Justinus, looked at the Viking stronghold of Stavanger, just across the sea. He couldn’t think of a way to take the city. Perhaps if the republic had some marine units, like the Viking bersekers, it could be done. Until that time it had to wait.

Eight years later the Viking colony in Hespera was stormed and razed by a band of crusaders. The crusaders also sunk a couple of junks laying in the port.

As Stavanger could not been taken without the proper technology, peace was negotiated. The city of Birka was donated to the Dutch republic.

In 1416 A.D. byzantine wise-ones came up with a guide full of Naval Tactics. The book was traded with the barbarians in exchange for lots of gold. The philosophers went to think about absolutism. Also the city of Nicomedia was added to the exarchate of Hespera.

And Byzantine sailors spotted a new land, they called it nova-Mareterra (new-Zealand).

Also Varna starts a spy network in Carthage. The spies reveal the entire Carthaginian army equals only ten bands of units, mostly defenders. The senate promptly orders to start preparing an invasion.

In 1432 A.D. the city of Edessa is founded in southern Hespera by Byzantine Muslims from Egypt. A new exarchate is instituted, the exarchate of Edessa. The Muslim refugees did get a large amount of autonomy as the senate had promised.

In 1448 A.D. the citizens of Hippo on the island of Malta are bribed by our spies to join the Republic. Malta is incorporated in the theme of Sicilia Magna.

The senate is rejoiced, there were no means yet to take such an island-fortress by force.
With that obstacle removed, the Constantinople declares war upon the infidels in Carthage.

The Magna Strateia butchered the garrison of Utica and took possession of the city. Carthage lost one archer band and one crossbowband. Almost a quarter of their total army.

Leptis Magna is bombed by 2 squadrons of Ships-of-the-Line. The band of crossbowman defending it is reduced to 20% of its original strength.


Theveste and Utica are incorporated into the new theme of Mauritania. Leptis Magna would be joined with Carthage into the theme of Africa.

In 1464 A.D. a crazy senator, named Sukka, thought he could depose the senate and become an monarch, ruling the Imperium with absolute power. The senate ordered him to be castrated, blinded, and banished to an uninhabited island in the great Oceanus.
The scientist now started to improve our guns, thinking something like a flintlock might help. The idea was spread and gave the republic a modest pile of gold and tribute. And Varna infiltrated France. In Constantinople a strange Englishman had build a theater, with a roof! Predictions were it would be broke before new year’s eve.

In 1472 A.D. the magna strateia assaulted Carthage, backed by artillery fire from ships-of-the-line. Carthage’s army now consisted of only 4 bands, three in the capitol.

Eight years later Byzantino-Egyptian Muslims founded Nicaea, under the jurisdiction of the exarch of Edessa.

At the same time the magna strateia attacked Carthage again.

Carthage fell easily. The Carthaginian senate surrendered unconditionally. The Senate of Constantinople made Carthage the capitol of the theme of Africa and allowed many members of the Carthaginian senate to become senator for the theme of Africa.

In 1488 A.D. the Republic controlled 33 cities. 27 in the Old World and 6 in the new world. The Old world was divided in 17 themes and the new world in two exarchates. With that the republic controlled 7% of the world’s land mass and 19% of the world population.

(Notable changes are the Arabs in Africa (Persians too) and Java, the Maya in the Oregon region, me taking over Carthage and the increased European power in the Southern Atlantic.)
[/i]from Chapter 4

The amount of senators totaled 2400.

Isn't that a little mobby? You're playing as a republic, I assume. I mean, this is a little too ingame of me, but it seems like if you had that large a senate, you'd really have just one monarch running the civ.

By the way, I really like your use of game map graphics. What program are you using?

But this is the most interesting map, gamewise. What are all those little nations in Africa? Is it you and the French colonizing South America? Are the Aztecs down there, too?


Great story!
Isn't that a little mobby? You're playing as a republic, I assume. I mean, this is a little too ingame of me, but it seems like if you had that large a senate, you'd really have just one monarch running the civ.

The deomcracy of Athens held councils with all mature male citizens; assemblies and even courtsessions sometimes numbered more than 6000 people. If they managed to keep things running than why not with 2400?

