Be Nice to Your Elders!

Originally posted by Superevie

. If they are picking on you, well...then they're fair game. :lol:

It's like that old saying when you are working in retail, "the customer is always right". Well guess what? Not in this day and age.
Old people are the worse for looking down on people cause they are younger. If old people or anyone else gives me crap they get it right back.

Go get em SE!! ;)
Originally posted by Gothmog

Troll much?

It was an observation based on past experiences..... but it can be applied to any nationality, mine included.
It wasn't meant as a troll, but I understand how you might see it as one.
While I think it is respectful to consider the opinions of those with more experience than you, it is absurd to think that someone deserves a special formality in demeanor simply because they were born at an earlier time. All people should be treated as you wish them to treat you. The only exception to this rule is regarding you're parents. If your parents are good and mature people (most aren't, though I personally am very lucky) then it is proper to show a degree of deference simply because you are in their debt, so to speak, for raising you for roughly twenty years. While they are obligated, they are only human and a show of appreciation is not out of order, unless of course they were abusive or simply childish themselves.
Originally posted by Superevie
This is for all the youngin's here! Are you respectful of your elders? I'm curious if this is a regional thing at all because in the South, we have a little thing called "Southern Hospitality." ;) I always call my elders either Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. It's only polite and I do use sir and ma'am. Do you guys try to be respectful or do you treat your elders the same way you would someone your own age?

I never call anyone anything. ("Okay" is easier to say than "Okay, Mr. Smith") I am never insulting to them though, I usually want to be left alone.
Originally posted by Sir Eric
Why are Americans so obsessed with needing to be respected but never do any thing to be respected for?

Not true! Such blanket statement would NEVER be true! Never use the word NEVER unless you are 100% absolutely sure that there isn't existed at least one instant in time where Americans have done something respectful!
Originally posted by Moonsinger

Not true! Such blanket statement would NEVER be true! Never use the word NEVER unless you are 100% absolutely sure that there isn't existed at least one instant in time where Americans have done something respectful!

That would be taking things OT of this thread.
Like I said in my 2nd post on this page, it is based on past experiences with meeting americans in RL.
I would say that roughly 70% of AMericans that I have met think that they own the world, want other people to respect them but do very little to earn it.

Respect is not demanded or taken, it is earned
If you dont have it then you never earned it so dont ask for it cause you wont get it.

In Hind sight perhaps never wasn't the best choice of word, would you agree that mostly is more appropriate?
I treat them like I do anyone else: nice.

oh yeah, and you guys, lay off Sir Eric: it's just semantics :)
besides, the man has a point
it's just a cultural difference. of course its a generalisation, but generalisations are generally true :)
Originally posted by Sir Eric
I would say that roughly 70% of AMericans that I have met think that they own the world, want other people to respect them but do very little to earn it.

Does that meant the other 30% of them are respectful? Now, I hope you see why your blanket statement was false! I stand correctly! Never use the word never unless you can come up with 100% of certainty. Since you can come up with only 70% of the number, it's not good enough to qualify as "NEVER".;)

Basically, I think it can't be true to say that the elders have NEVER done this or that unless we are absolutely sure that 100% of them have NEVER done it. Just replace the word "Americans" with the word "Elders" and we are right back on topic.;)
The way I see it. The elders don't have much time left to spend on earth; therefore, it's perfectly understandable why they are a little up-tight sometimes. On the other hand, we are still young and have a lifetime ahead of us, why not let them have their ways? And even if we have to knee to them a little bit, what is the big deal?
Originally posted by Moonsinger

Does that meant the other 30% of them are respectful? Now, I hope you see why your blanket statement was false! I stand correctly! Never use the word never unless you can come up with 100% of certainty. Since you can come up with only 70% of the number, it's not good enough to qualify as "NEVER".;)

Ok Ok I posted hastily and got spanked by you for it. :cry:
I still stand by my percentages, but I wish to say no more on the subject because I dont hate Americans nor do I wish to be portrayed as one that does. My comment is based on personal experiences and though it may not have been worded accurately I still think it stands true.
FWIW this sort of "respect me cause I say so" mentality is evident more here then it use to be, It stinks, I hate it.

Basically, I think it can't be true to say that the elders have NEVER done this or that unless we are absolutely sure that 100% of them have NEVER done it. Just replace the word "Americans" with the word "Elders" and we are right back on topic.;)
I will show my elders some respect. Not going as far to call them sir or ma'am. But, better then how I see other people treating elders.
Originally posted by Superevie

Yes, of course. :) I'm not trying to say with this thread that absolutely everyone older than you should be revered. I'm saying do you give people older than you a special courtesy initially. If they are picking on you, well...then they're fair game. :lol:

In that case, yes, i surely do.
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