By the way, I really like your use of game map graphics. What program are you using?

Powerpoint for the regional maps and paint for the worldmaps. Very basic.

But this is the most interesting map, gamewise. What are all those little nations in Africa? Is it you and the French colonizing South America? Are the Aztecs down there, too?


The Aztecs are darkgreen and only have Mexico and surroundings. All other Darkgreen dots are Portuguese settlements.
In America/Hespera the colonial powers are from North to South,
England, France, me, France (inland), Portugal, me, the vikings, me, England and me again.

In Africa lightgreen yellow is Ethiopia. Brown is zululand. The Europeans are focused on the west coast of Africa. From North to south it are me, the Vikings, France, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Vikinsg again, Portuguese again and the Greeks-in-banishment. in East-Africa from north to south it are Egypt-in-exile, Arabs (more inland) and Persia.

Great story!

Thank you!
Chapter 7 : Going Industrial

“The fifteenth century was a century of change. It was a beginning of a new era in history. An era some called the Industrial age, but others the Third age. It saw a rapid changes in society; machines gradually took over work traditionally done by hand. Production increased dramatically, a new middle class rose up and demanded more power to the people and the exarchates demanded representation in the senate. The exarch of Hespera, Solonius Brutus, sailed to Constantinople and with aid of the people took over the senate. Solonius instituted reforms. The amount of senators was decreased from 3600 to a more manageable number of 201. Each theme send 10 senators, both exarchates send 15. The capitol area send 11, to make sure there always could be a majority. The Eparch would be chosen by the senate. The Eparch’s term was eight years. He could not be reelected until another eight years had passed. The Eparch was given supreme command of the army and veto-right for all decisions of the senate. Solonius also gave power to the Plebeian Council. It was directly chosen by the working class of the populace. The task of the Plebeian council was to approve, or disapprove, laws made in the senate. The Plebeian council chose from among their ranks their president, known as the Tribune. The Tribune could veto everything coming from the senate and would act as a counterbalance against the power of the Eparch. The council held 401 members, 20 for each theme, thirty for each exarchate and 21 for the capitol-theme.

Solonius was shot three days after his reforms, monuments in his honor were erected all over the exarchates. This reforms would go into history as the Solonian Reforms.”

- The history of the Imperium Romanum by Demobius of Carthage (1761-1843 A.D.)


Historians of the university of Constantinople stated that with the invention of the flintlock by their colleagues, the world had entered a new era, the Third era. The researchers of the university started to think about wagons and ships powered without the use of the wind, horses or other animals. Powered by an engine using the combined elements of fire and water.

In 1496 A.D. Byzantine knowledge of the flintlock was sold to the barbarians in exchange for hundreds of gold pieces for the coming century.
And spies in Newcastle succeeded in turning the city to us.

The city was renamed Solonia and placed under jurisdiction of the exarch of Edessa. Also the plebeian council finally approved the plan to lock the Mediterranean for everyone except Constantinople and Madrid. The sea was renamed Mare Nostrum, ¨our sea¨.

In 1520 A.D. the grand propaganda machine of the Republic convinced the citizens of Oxford that they would be served better with Byzantine control than English.

The city was renamed Lipwig, after the spy who paved the way for this peaceful assimilation. It was added to the exarchate of Hespera.

Eight years later Byzantino-Egyptian Muslims founded the city of Smyrna in Hespera, further increasing the power of the Muslim exarch of Edessa.

In 1569 A.D. the intelligence agency of Varna infiltrated the barbarian nation of the Vikings and the scholars of Byzantion invented an engine powered by water and fire, a so-called Steam engine. Poorly they had used the Hanging Gardens as testing ground, effectively ending all happy feelings that the gardens once created. The senate saw potential in this new way of transport and ordered to begin construction of a railroad system, to link all major cities. They followed the military maxim of speed is armor and lots of speed is…unimaginable.

Seven years later the Magna Strateia landed close to Aurea Horta. The senate had decided it was about time to purchase Byzantine colonial ambitions, complete control of the new world. The plans for the steam engine were sold in exchange for monetary aid and Enlightment. The university of Constantinople spreaded knowledge of old-fashion technology to other nations with a scientific interest. This way knowledge of economics was learned and wealth flowed to the empire. Byzantine scientist were starting to figure out other applications for the steam engine, besides transport. The writers of Constantinople started to work at an Encyclopedia to further enhance Byzantine technological supremacy by writing down all that was known. The city of Athens started construction of the HQ of the Byzantine Indian Company (B.I.C.). Also Varna positioned spies in the Arab-league. They revealed the Arabs would finish the Company about half a decade before Athens. The Athenians gave up their work upon the company HQ and instead started to write down the constitution of the empire. Viking Bodo fell to the Byzantine propaganda campaigns in the West and was incorporated into the exarchate of Hespera.

On the first of January 1600 the last group of Byzantino-Egyptian Muslims reached the new world and founded the city of Chalcedon. The city was put under jurisdiction of the exarch of Edessa.

Varna expanded its spy network into the republic of Portugal. The senate ordered the Magna Strateia to set sail to the pacific, to prepare an attack upon the Inca Empire.

Eight years later Varna infiltrated the Incan government and started to prepare the Incan people for life in the to-be-conquered exarchate of Tawantinsuyu. The spies furthermore reported the Incan army was an insignificant obstacle in the formation of the third exarchate.

The senate thought this adventure would yield an enormous amount of slaves and that the Magna Strateia alone could handle the job.

In 1616 A.D. settlers from Nova Roma founded the city of Sardica deep in the jungle-without-a-name. It was put under jurisdiction of the exarchate of Hespera.
In 1624 A.D. Varna buried the people of Braga underneath propaganda posters. The people of Braga were sick of it and decided they could better join the Byzantine republic than be buried underneath paper with sharp edges. Although the population was not Muslim, the city was put under control of the exarch of Edessa.
Meanwhile the military had made a plan for the invasion of the Incan Empire; operation Pizza (v1533)

The senate gave permission to execute operation Pizza. The Incan barbarians would tremble in fear before the might of Byzantine arms and tactics, the senate supposed.
In 1632 A.D. the Magna Strateia killed two bands of incan archers and one band of clubman. More spectaculair was the eruptions of mount Vesuvius in the theme of Italia. The Italian city of Pompeii, a resort for the rich, was covered with ash. The people did not reallt care, they saw it as a punishment from God for the decadence of the Rich living inside the city.

In 1640 A.D. metropolitan Byzantion send out a squadron of galleons full of colonial infantry. They were ordered race to Quito to get it to speed up the process. Meanwhile in the Pacific theatre the Magna Strateia finished fase 1 of operation Pizza by capturing Tiwanaku, and with the city 4 bands of incan slaves. The slaves were ordered to build a road through the mountains called by the Byzantine cartographers the Walls of the Sun, to Nicaea. Tiwanaku was put under military occupation for the remainder of the war.

The scientists also found another application of the steamengine: massproduction of goods in factories. It would mean a dramatic increase in production. This made the lower class, the labor class, more powerful. With their new found might they demanded Universal Suffrage. The writers in Athens put their work on the constitution to use on the idea.
The scientists now started to professsionalise the science of alchemy into chemistry, they had done what the senate had ordered.

In 1648 A.D. the newfound knowledge was sold to others. The scholars received loads of gold and a new philosophy, Nationalism. The senate realised that with so many people in the empire, something was needed to keep them together. The senate decided Byzantine Citizenship was to be given to many Byzantinezed people in other themes and in the exarchates. Also the homeless brothers of the Byzantines committed suicide by deciding to declare war upon the German republic.

Eight years later fase 2 of operation Pizza was started.

Byzantine crusaders landed near Cori in 1664, starting fase 3 earleier than planned.

In 1672 the Magna Strateia started their mission to slowy grind the garrison of Cuzco into oblivion. The 3 units of crusaders, supported by a unit of fussiliers assualted Cori.

The city was put under military occupation until the end of the war.
Also houses for the mentally insane were opened because the Italian settled on Byzantine land in the theme of Scythia. The fools…

The fools had forgotten that exactly in the theme of Scythia Byzantine military presence was strong. An army composed of 2 units of Lancers and one unit of pikemen chopped the Italic defenders to pieces. The city was burned to prevent spreading of the Italic Disease.

Also the colonial infantry had arrived in the Pacific theatre, they were quite pleased to have arrived on time. The whole plan was scooped over and decided was that the freshmen would take on fase 4: the conquest of Machu Pichu. But after spies revealed it was defended by a garrison of more than 13 units, they were redirected to Quito once more. They were well armed, but not capable of taking down half the Incan army.

In 1696 A.D. two units of colonial infantry sailed into the port of Quito, covered by the darkness of night. They killed the Incan garrison and took control of the city. It was put under military occupation.

Also Varna infiltrated the German barbarian-nation and alchemists were upgraded to chemists.

In 1712 A.D. the chemistry theory is traded for the concept of democracy, knowledge of electricity and a reasonable amount of gold.
In the Pacific theatre the crusader parties approach Ollan and the Magna Strateia is on its way Cuzco, again. In Constantinople the university has finished a massive collection of knowledge, an encyclopedia. When opened two pages fell out. Upon those pages was written the secrets of Replaceable Parts and Steel. They now started to look at improving steam engines.

In 1720 A.D. another squadron of galleons filled with colonial infantry left metropolitan Byzantion to wage war in the West. The Crusader parties assaulted the Incans garrisoned in Ollantaytambo.

The city was taken, abbreviated to Ollan, and put under military occupation. An Incan attempt to reconquer the city was rebuffed.
Spies revealed Cuzco was defended by seven units, a hard nut to crack for the Magna Strateia. The Inca signed a trade embargo with Scandinavia against the Imperium, the senate was not impressed. The Vikings possessed nothing civilized people could desire. In Athens the writers had finished their work on universal suffrage, now everyone, male or female, infant or senior, could vote for representation in the Plebeian Council. This event further weakened the power of the senate and of the patrician families seated in it.

In 1736 colonial infantry from Quito boarded their galleons again and set sail to Machu Pichu, to harass the enemy. The Magna Strateia took out 2 units defending Cuzco before withdrawing themselves. Also Constantinople started to work on a great metal tower of a barbarian architect called Gustav Eiffel.

Eight years later the colonial infantry assaulted Machu Pichu. Killing 2 units of crossbowman and one of clubman but losing one unit of colonial infantry in the process.

In 1752 the fallen unit was avenged by his brethren and they left to Quito, to reorganize. Also knowledge of Replacable Parts was sold to the barbarians upon hearing they had somehow learned to make steel themselves.

Eight years later Egypt declared war on Arabia. England returned the favor and declared war on the Egyptians because of their treaty with the Arabs.

In 1764 the colonial infantry returned to attack Machu Pichu once more.
One unit of Crossbowmen and 2 units of clubmen were vindicated in the raid. Also the Magna Strateia made a third attempt to reclaim its honor. The Netherlands joined the war against Egypt in the same year and Byzantine scientist developed a new engine, a combustion engine. It was fitted in a new model ship; the dreadnoughts. The scientists then started to work on a way to transmit spoken words through the air. The people were confused because they could do that already, they called it shouting.

In 1768 the fresh colonial infantry assaulted Machu Pichu. They killed 3 units of clubmen but lossed one unit themselves too. They sailed to Quito to resupply. Varna infiltrated the Dutch government in the same year, the aim of Varna was to have spies everywhere, to know what happened everywhere. To know anything of importance, even the color of the President’s underpants.

Four years later the Magna Strateia raided Cuzco, killing one unit of Crossbowmen. Three days later the colonial Infantry raided Machu Pichu again, killing one unit of crossbowmen and on of clubman but losing a unit themselves too. Russia joined England in an alliance against the Egyptian nation of Somaliland. Meanwhile Ancyran writers wrote down Byzantine constitution, called the Lex Omnis; the law of everything. The Russian espionage agency was thwarted by Varna in putting up a spy network in Byzantion itself. The Head of the B.I.A. swore the favor would be returned.

In 1776 A.D. Cuzco was taken, its four garrison units were, barely, defeated by the Magna Strateia and a cavalry unit trained in Tiwanaku.

Four bands of Incan´s were enslaved and put to work. Spies reported Machu Pichu was defended by 2 units of crossbowmen and 2 bands of clubmen. Also a privateer squadron tried to squeeze itself into the Mediterranean, but they were send to Davy Jones´ locker.

The colonial infantry, six units now, made another raid at Machu Pichu in 1780. After a bloody battle in witch 2/3 of the colonial infantry perished, Machu Pichu was captured. The Incan empire had finally been subdued.

Or not. Apparently a group of refugees fled from the city, evaded the blockade and founded a city in the high North. Peace is made with them in exchange for 150 gold pieces and 2 slave bands. The military occupation is lifted from the six cities of the former Inca empire. They are reorganized into the exarchate of Tawantinsuyu, with its capitol at Cuzco.

The Byantine invasion of Tawantinsuyu was executed by the following units:
The Magna Starteia
1. 8 band of colonial infantry from the motherland, 2 bands were lost raiding Machu Pichu
2. 3 bands of crusaders from the exarchate of Edessa
3. 1 band of fusiliers from the exarchate of Edessa, the unit was destroyed while repelling an Incan raid upon Ollan.

4. 1 band of colonial infantry trained from the native population of Quito
5. 1 unit of cavalry trained from the native population of Tiwanaku
6. 1 band of rifleman trained from the native population of Quito
7. 3 bands of rifleman trained from the native population of Tiwanaku

The Republic controlled 12% of the world area and 26% of the worldpopulation in 1780 A.D.

The 27 major cities of the Homeland were divided in the seventeen themes, the division of 1488.
The nineteen cities of Byzantine Hespera were divided into three exarchates, one more than in 1488, but 13 cities were founded in the past three centuries.

The exarchate of Hespera:
1. Aurea Horta – Exarchial capitol
2. Bodo
3. Lipwig
4. Kallipolis
5. Nicomedia
6. Nova Roma - First Landing, former exarchial capitol
7. Sardica

The exarchate of Edessa:
1. Edessa – Exarchial capitol
2. Nicaea
3. Solonia
4. Smyrna
5. Braga
6. Chalcedon

The exarchate of Tawantinsuyu:
1. Cuzco – Exarchial capitol
2. Quito
3. Machu Pichu
4. Tiwanaku
5. Ollan
6. Cori

The Byzantine worldview:
This is such an awesome story
Excellent story & You necessarily have to continue! I want to see the Byzantine tanks, stealth fighters and spaceships :) In any case (will you continue or not), thanks for the story.
PS Russia & Ethiopia are both orthodox countries plus I'm sure Russia should be more advanced than Ethiopia. So why Ethiopia is "Light of Civilization" and Russia is "Barbarians of the Faith"?
Chapter 8 : Going Imperial

“Highly esteemed senators of the Republic, honored members of the Plebeian Council, Tribune Gaius Marinus, the light of culture and civilization radiates from our Great city Constantinople, from all the cities of the empire. We have achieved victory in Hespera, the Incan empire is annexed and civilized. With our victory the entire southern continent is under Republican control. But that only everything south of the isthmus called Panama by its inhabitants. North of the isthmus barbarians still rule their petty kingdoms. They may be Christians now, but they are barbarians nonetheless. I suggest to conquer the entire northern continent. I have asked general Philip the Eagle to come up with a plan. Please listen to his idea.” Eparch Kallos Adelphos stepped away from the pedestal and made way for Philip. While looking at the audience Adelphos saw the Tribune looking at him, he was not pleased. Unlike his fellow Plebeians he had a sharp mind. He knew the common people would pay the price of this great war and that the upper class of society, the class that filled the senatorial ranks, would be the real victors of this war. The Tribune knew he could not stop this war. Embittered he decided that the senate and their families would one day pay the price for this bloodshed. One day everyone would be equal. He swore to God it would. General Philip the Eagle stepped up the podium and started to unfold his plan…


In 1780 A.D. the B.I.A. infiltrated the Mayan city-states in preparation of operation Eagleclaw. Furthermore all armies were ordered to gather at Theveste in Africa or Rhegium in southern Italy. A settler party was hastly organized Heliopolis, their task would be to dig the Canal. Scientists traded with their Arab colleagues the idea of Marxism. The Arabs returned home with a brand new Byzantine combustion engine. The senate fearing the idea of Marxism ordered execution of the people responsible for this deal. Resentment against the increasingly tyrannical senate was growing.

Four years later word reached the senate the USA had finished construction of the Statue of Liberty. Another construction designed by Gustav Eiffel. Rumors about the statue being populated by very intelligent Hesperan horses, called Mustangs, who stole all knowledge the people of the world possessed was regarded by the senate to be nonsense.

After another four years Contantinople had its own construction of Gustav Eiffel as well. It had the unexpected effect that all trade based buildings in the city needed no maintenance anymore. The senate started to consider the rumours about the Statue of Liberty to be true.

Scientists humbly mentioned to the senate they had discovered a way of transmitting speech through the air. The senate wanted to send them away but the scientist hastily explained it was done over greater distances than normal shouting. It was done by a device called a radio and allowed to have near-instant contact with every corner of the empire. The Senate was pleased and gave the scientists some subtle hints to look after a way to mass produce industrial goods. Constantinople started to begin organisation of the Olympic games. This time they would be in honour of the glory of the empire instead of the pagan gods of old.

Thanks to the hyper intelligent Mustangs USA-scientists gained knowledge of the radio as well. They sold it to the rest of the world, snatching any Byzantine profit. One more reason to declare war.

Varna infiltrated another nation of Northern-Hespera in 1804. The USA. If the Republic let them be they would grow into a formidable foe. Better to strike quickly.

In 1808 A.D. the Panama Canal was complete and the village was expanded into a city. Panama was designated to become part of the new to be formed exarchate of Novum Byzantium, composed of all Aztec and Mayan lands south of the Western States of the USA. Further war-preparations were made in Ancyra were the Military Academy was completed.

In 1812 A.D. the conquest of the Mayan cities started after spies had revealed Palenque was defended by two bands of ill-equipped soldiers. After shelling by a squadron of dreadnoughts the colonial infantry vanquished the garrison. Unfortunately one unit was lossed in the subjugation of the area.

Four bands of slaves were captured and they were ordered to build a road to Panama. Transports brought 3 units of Lancers and 9 units of Cavalry to Palenque. They rode to Copán immediately upon arrival.

Four years later the Cavalry rode into Copán, virtually unharmed. The three bands of Mayan slaves were send to the road-building project at the Isthmus.

Intelligence reports had revealed Chichen Itza was defended by 9 bands of mainly crossbowmen. The senate now started to negotiate with the Aztecs. The Aztecs were infuriated by the senate’s demands to surrender all their holdings except Tenochtitlan. Varna then send a spy to the Aztecs. The spy was captured and the angry Aztec government declared war, as was planned. Now the world and the people would see the Aztecs as the aggressor and a threat to civilization.

The greatest army ever send out by the empire now marched to the Aztec city of Tlatelolco, the future capitol of the exarchate of Novum Byzantium.

In 1820 A.D. the Magna Strateia took the city of Tlatelolco, formation of the exarchate begun. An army composed of 12 units of lancers and 4 units of cavalry was send to Chichen Itza. At the same time transports filled with six units of colonial infantry sailed to that city too.

Byzantine scientists discovered that mass production was not that hard, just put things on belts and let Chinese do it. They presented their ideas to the senate and were very happy for not being executed. They started to look at more ways of landbased motorized transport. The knowledge was hastily spread to be ahead of the USA’s mysterious mustangs. The art of making good medicine was learned this way.

Chichen Itza was shelled by 2 dreadnought-squadrons in 1824 to soften up the Mayan defences. After the shelling the army marched to the city, bend on conquest. The army lost 1 unit of Cavalry and 1 of lancers. Now only the Mayan city-states of Tikal and Yaxchilán, north-west of the USA, remained. Colonial infantry would be send there as soon as the exarchate was secured. For now the colonial infantry sailed to Teotihuacan, to take the city as soon as the garrison thinned out.

Four years later the Magna Strateia besieged Tenochtitlan, with the aid of 4 units of cavalry and 2 units of lancers. Another event of notice was the organization of the Olympics in the barbarian British city of Nottingham. Constantinopolitan citizens donated the resources put into this games to build a stock exchange. Sports don’t matter, they thought, but money does.

The siege of Tenochtitlan lasted until 1832, when the Magna Strateia killed the city garrison of 2 units of crossbowmen and one of pikemen.

The son of general Philip, Alexeios the Tall climbed the great pyramid of the temple of the sun. Alexeios slipped. The blood of millions of sacrifices had turned the red temple a bit.. hard to climb. The Aztec reign of terror had ended, but various cities were still ruled by Aztec remants. The people were told by Alexeios there would be no more bloodshed. Two units of cavalry were send to the nearby city of Tlaxcala were they crushed the garrison. They were so stupefied by the fall of Tenochtitlan that they put up little resistance. The rest of the units besieging Tenochtitlan marched to Teotihuacan. After they were reinforced the army counted 4 units of cavalry and 3 units of lancer. Before the coast a squadron of transports, full with colonial infantry, was waiting to aid the land army if necessary.

In 1836 the First Battle of Teotihuacán was fought between the Aztec successor state in Teotihuacán and the Republic. Grave losses were inclined on the Aztec side, but their brave defense repelled the Byzantine invaders for the moment. The Byzantine army had lost 1 unit of cavalry and 2 units of Colonials. The army’s were withdraw from the enemies lands to replace the fallen. “Commoners enough.” Eparch Galerius said. Prominent Aztec leaders who had fled to the barbarian nation of Brittain meanwhile convinced the British house of Lords to punish the Byzantines for their invasion. The British made up an embargo against the republic. None cared, as the empire now bought its furs in trustworthy Russia, instead of malevolent Brittain.

Four years later the Teotihuacan-republic was conquered by 4 fresh units of cavalry from Chichen Itza. With some naval bombardment and with the aid of the colonials the city was captured. Unfortunately 1 unit of colonials drowned in the harbor leaving just 3 units of colonials in Hespera. Eight bands of Aztec slaves were captured. They were forced to build the railroad that would one day be between the Cape of Chalcedon and the Incans-in-exile Huamanga. Also the senate ordered all but a few of the citizens of Copán to be deported to Nova-Mareterra, to found an outpost there. The Magna Strateia was done recruiting and went to Texcoco and the completion of operation Eagleclaw.

The Magna Strateia took the city of Texcoco in 1844 A.D. The exarchate of Novum Byzantium was completed. The exarch, former general Alexeios, started its rule from the city of Tlaxcala. Operation Eagleclaw would go into history as the most successful operation of the republic.

The three cities, Tikal, Yaxchillan & Calixtlahualca, on the Pacific coast of the Oceanus became the new targets. They would form the fifth exarchate. The exarchate of Occidens Hesperae, the west of hespera.

In the same year scientists figured out the difficulties of modernized transports, exchanging knowledge of it with the rest of the world. This way trench warfare tactics became known to Byzantine recruits in the military academy. Some leftwing scientists started in secret to work out the idea of totalitarianism, this way the ideas of Marx could be put into use.

Four years later 1/3 of the army was equipped with new machineguns, making the Byzantine army once again the most modern and powerful in totus mundi. In the pacific theatre an army composed of 4 units of cavalry, one unit of lancers and one unit of rifleman sailed from Tlaxcala to Tikal. Meanwhile the deported Mayans from Copan arrived on Nova-Mareterra, founding the city of Copán-Tranoceanus, Copán across the Ocean. It was placed under jurisdiction of the Exarch of Tawantinsuyu.

In 1852 troops were landed close to Tikal and the first load of cadets formed up a Magna Strateia, called the Strateia Alexeia, Alexeios’ army, for themselves. They were ordered to go to the New World. Also reports came in the Americans conquered the sky. They discovered how to fly…
As the saying goes; the higher you fly the more the fall will hurt you, at least without friction off course, and….uhh... other things help as well.

Four years later Tikal was taken after a lengthy naval bombardment. The city was renamed Caput Occidentis, head of the West. The city was promptly promoted to the rank of Exarchial capitol. Transports dropped an amry of 5 units of lancers and one unit of Cavalry north of Yaxchillán.

In international politics the USA signed a mutual protection pact with the republic of Persia. The American nut was getting increasingly hard to crack. But crack it would.

In 1860 A.D. the last Mayan city-state, Yaxchilan, fell to the Byzantine Conquerors. It would prove to be a fine addition to the exarchate of Occidens Hesperae. With that the Mayan people lost their sovereignity. Five bands of slaves were captured and they were forced to develop the infrastructure of the exarchate. The name of the city was abbreviated to Yax, it would prove to spare out a lot of ink and paper.

An army of 4 units of cavalry that had landed close to Calixtlahuaca four years ago, waged an attack. The army killed four units of the defenders, but the city didn’t fall, yet. Not much later reinforcements arrived, 5 units of lancers landed close to the peninsula. Also scientist exchanged knowledge with Persian Magi, knowledge of motorized transport for sanitational wisdom.

In 1868 the last Aztec stronghold was finally taken. Calix, as it was abbreviated, was incorporated into the fifth exarchate. Three bands of slaves were added to the Byzantine Forced Labor Forces.

The scientists, researchers and other philosophoi of the Byzantine empire send a letter to the senate. They stated that they had lost their technological hegemony. Other, barbarian, nations were in a new age and had big-airplanes-that-drop-exploding-balls, armoured-wagons-with-a-long-pipe-that-shoot-like-a canon and “other cool stuff”. They said they would need more money or else they would be outdated soon. The Senate angered the Technocrats by instead removing all government aid to the science & research of the empire. They would be one more group with a growing hatred against the oligarchic regime of the senate. The Plebeians wanted protection and justice, but they received none. The scientists imported the idea of totalitarianism from the Koreans in exchange for rubber. For exporting the idea of totalitarianism to English rebels knowledge of flight was brought to the land. The export of the idea to Scandinavia gave the empire also a more advanced way of flying. Now the Imperium possessed big-airplanes-that-drop-exploding-balls as well as other nations. Because of that term being so long they were simply called bombers. Research started with electronics, but without government support it would be hopeless. Resentment against the senate and the other nobles of the empire was growing, fast. A new era was about to begin.

(The Egyptians still exist but they had lost all their cities;only one band of settlers left near Edessa. Hawaii is Korean, not mine.)
The empire in 1868 controlled 15% of the world area and 29% of the worldpopulation.

The 27 major cities of the Homeland were divided in the seventeen themes, the division of 1488.

The 32 cities of Byzantine Hespera and Nova-mareterra were divided into five exarchates but 13 cities.

The exarchate of Hespera:
1. Aurea Horta – Exarchial capitol
2. Bodo
3. Lipwig
4. Kallipolis
5. Nicomedia
6. Nova Roma - First Landing, former exarchial capitol
7. Sardica

The exarchate of Edessa:
1. Edessa – Exarchial capitol
2. Nicaea
3. Solonia
4. Smyrna
5. Braga
6. Chalcedon

The exarchate of Tawantinsuyu:
1. Cuzco – Exarchial capitol
2. Quito
3. Machu Pichu
4. Tiwanaku
5. Ollan
6. Cori
7. Copán-Transoceanus

The exarchate of Novum Byzantium:
1. Tlatelolco – Exarchial capitol
2. Panama
3. Palenque
4. Copán
5. Chichén Itza
6. Tenochtitlan
7. Tlaxcala
8. Texcoco
9. Teotihuacan

The exarchate of Occidens Hesperae:
1. Caput Occidentis – Exarchial capitol
2. Yax
3. Calix
Excellent story & You necessarily have to continue! I want to see the Byzantine tanks, stealth fighters and spaceships :) In any case (will you continue or not), thanks for the story.
PS Russia & Ethiopia are both orthodox countries plus I'm sure Russia should be more advanced than Ethiopia. So why Ethiopia is "Light of Civilization" and Russia is "Barbarians of the Faith"?

It takes some time to write a story.
To be part of the "Light of Civilization" two criteria have to be met:
1 Being a Christian nation (faithfull)
2 Being a nation of antiquity. Byzantium is de facto the Greek version of the Roman Empire, so that explains Greece. Axum/Ethiopia was one of the major powers in the time of the late Roman Empire/early Byzantine empire. The other two were now muslim Persia and India.:crazyeye: (civilized)
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